Diet pills, reviews

Many girls are trying to get rid of extra pounds by all available means, including using diet pills. Woman’s Day spoke with Yulia Borisovna Moskvicheva, a nutritionist at the European Aesthetic Medicine Center, about the pros and cons of such a “diet”.

Are all diet pills sold are dietary supplements and sold over the counter?

No, not all. In the pharmacy network, drugs are sold on prescriptions from a doctor, which are medicinal products. They may have various names, but their active ingredients are orlistat and sibutramine.

All other drugs are biologically active additives (BAA), most often they contain plant components (for example, caffeine), which can have an activating effect on the nervous system, thus spurring metabolism, laxatives, choleretic, diuretics, fiber, which, swelling in the stomach, allows you to reduce the size of the portion consumed, and so on.

Is it true that you don’t have to diet while taking weight loss pills? They say the pill will do it all for you?

Manufacturers of medicines necessarily indicate that preparations containing orlistat and sibutramine are only additional means in the transition to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

They do not promise miracles and warn of possible side effects. But the advertising of dietary supplements promises just miracles – eat what you want and lose weight. This should alert you!

Weight loss medications have a number of contraindications. They are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s state of health.

They also have certain side effects, which can occur in any case, despite the fact that these drugs have passed many clinical trials.

But dietary supplements have only a safety certificate, which indicates that they do not contain mercury and other heavy metals.

Manufacturers are silent about the side effects of dietary supplements. But they often include highly active substances that raise blood pressure, increase heart rate, cause insomnia, nervous agitation, etc. Self-medication with both weight loss drugs and dietary supplements is strongly discouraged. The consequences for pregnant women, nursing women and adolescents can be especially dangerous!

Does the weight loss effect after a course of pills remain forever?

Even if you have taken a course of weight loss drugs, but have not changed your lifestyle, the effect of taking them will be very short-lived. Please note that most dietary supplements do not affect the reduction of adipose tissue at all.

The slimming effect is achieved due to the diuretic or laxative effect, and as soon as you stop taking such dietary supplements, you immediately regain the lost pounds.

Uncontrolled intake of diuretics and laxatives can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance of the body, cause fainting, anemia, poor health, and the development of dysbiosis.

Why is there much talk about the dangers of sibutramine?

The appearance at the beginning of the XNUMXst century of an overweight drug with similar properties was sensational! But gradually its unwanted side effects began to appear.

Constipation and dry mouth are unpleasant, but can be corrected by increasing fiber and fluid intake. But it turned out that such funds can have a negative effect on the state of the cardiovascular system of obese patients.

Heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, fainting, migraine-like headaches – this is an incomplete list of symptoms when taking drugs containing sibutramine. Despite this, American doctors believed that the weight loss effect for the patient was more important in the long term than these side effects. Moreover, they did not appear in everyone and the degree of their severity was different.

But then more and more reports of myocardial infarction, increased depression and even cases of suicide among patients receiving pills began to arrive.

Can sibutramine be a part of dietary supplements?

The advent of weight loss drugs with the prefix -light initially worried doctors. After all, she was associated with a far from harmless drug, which is based on sibutramine.

And about its safety, there are still discussions in the medical community. But, having studied the composition of this “miracle light”, most doctors breathed a sigh of relief: there is no trace of sibutramine in the composition, and the main active ingredient is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and vitamin E. What is this wonderful conjugated linoleic acid ( KLK)? Linoleic acid belongs to the class of omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. They are also called essential fatty acids.

The role of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic processes has been the subject of nutritional research since the 90s. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized by humans, we get them from food. Linoleic acid is found in the fat of beef, lamb, pork.

It is widely distributed in unrefined vegetable oils: safflower, grape seed, cedar and many others. In the body, linoleic acid is converted into arachidonic acid. The value of polyunsaturated acids is very high: they support membrane structures, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and control the growth of fat cells. It was the latter property that became the reason for the inclusion of linoleic acid, first in sports nutrition, and then in dietary supplements for weight loss.

According to the initial conclusions of the Institute of Nutrition: “It is likely that CLA contributes to weight loss, but this remains to be confirmed.” However, the clever medical merchants, seizing the first half of the conclusions, immediately start an advertising campaign with promising proposals to get rid of excess weight. If you really want to lose weight and not harm yourself, then sign up for a consultation with an endocrinologist. Only with an integrated approach to weight loss and only under the supervision of specialist doctors can a long-term result be achieved.

Is it true that Thai pills contain drugs?

Unfortunately, the so-called Thai tablets can contain potent psychotropic substances. Their exact composition is unknown, because they did not even receive a safety certificate required for the distribution of dietary supplements.

Thai tablets are imported into Russia illegally. It seems to me that this is quite enough for a sane person not to buy them.

The effect of weight loss when using them is associated with the activation of the nervous system, most likely due to the phentermine or other amphetamine-like substance that is part of them. There is a risk of addiction, the development of psychosis and cardiovascular failure. Is it worth paying that price for weight loss?

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