Diet on vegetables and grains. Video

Diet on vegetables and grains. Video

Girls love to experiment with their bodies. Especially the demand for diets is observed before and after any holidays. One of the most popular and trendy modern diets is the raw food diet.

For some people in the world, a raw food diet is a way of life. This style of eating helps to get rid of various diseases and toxins, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and increases human performance. Also, a raw food diet helps to normalize weight and improve metabolism.

A raw food diet involves periodically avoiding cooked foods. In this case, only cereals, fruits, nuts, berries and vegetables remain in the diet. In very strict variants of such a diet, it is recommended to give up even tea and coffee.

Many celebrities adhere to the raw food diet. For example, this was the diet that Steve Jobs preferred. For many years, Ornella Muti, Demi Moore, Annette Larkins and others have eaten exclusively raw foods.

Please note: the diet of raw foodists is quite ascetic, but it is rich in vitamins and useful microelements. Be sure to add dried nuts to your food – they are rich in vegetable protein. Also, don’t ignore seeds and grains. Use the latter without cooking. For example, in the evening, pour boiling water over rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, and in the morning add dried fruits and honey to the porridge.

Adapting the raw food diet to the modern rhythm of life

The raw food diet was popularized by Angelina Jolie. She uses exclusively raw foods to quickly get in shape and strengthen her immune system. According to the actress, this method of nutrition allows you to lose about 4-5 kg ​​per week and significantly cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.

However, the actress is not a supporter of the raw mono diet. She adapted this nutritional system by balancing the diet. As a result, the “Angelina Jolie diet” was born.

The supplements introduced by Jolie will help you transition into a new eating style with ease. The actress also recommends not forgetting about physical activity, which will maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent stretch marks.

Most of the foods in the diet should naturally be used raw. For example, prepare vegetable salads using lemon juice with seeds or crushed nuts as a dressing. Do the same with snacks: dry and fresh fruits and herbs will be your companions here.

However, you shouldn’t dwell only on plant foods, especially if you like animal protein.

For example, you can afford fish, seafood, or chicken fillets cooked in a steamer / oven. Also eat natural yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. But you should not pamper yourself often: 2-3 times a week.

Pay attention to vegetable soups. They can be either liquid or puree. Add a boiled egg to them if desired, and use pepper and other spices to enhance the taste. You should only refrain from salt. These amendments to the raw food diet will allow you to stick to it not only in the summer or spring, but also during the colder seasons.

Such a diet is suitable not only for young girls, those who are already over 50 years old will find their advantages in it.

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