Diet on chicken and vegetables. Video
To effectively lose weight while maintaining efficiency and health, limit your diet to a few low-calorie foods. A diet based on chicken and vegetables is very effective, with its help you can permanently get rid of several kilograms without losing a good mood and without tormenting yourself with a hunger strike.
Chicken and Vegetable Diet
Features of the chicken and vegetable diet
The advantage of a diet of chicken and vegetables is its nutritional value. You will receive the necessary amount of protein and fiber for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Proteins and a small amount of fat will prevent the skin from losing its elasticity, and vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables will help maintain performance.
You can try several options for the chicken and vegetable diet and choose the one that works best for you. The most popular option is based on 4 products.
You can use:
- boiled chicken breasts
- boiled or steamed vegetables
- low-fat kefir or yogurt
- boiled rice without salt and spices
The weight loss program takes 9 days. For the first 3 days, you can eat any kind of boiled rice – basmati, round grain, wild. Rice mixes are also allowed. Boil rice washed in several waters in water (three parts water for one part rice). A 2/3 cup serving is enough for one meal. For flavor, you can add a little soy sauce or dry seaweed. Drink plenty of water and green tea, hot or chilled, during rice days.
For the next three days, you should eat boiled, microwaved, or steamed chicken. Chicken fillets can be cooked whole or cut into chunks by drenching in herbs or adding a little soy sauce. One portion should not exceed 150 g. In the evening, be sure to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, the dairy product will ensure normal digestion.
A diet based on chicken and vegetables is not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, as well as individual intolerance to the foods recommended for the diet.
For the last three days, eat vegetables – fresh or steamed. The best options are different varieties of cabbage, green beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini and cucumbers. You can grill vegetables without salt, puree them in water, or make a salad. Serving sizes are not regulated. Green tea and clear water are allowed for drinks.
Try another chicken and vegetable diet. The daily diet consists of boiled or microwaved chicken breast and salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. Eat 3 or 4 times a day. Each meal consists of a chicken fillet (150 g) and a glass of fresh vegetable salad.
Take a daily multivitamin tablet to complement an unbalanced diet
Pour a little soy sauce over the chicken and bake in the microwave until the fillets are juicy. Wash tomatoes and cucumbers and chop finely. Cucumbers can be grated on a coarse grater.
Top up the vegetable mixture with finely chopped herbs:
- parsley
- green onions
- dill
- salad
Do not add oil and salt. Toss the salad and eat with the chicken, chewing thoroughly. This diet excludes the use of cereals, bread, dairy products and fruits. For drinks, green tea and coffee without sugar, as well as mineral or drinking water are allowed. The duration of the diet should not exceed 5 days.
Read on to learn more about the strict diet.