Diet Protasov: features, principle of action and results. Sample menu

Kim Protasov’s diet is one of the most beloved not only in Russia, but also among our former compatriots living abroad. Over the years of popularity, it has collected a lot of well-deserved positive reviews: being neither strict nor dangerous, the “fight” gives a fairly quick and stable result. All ingenious is simple!

Diet Protasov: features, principle of action and results. Sample menu

Kim Protasov’s diet is designed for 5 weeks, and it is often called one of the disadvantages of the diet. But there are also advantages – she is loyal and does not have a detrimental effect on health.

Duration: 5 weeks + from 2 weeks to exit the diet;

Features: easily tolerated, belongs to the number of healthy diets;

Cost: low (especially during the vegetable harvest season!);

Result: from 5 to 20 kg;

Recommended frequency: Once a year;

Additional effect: cleansing the skin, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helping with excessive cravings for sweets;

Not suitable for those suffering from allergies, gastritis, irritable stomach syndrome and / or lactose intolerance, pregnant and lactating women. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

Is Kim Protasov a real person or a fictional character?

“Kim Protasov” – this is how the legendary article published in the middle of the distant 1999 in the émigré newspaper “Russian Israeli” was signed. Under the comic title “Don’t make a cult out of food: a thin cow is not a gazelle yet”, referring to the “great combinator” Ostap Bender, a previously unknown author outlined the essence of the diet, which he himself called “amazing”. With inimitable national humor, the author of the article criticized the “hungry” approach of modern diets and promised a “phantasmagoric” result in just five weeks and without any special restrictions.

Having carefully studied the article, the readers of the “Russian Israeli” found the advice of the mysterious Kim Protasov quite sound. And the first “testers” of the Protasov diet were convinced of its effectiveness. “Protasovka” went to the people and has been popular for over twenty years!

Kim Protasov, who either invented or compiled one of the most famous food systems in modern Russia, is often called a “nutritionist”, but there is no reliable biographical or professional data about him. It is not even known whether this name is a real one or a pseudonym. The aforementioned note in the émigré press is his only work. Be that as it may, tens of thousands of people say that Protasov’s diet changed their lives, they are sincerely grateful to its author, and they, in general, do not care what kind of person is hiding behind the signature “Kim Protasov” and whether he has a diploma nutrition specialist.

How and why does the Protasov diet work?

The average daily calorie intake of food consumed by an adult is from 1,8 to 2,5 thousand calories. The diet of the Protasov diet, consisting mainly of vegetables and milk protein, lowers this bar to approximately 1,2-1,5 thousand calories per day. Due to the large amount of fiber, creating a feeling of satiety, and slowly digesting protein, losing weight on the “shuffle” does not experience hunger and, at the same time, practically without discomfort and obvious restrictions, spends fat reserves. Add to this the fermented milk and vegetable “cleansing” of the intestines, which helps the body to assimilate protein even more efficiently, and the purely psychological effect of getting used to abundant, juicy and thermally unprocessed food. If you combine the Protasov diet with fitness, the result will be even more impressive.

By the way, speaking about the “shuffle” effect: in his famous article, the author writes that everyone “will lose as much as necessary.” According to the experience of those who followed a diet, it is possible to lose from 5 to 20 kg in five weeks. By the way, the chemical diet of Osama Hamdiy, designed for 4 weeks, promises about the same result.

Protasov’s diet for 5 weeks: the diet of the first week

Most of those who have gone through the Protasov diet call this week the most difficult, noting, however, that they did not experience discomfort from hunger – it was not easy to rearrange the very look at the composition of the daily menu and correctly organize the purchase of food. At the same time, after three to four days, those who are losing weight begin to navigate well in the permitted products and make up appetizing and healthy dishes from them.

So, in the first week on the Protasov diet, raw vegetables are allowed, according to the experience of losing weight on a diet – mostly non-starchy (leafy vegetables and herbs, green beans and peas, cabbage (except cauliflower), cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini) and dairy and sour milk products with a fat content of no more than 5% (but not whole milk) – kefir, homemade cheese (unsalted), yoghurts without additives, cottage cheese.

It is better to minimize the use of salt, and prepare the lightest salad dressing, with a small amount of vegetable oil, lemon juice and spices. But be careful with hot spices – they can irritate your stomach and whet your appetite.

The good news is that the amount of food is not limited, but you need to make sure that the total amount of dairy does not exceed the number of vegetables per day, and the optimal ratio of vegetable to dairy will be 2: 1. Also, the Protasov diet already at the initial stage allows you to eat one boiled egg a day and three green apples.

Approximate daily menu in the first week of the Protasov diet

Breakfast: an apple, a glass of low-fat yogurt without additives, coffee without sugar;

Lunch: a cucumber appetizer with homemade cheese;

Dinner: a large bowl of assorted vegetable salad with grated cheese, apple, tea;

Afternoon snack: apple, carrot, lettuce drizzled with lemon juice

Dinner: boiled egg, tomato tartare with fresh herbs, caraway seeds and garlic, a glass of kefir.

What can you drink on the Protasov diet? In addition to the obvious low-fat kefir, the author does not prohibit or limit the use of tea and coffee, noting, however, that they can only be drunk without sugar. Not less than two liters of plain clean water without gas is an obligatory element of the daily menu of “shuffle”. Vegetable and fruit juices are prohibited, as is, of course, alcohol.

Protasov’s diet for 5 weeks: the diet of the second week

In general, the following days from the eighth to the fourteenth on the Protasov diet are similar to days from the first to the seventh, with the only difference that now non-starchy vegetables are not desirable, but mandatory as a main product. It is important to eat them raw, avoiding even minimal cooking. For dairy products, the principles remain the same, and one egg and three apples continue to grace the daily diet.

Most of those who lost weight on the Protasov diet agree that by the end of the second week, cravings for sweets and fat disappears without a trace, but a new and very pleasant feeling of lightness appears. Some even voluntarily give up the luxury of an egg!

Approximate daily menu in the second week of the Protasov diet

Breakfast: cottage cheese with herbs, coffee;

Lunch: apple slices and celery sticks with yogurt;

Dinner: large salad with a light dressing of aromatic oil and lemon juice, with chopped egg and grated cheese;

Afternoon snack: any assorted vegetables, cottage cheese, tea;

Dinner: two apples, a glass of kefir.

Protasov’s diet for 5 weeks: the diet of the third week

Congratulations, you’re in the midst of a shuffle! In the third week, the diet becomes even more varied and satisfying. 5 grams of lean meat of farm animals, poultry (without skin) or fish fillets are added to any raw vegetables and dairy products no more fat than 300%. They are allowed to be steamed, boiled or baked without oil. Eating meat or fish should be at your discretion – distribute portions for the whole day or deal with the whole amount in one meal. The main thing is that the amount of a new product in Protasov’s diet does not exceed 300 grams. The egg and apples remain in place in the third week, but it is advisable to reduce the consumption of cheese and cottage cheese by about a quarter to a third.

Approximate daily menu in the third week of the Protasov diet

Breakfast: baked in the oven without butter, cottage cheese with an egg and an apple, coffee;

Lunch: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt;

Dinner: okroshka on kefir with boiled meat;

Afternoon snack: “Sandwiches” of large tomato circles with grated carrots, corn and garlic;

Dinner: salad of cucumber and peeler thinly sliced ​​zucchini with boiled meat strips.

Diet Protasov: diet of the fourth and fifth weeks

In the last weeks of Kim Protasov’s diet, you continue to eat raw vegetables, lean meats, fish or chicken, eggs, cheeses, and apples. Oddly enough, many of those who have gone through the “shuffle” claim that it is at this stage that the extra pounds go away most intensively. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for quitting the diet: if suddenly Protasov’s diet tired you a little, take comfort in the fact that soon you will be able to eat again much of what you have not seen for a long five weeks! But be careful and moderate so that the effect of the Protasov diet is preserved for a long time.

Exit from the Protasov diet

The way out is no less important stage of any diet than strict adherence to the diet itself. In the first days after the end of any diet there is a danger of breakdown and “falling” into gluttony. Therefore, it is very important to tune in in advance for a worthy ending, which will help keep the weight at a mark that pleases the heart and eyes.

After completing Kim Protasov’s diet, you switch to low-fat dairy products (up to 1% fat), add fats to the menu (in total, no more than 40 grams per day and mainly vegetable), add nuts and cereals for breakfast (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal), and also do not forget about vegetables and fruits (any fruits and berries, except for bananas and grapes, are allowed in the company of apples at the exit from the “shuffle”). Meat and fish (still not fried or stewed in sauce or butter) should be consumed in a “protasov” amount of 300 g / day at least for the first time after the end of the diet. The total duration of the “weekend” period recommended by the Protasov diet is from two weeks to infinity.

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