Let the doctors believe that autumn is not the time for fierce battles for the slimness of the waist, but there is nowhere to go and an urgent need to lose weight. What girl has never had this thought? Show her to us and we’ll be the first to throw her a hamburger! On this occasion, has selected a diet for you for the New Year. You just have to choose and strictly follow the weight loss program.
Diet option for the brave and determined
In general, let’s start. Option one, quite extreme, for the brave and decisive.
1. Quit your job.
2. Lend everything accumulated by overwork in the office to the most unreliable friend, leaving only a couple of thousand rubles for the first, most terrible time. You don’t need more!
3. Then, with battles and tears, knock out your hard-earned money from this friend, get nervous. How can you not be nervous? He is fooling you and deceiving you for nothing! And you believe, hope and expect money …
4. Buy buckwheat with the remaining money (by the way, it has risen in price, so you won’t buy much).
5. Accept that he will never give you anything.
6. Oh, you can’t figure him out: he gives you a couple of thousand out of a huge debt (two weeks have passed).
7. You again begin to twitch, hope, and believe, and wait for money!
8. Eat, as before, one buckwheat, you have already tried it in a hundred different types and forms, with yogurt, spices, which, by pure chance, remained in your kitchen, in the form of pies and loose – whatever you like …
9. Quit smoking because you don’t have money for cigarettes.
10. Cry your girlfriends, what a scoundrel he is. They sympathize, but they don’t offer money.
11. Here, probably, his conscience begins to torment him again, and he again gives you a couple of thousand: you buy meat, you have carrots in the refrigerator, like potatoes, stew the meat and live peacefully for a week, not thinking about anything.
12. Yes, forget about transport: you can walk everywhere, and if not, then you don’t have to go there. As a result, you walk a lot, and sometimes even run.
13. On December 29, when you are already desperate, a friend gives you all the debt! However, you are surprised when trying on a dress: it looks like it was sewn on you! Hooray! The goal has been achieved. Buy on the joys of delicacies and gifts for everyone, spend all your money at once, not worrying about anything. Happy New Year!
Diet for nerds: fractional meals
Option two. For less exalted people, and frankly, for nerds. fractional meals.
You only do what you eat! Not a diet, but a feast of the belly, but with only one “but”: in one sitting you should not eat more than 100 kcal, that is, you have the legal right to eat a cheese sandwich for breakfast and even anoint bread with butter, but more nothing should be in your mouth. You can probably even treat yourself to a chocolate bar, but one candy will be more than enough! And after that there is nothing for an hour. Yes, you have to eat strictly according to the clock, and I forgot the excuses that I was on the road, the time on the phone got lost, and similar excuses are not accepted. During the day, you should eat 10 times, then – everything, only water! Yes, juices are also considered a meal. And yoghurts, curds, not to mention marmalades with marshmallows and cookies. Kilograms go away simply due to the fact that the body is not used to digesting food so often and, accordingly, is a little confused.
However, this is exactly what additional energy is spent, due to which you slowly but surely lose centimeters at the waist and kilograms on the scales. And one more bonus: on this diet, the metabolism is accelerated just to cosmic speeds. It is useful on this diet to think about what you are chewing now, without distraction, with concentration and monotony. It is best to do this at the same time. Yes, and remember: if you eat scanty portions of cakes at every meal, nothing sensible will come of it! You will remain hungry anyway, since cakes do not saturate, but only raise blood sugar levels, and sharp fluctuations in sugar levels can shake the endocrine system, and with a sharp decrease in sugar, you will have an irresistible desire to eat something else, especially at night. when you can’t eat.
Yes, and how do you feel about the abolition of sweets? If you can withstand a month or two without a sweet, then, do a favor, give up until the New Year. In general, don’t, because health food stores (and ordinary supermarkets) are now full of healthy sweets that practically do not add calories to your diet, but relieve you of cravings for all kinds of cotton candy. The result will exceed all your expectations, you must be warned immediately. Or maybe you will like it so much that you will forever exclude all cream cakes and other eclairs from your menu!
Diet for donuts and donuts
Option three. For donuts and donuts.
If, to be honest, you have enough excess weight for three more well-fed girls, then you should try to go on a strict diet from Claudia Schiffer, just get ready to suffer from hungry colic! Forewarned is forearmed. We exclude bananas, grapes and dates from the menu – we eat the rest of the fruits strictly in accordance with the menu. So, the menu.
Breakfast – muesli. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal or buckwheat with boiling water and add a handful of any fruits, except, of course, prohibited.
Snack – fruit cocktail. Mix 100 g of any juice with 100 g of plain yogurt.
Dinner – vegetable stew. Stew recipe: pour a little water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, throw in a few cauliflower inflorescences, add finely chopped red peppers, a carrot (one), a tablespoon of green peas (or beans), half an onion, celery root, parsley and season everything it is a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Dinner – Chicken breast sandwich on whole grain bread or bran bread.
Snack before bed – fruit pilaf: boil 50 g of rice and mix with grated apple or 100 g of any other fruit.
The menu gives a total of 1200 kcal.
But you won’t sit on it for a long time. This time. Break down, how to drink, break loose. And two is that the calorie content of this diet is barely enough to cover your resting metabolism. And, despite the abundance of fruits and vegetables, it is hardly possible to speak in this case about a balanced diet. This is exactly what a diet, not a diet, for years to come. In addition, you will have to carry your lunch with you everywhere and not eat in public catering, which, you must admit, is not very convenient.
For vegetarians and healthy diets
If you need to quickly remove a couple of extra centimeters at the waist, buckwheat diet will do. The whole subtlety is that buckwheat should not be boiled for half an hour, but filled with boiling water and left alone for eight hours. You need what you get, without spices and oil! And even more so milk or sugar. Just buckwheat. Every day without limits. It is very difficult to endure more than a week, I honestly tell you, as losing weight on all diets at once and alternately. Again, all restaurants, New Year’s parties with friends disappear (there is a feast there, and you are with buckwheat), so think if you can survive at least a week. This diet cannot be called balanced either.
For vegetarians and those on a healthy diet.
Breakfast: kefir with chopped fruit (half a peach + half an apple is fine), green tea.
Snack: half an apple left over after breakfast, or 10 plums or apricots.
Lunch: two vegetable salads – beetroot with prunes or nuts and “vitamin” (chopped cabbage and grated carrots, you can season with a spoonful of olive oil or thick yogurt), a slice of whole grain bread. Or cucumbers and radishes – the dressing is the same as in “vitamin”. Green or black tea with lemon, but no sugar (you can but don’t need to use a sweetener).
Snack: an apple or some other fruit.
Dinner: again kefir with fruit.
If you have a card to the fitness center, go there every day for step aerobics or some other high-impact workout. And then to the pool. Observe the daily routine. After a month, step on the scales and understand that the month was not in vain! You should not sit on this diet for a long time, because due to a lack of protein, as you know, the immune system collapses, hair suffers and, in general, without hot life is boring and joyless, especially in winter. The diet resembles the famous “shuffle”. However, I started practicing it 15 years ago. Well, that is, a little earlier than Kim Protasov published a description of his diet in the newspaper “Russian Israeli” in 1999. However, Kim would not have a beet salad, only raw vegetables and fruits are allowed there, and who is ready to chew raw beets, raise your hands!