We drive Olivier from the sides! Young mother Dasha Pynzar, owner of “wide bones” Anna Shulgina and Valeria, who, for a second, is already 48 years old! They were able to get the perfect figure in spite of everything. Cast aside excuses, arm yourself with the advice of these skinny girls and go.
Do you want to look like this at 48? Take action!
This beauty is 48 years old! If you, too, are no longer a young girl, but think that it is too late to start playing sports, let this gorgeous woman become your motivator. Valeria has been following proper nutrition for many years. At the same time, she is an opponent of any radical diets. The star believes that what we eat is important and when we do it. She uses more high-calorie foods in the morning, never drinks water immediately after a meal, and replaces harmful sweets with dried fruits and nuts.
Sport is always present in the singer’s life. In terms of sports, the star is sure that it is important not to be led by fashion, but to find your own type of activity. But you need to do it every day. Valeria herself currently prefers weight training, but she does not forget about yoga either.
The main life hack from Valeria: if it is very difficult for you to force yourself to go in for sports, just put on your uniform and force yourself at least to walk to the gym or park. You will be too lazy to return, and there will be strength for training.
Having trouble losing weight after giving birth? Maybe it’s not hormones, but your laziness
Do you believe that Polina was plump before? In 2007, having given birth to a son, she weighed 40 kg more. She managed to shed the excess in just six months. Polina Gagarina’s diet is similar to the system of Margarita Koroleva – a star nutritionist has long developed a modern way to effectively lose weight without compromising health. The diet is based on a staged mono-diet: the first stage is a three-day rice mono-diet, the second is a chicken-based mono-diet, and the third is a vegetable diet. The duration of the diet is nine days, during which you can not only lose weight, but also accustom the body to small portions and healthy food.
In terms of sports, Polina chose a gym and resorted to the help of an instructor. Now, when the extra pounds do not threaten the star, she does not exhaust herself too much. Recently, Polya has taken a great interest in Pilates, which helps to keep all the muscles in the body in good shape.
Life hack from Polina Gagarina: Try to do what gives you pleasure. Then you will not have to “seize” stress and there will be less time for unnecessary unhealthy snacks.
Dasha is already twice a mom. She is 31. The shape is excellent
Ex-participant of “House-2” Daria Pynzar joined the ranks of fitness fans this summer. The girl began to regularly upload videos of her workouts to the network and share her successes with subscribers. And the thing is that the beauty, who became a mother for the second time in the spring, had to urgently put her body in order. Dasha admitted that after giving birth she weighed 57 kg, which, with her height of 163 cm, seemed terrible to her. As a result, over the summer she managed to lose weight up to 52 kg. The girl chose the path of active physical activity for herself. She began to train almost immediately after giving birth, but, of course, she did everything gradually and very carefully.
A simple complex for Dasha was developed by her husband Sergey Pynzar, who is a regular at the gym. At first, these were planks and simple twists. Then the complex gradually became more complicated. In the summer, Dasha trained in the open air, using the site near her home. She soon added boxing to her anti-obesity arsenal.
Life hack from Daria Pynzar: if there is no way to go to the gym, do it outside. You probably have a playground in the yard. And if there is a park nearby, then it’s generally fine – you can run even in winter.
Anya was a plump child. But wide bone and genes didn’t get in the way
It must be admitted that by nature the daughter of the famous skinny Valeria is clearly much larger than her mother. And as a child, Anya had serious problems with being overweight. Now she herself does not hesitate to upload photos and show everyone what she was. Why be ashamed? Now Shulgina has a gorgeous figure. And all thanks to the fact that the girl pulled herself together and threw off the excess.
“I was very fat. It got to the point that I wore large size men’s clothes, because I could not find women’s ones. Then I took up myself and lost almost 20 kilograms in a month, ”said Anya on Instagram.
Anna switched to proper nutrition. She did not follow any special diets, but only healthy food remained in her diet – vegetables, lean meat (boiled, baked), fruits, natural yoghurts. Also, the girl established a drinking regimen – she began to drink at least two liters a day. Shulgina also followed simple but effective rules – not to overeat before going to bed, not to drink food, to eat often and little by little.
Life hack from Anna Shulgina: Boost your metabolism with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Once you get in shape, you can indulge yourself in different “snacks” without being afraid for your figure.
You will not believe, but Sasha is also inclined to be overweight
The winner of the “Voice-4” Sasha Vorobyova immediately after the end of the show put on a little weight. Everyone noticed it. In the wedding photos with her husband Pavel, Sasha, dressed in a blue dress, is beautiful, but there are clearly cheeks. The girl, even while participating in the “Voice”, honestly admitted that her harmony is not natural and is given through regular training and balanced nutrition. Apparently, it was to her proven methods that the star returned in order to return to the ranks of super slim in record time. She succeeded – in the latest photos on Instagram, she weighs hardly 50 kg.
“I have been regularly practicing in the gym for about 1,5 years,” Sasha said. – There are 3-4 workouts per week, of course, these are strength training with iron. I don’t like fitness, and no fitness will give such a result as iron (training on simulators). After training, I add ellipsoid cardio to help my body burn even more calories. Since I started to seriously engage in bodybuilding, my nutrition is built very clearly by hours and by grams. If you want to achieve results, sports alone will not be enough, because 80% of success is nutrition. At the moment, my diet consists of oatmeal porridge in water, proteins in the form of meat, fish, protein, of course, there are also carbohydrates (slow). “
The main life hack from Sasha: once every 7-10 days, arrange for yourself a “chitday” – a day when you can eat everything and in any quantity. This helps to fight the urge to eat something forbidden during the rest of the days.