Diet on prunes, 4 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 4 days.

The average daily calorie content is 700 Kcal.

Prunes are plums dried in a special way that maximizes the preservation of the beneficial substances contained in the fruit. For the preparation of high-quality prunes, the most ripe and sweet plums of the Hungarian and Renclode varieties are selected. Excellent taste and extensive health benefits of prunes have made this product very popular. By the way, almost everyone can eat prunes. It is recommended even for children from six months as a nutritional supplement.

If you draw up the menu correctly, with the help of prunes you can not only pamper your taste buds and deliver useful substances to the body, but also lose weight. In just 3, 4 or 7 days (this is how long the most popular versions of the prune diet continue), you can say goodbye to 2-4 kg separating you from an ideal figure.

Diet requirements on prunes

First, we note that no matter which of the ways you choose to lose weight on prunes, in order to achieve the result, it is important not to eat after 19 hours, consume about two liters of pure water daily, drink tea and coffee exclusively without sugar, and also exercise.

And after quitting the prune diet, be sure to eat in moderation and balance the diet. Otherwise, the likelihood that the lost kilograms will return (and maybe even with a supplement) is very high.

The shortest and most stringent is three-day prune diet… On it, you need to be prepared for the fact that the entire diet course can only be consumed by these dried fruits and kefir (fat-free or 1% fat). So, we eat 100 g of prunes per day, and we drink the specified fermented milk product up to 1,2 liters. Divide the entire amount of food into 6-7 meals and eat in equal portions. During a meal, you can alternately drink a couple of sips of kefir and eat several prunes, or, if you want, make a cocktail from these ingredients. Try to eat slowly so that you can feel full. Losing weight occurs mainly by reducing calories. If you eat in this way, this figure will not exceed 1000 energy units per day, and, of course, the weight will begin to decrease. But it is definitely not worth losing weight longer than the recommended period, otherwise the metabolism may slow down and health problems arise.

A more varied diet is an option 4 day prune diet… Here, this dried fruit is usually worth completing a meal. And the menu consists mainly of healthy and low-fat food: boiled chicken eggs, soups and borscht without frying, non-starchy vegetables, lean meat, low-fat ham, cheese, whole grain or rye bread. It is recommended to eat three times a day and, of course, not to overeat.

The longest running, but at the same time the most loyal – weekly prune diet… Its principle of action is that the daily diet does not exceed 1200 calories. In addition to prunes, you can enter dairy products and low-fat milk, whole grains, lean fish, seafood, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, berries in the menu. The variety of diet and the ability to compose it at your own discretion make this variation of weight loss on prunes the most comfortable, both physically and psychologically. You can lose up to 3-4 kilograms of excess weight in a week, as in the previous versions. So, if there is time, it is better, of course, to choose this method of transforming the figure. Among other things, it will clearly be healthier.

It will increase the chances of maintaining the obtained result and allow you to smoothly reduce weight. fasting day on prunes… As the reviews of people who have experienced it on themselves say, in just one day you can lose up to 1,5-2 kg. You need to eat 20 pieces of dried fruits per day. It is recommended to carry out such unloading no more than once a week. Eat 2-2,5 prunes every 3-4 hours, which should be steamed in water beforehand. You can drink still water and tea on this day.

When choosing prunes, pay attention to their appearance. The color of a quality prune is black with a slight sheen. The brownish tint of dried fruits indicates that they were previously scalded with boiling water and from such treatment they lost their beneficial properties and rich vitamin and mineral composition. Dark gray color – evidence of the processing of prunes with glycerin to improve the presentation. It is better not to purchase such products. The correct taste of dried fruit should be sweet with a very slight acidity. Bitterness, even faintly felt, is the result of improper drying.

The diet menu

Diet Example of the Four-Day Prune Diet

Day 1

Breakfast: boiled egg; grapefruit; black coffee or tea; a couple of prunes.

Lunch: bowl of borscht without adding potatoes; a slice of rye or whole grain bread; 7-8 prunes and 2 walnuts; tea.

Dinner: an egg, boiled or cooked in a pan without oil; a slice of boiled fish fillet; 4 prunes and tea.

Day 2

Breakfast: hard cheese (about 30 g); 2 prunes; coffee or tea.

Lunch: a portion of vegetarian cabbage soup; slice of bread; 100 g of boiled or baked beef; 2-3 almond kernels; tea.

Dinner: salad of non-starchy fresh vegetables; 3-4 prunes; tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: a slice of grain bread with slices of lean ham or meat and unsalted cheese 3 prunes; coffee or tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup without frying; a slice of rye bread; fresh tomato; small boiled potato; 2-3 prunes; tea.

Dinner: a glass of low-fat milk or kefir; a slice of rye bread; 5 prunes and tea.

Day 4

Breakfast: Hercules flakes (they can be cooked in low-fat milk); 4 prunes; coffee or tea.

Lunch: a small plate of borscht without potatoes; a slice of rye bread; tomato and cucumber salad; 2 prunes; tea.

Dinner: a sandwich made from a thin piece of rye bread, lean ham or lean meat and cheese; up to 40 g of raisins and 5-6 prunes; tea.

Diet Example of the XNUMX Day Prune Diet

Breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat porridge (ready-made weight) with the addition of one prune; a cup of green tea.

Second breakfast: a glass of kefir and 1-2 prunes.

Lunch: a portion of lean soup; fresh tomato; a piece of boiled meat or fish weighing about 100 g; a glass of prune compote (you can use other fruits and dried fruits).

Snack: a glass of empty yogurt or kefir; one prune.

Dinner: apple and pear salad and a glass of kefir or 100 g of boiled chicken (without skin) and a cocktail of yogurt and prunes.


  1. The prune diet in any of the options is not recommended in the presence of chronic diseases during an exacerbation, after a disease or surgery.
  2. In people with kidney stones, eating prunes can exacerbate the disease.
  3. Allergies to prunes are very rare, but if you are one of them, then this method of losing weight will definitely not work for you.
  4. Diabetics should also be wary of eating these dried fruits due to the increased concentration of sugar in them (glucose, fructose and sucrose in prunes contains 17%).
  5. Breastfeeding mothers should be aware that eating dried plums can cause cramps and colic in a nursing baby.
  6. And for pregnant women, the inclusion of prunes in the diet (but not more than 2 pcs per day) is shown to normalize the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system.
  7. In general, prunes do not have a harmful effect on the human body. Only chemicals used to process dried fruits by unscrupulous manufacturers can be harmful. Therefore, be sure to rinse prunes with warm water before using.

Benefits of a prune diet

  1. In addition to the fact that in a short time you can significantly correct the shape of the body, the body can be healed by eating such a useful product.
  2. Due to the high content of trace elements in prunes (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium), its consumption has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the state of bone and muscle tissues, and the functioning of the urinary tract.
  3. The pectin substances in this dried fruit bind toxins and toxins and help them leave our body. Vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, provitamin A help to increase the body’s resistance to infections, improve the appearance and condition of the skin, nails, hair. Dietary fiber (of which 100 g of prunes contains 7 g) ensure the proper functioning of the intestines, improve its peristalsis. Because of this, dried fruit is often recommended as a mild natural laxative. Also, prunes help normalize blood pressure, help control blood sugar levels and, in general, have a positive effect on well-being and on the body’s work. Due to the high iron content, prunes are recommended for anemia and vitamin deficiency. Fiber and pectin substances help with stomach ailments.
  4. The fruit sugars found in prunes form a complex of unique action in the company of the aforementioned dietary fibers. It provides long-lasting satiety, which makes losing weight even easier.
  5. The antibacterial properties of prunes are not inferior to medications. Eating a few prunes a day can significantly reduce the number of bad bacteria in your mouth, which can help prevent disease and odor. According to dentists, caries is much less common in people who regularly consume prunes. The components of dried fruits, as if enveloping the teeth, do not allow microbes to destroy the enamel.
  6. Just one dry plum contains as many antioxidants as a handful of blueberries (the champion in this indicator). And phytonutrients, natural components of prunes, prevent breast cancer.
  7. Prunes, like other dried fruits, discourage sugar cravings. So, if you cannot give up high-calorie sweets, seek help from dried fruits. And over time, the hand will reach for the forbidden delicacy less and less, and the figure will pleasantly surprise you with its harmony.

Disadvantages of the prune diet

  • Eating large quantities of prunes can lead to undesirable consequences. On the body of some people, prunes are reflected by an active laxative effect. So, if you decide to unload on a dry drain, it is better to choose a day for this when you are going to be at home.
  • Excessive gassing is possible.
  • Diabetics may have high blood sugar.
  • With constipation, you should also not abuse these dried fruits, if you do not want the exact opposite effect.

Re-dieting on prunes

To repeat any of the diet options on prunes, not counting the fasting day, is recommended no more than once a month.

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