Diet on dried fruits

The dried fruit diet is a special Italian nutrition system that allows you not only to correct your figure, but also to fill the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals. This diet is based on a variety of dried fruits and nuts.

Requirements for dietary nutrition on dried fruits

The first rule is the daily consumption of 500-700 grams of dried fruits and nuts. The course of the diet can last three or five days (it all depends on the degree of obesity and the state of health of the losing weight). If for some reason you feel uncomfortable on a dried fruit diet, it is recommended to take a break or even choose a different type of weight loss. Discomfort may arise due to low calorie intake, the feeling of hunger at first will haunt in any case – willpower is great – this diet is up to you.

A day you need to eat four varieties of dried fruits and two types of nuts. There should be equal intervals between meals, the amount of food consumed should be approximately equal. Try to eat at the same time in order to accustom the body to distribute its energy.

The following nuts are recommended: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews and pistachios. But this does not mean that you need to buy fried nuts in packs or salted with spices. You need to forget about fried nuts in packs. Nuts should be bought exclusively fresh and roasted (baked in the oven) on their own, without adding any additives. Dried fruits must be thoroughly washed and steamed before use. Dried fruits can be prepared on their own or bought on the market (but not packaged in supermarkets – they come with the addition of preservatives and other additives).

For a diet on dried fruits, only natural products are suitable. When dieting, you can eat the following dried fruits: cherries, mountain ash, dates, dried apricots (if the products have a strong wine smell, they are not suitable, as they will only harm the body).

Let’s look at the approximate menu for the week. For women, the amount of dried fruits with nuts consumed should be half a kilogram, and for men – seven hundred grams. This is due to the higher daily caloric intake for men. We offer a five-day diet on dried fruits:

Day of the weekBreakfast (g)2 breakfast (g)Lunch (g)Afternoon snack (g)Dinner (g)
MondayPistachios – 20; Apples – 40; Dried apricots – 50Almonds – 10; Apples – 20; Dried apricots – 30Pistachios – 20; Apples – 30; Dried apricots – 70Almonds – 10; apples – 30; Dried apricots – 50Apples – 50; Dried apricots – 50; Almonds or pistachios – 20
TuesdayPrunes with raisins – 50; pear – 40; walnuts – 20Prunes with raisins – 30; bananas – 20; walnuts – 10Prunes with raisins – 70; pear – 30; walnuts – 20Prunes with raisins – 40; bananas – 30; walnuts – 10Prunes with raisins – 60; pear – 50; walnuts – 20
WednesdayDried apricots – 50; apples – 40; pistachios – 20Dried apricots – 30; Apples – 20; almonds – 10Dried apricots – 70; Apples – 30; Pistachios – 20Dried apricots – 50; Apples – 30; Almonds – 10Dried apricots and apples – 50; pistachios or almonds – 20
ThursdayPrunes with raisins – 50; pear – 40; walnuts – 20Prunes with raisins – 30; bananas – 20; walnuts – 10Prunes with raisins – 70; pear – 30; walnuts – 20Prunes with raisins – 40; bananas – 30; walnuts – 10Prunes with raisins – 60; pear – 50; walnuts – 20
FridayFigs, dried apricots and prunes – 80; hazelnuts – 40Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 30; cashew – 20Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 100; hazelnut – 20Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 50; hazelnut – 20Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 100; cashew – 30

There are several options for a dried fruit diet menu, some of which are:

  1. A diet based on dried fruits and kefir, the essence of which is to saturate the body with useful trace elements, restore metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It is necessary to eat up to half a kilogram of various dried fruits per day and drink a liter of fat-free (one percent) kefir. The entire volume of kefir and dried fruits should be divided in equal parts into ten to twelve meals, and eat every hour. This type of diet allows you to lose up to four kilograms in a three-day course.
  2. Diet on dried fruits with buckwheat. The essence of this option is to lose weight and cleanse the body without undue stress. The duration of the course is five to seven days (as it is considered more balanced compared to a pure dried fruit diet). Daily norm: porridge – 4 cups (boiled in water, without adding sugar, salt and other spices), one hundred grams of dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, prunes, dates, raisins), and necessarily – two liters of water.

Contraindications for a diet on dried fruits

This type of weight loss is categorically contraindicated for people who have diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract of any severity, as well as with diabetes mellitus. This type of diet is not suitable for children under the age of eighteen, pregnant women and women during lactation.

The diet belongs to extreme types, and before proceeding with its implementation, it is necessary to visit a nutritionist, gastroenterologist and other doctors.

Benefits of losing weight on dried fruits

The main advantage of dietary nutrition on dried fruits is the enrichment of the body with a mass of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, namely:

  1. Dried apricots stimulate the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to a variety of viral and bacterial diseases. Dried apricots restore the level of iron in the blood (an ideal product for the prevention of anemia), strengthen and restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Dried apricots fill the body with calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin A. All components of dried apricot have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails.
  2. Prunes enrich the body with vitamins A, B, C, E, fiber. A product with a pronounced choleretic effect. Prunes accelerates metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
  3. Figs have a positive effect on digestive processes, suppress hunger, and therefore prevent overeating. Figs saturate the body with glucose, fructose, a variety of minerals and nutrients.
  4. Raisins have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, promote natural and gentle cleansing of the intestines, saturate the body with iodine.
  5. Dried berries, peaches and pears help the body to remove radionuclides, saturate the body with vital minerals, vitamins and microelements.
  6. Nuts strengthen the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to various diseases, saturate the body with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, and help the liver recover.
  7. Dried fruits for weight loss help to lose weight significantly in three to five days, while there will be no harm to the body (provided there are no contraindications), but on the contrary, the body will become more resistant to diseases, rejuvenate, and the work of the whole organism as a whole will improve.
  8. Cleansing the body of cholesterol, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, releasing toxins, gently removing the decay products of fat cells, filling the body with energy.

Disadvantages of being on a low-calorie dried fruit diet

This type of weight loss is not balanced, therefore, it is important to visit a doctor before starting it, since with certain diseases (especially genetic ones), this method of losing kilograms can work the other way around and provoke a significant weight gain, as well as exacerbate existing diseases. You need to lose weight correctly and wisely.

Repeated course

Losing weight on dried fruits can be repeated every ten days. But still, it is recommended to take into account the extremeness of such a diet, and not to carry it out more than six times a year. Important: if the amount of excess weight is insignificant, it is highly not recommended to get involved in this diet.

Reviews about the diet on dried fruits in social networks, as well as on nutrition sites, are quite positive. Sometimes reviews appear that describe side effects such as diarrhea, mild nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, and bloating. If the symptoms of side effects are pronounced, it is recommended to stop the diet and return to a more proper and high-calorie diet. If the symptoms are tolerable, continue the course, but not more than five days.

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