Diet of Margarita Koroleva: Video tips

Diet of Margarita Koroleva: Video tips

Margarita Koroleva is a recognized guru of dietetics. With the help of her unique mono-diet, many Russian celebrities have lost weight. Nadezhda Babkina, Vladimir Vinokur, Tatiana Tarasova, Nikolay Baskov, Vladimir Soloviev – this is not a complete list of her eminent clients. Taking an example from the stars!

What is the essence of Margarita Koroleva’s mono-diet

The Queen’s mono-diet is designed for nine days. It is divided into three periods of three days. In terms of nutrition, the first period involves leaning on rice, the second on chicken, and the third on vegetables. The main essence of the Queen’s mono-diet comes down to giving up “bad” food, reducing the total calorie content of the daily diet and gradually getting used to a new type of food. In nine days, the stomach will shrink and you will eat less after the diet.

Principles of the mono-diet by the Queen

In order for this diet to please you with the results, Margarita Koroleva advises you to adhere to certain principles. Eat five to six times a day. With a one-time meal, fat cells begin to intensively replenish their reserves. Five meals a day will let them know that they will not have a “black day”. Only in this case the body will not strive to replenish its fat reserves. Fractional nutrition “accelerates” the metabolism.

You need to have breakfast in the first hour after waking up. Otherwise, the body will plunge into a state of stress and during the day it is sure to “grab” something into the fat reserve, even from healthy food. Ignoring breakfast, according to Margarita Koroleva, you yourself will program your body to gain excess weight.

Make it a rule to drink a glass of water half an hour before or after a meal. Water will fill your stomach and significantly dull your appetite

The serving size per meal should not exceed the volume of a faceted glass. By the way, a side dish and two cutlets calmly enter such a glass, which is a lot.

For the duration of the mono-diet, salt must be excluded from the diet, since it tends to retain water in the body, and this prevents fat cells from spending their reserves. To improve the taste, it is permissible to use spices – coriander, cumin, basil. However, it is better not to get carried away with them, as they whet the appetite.

Drink at least 1,5-2 liters of clean water daily. Tea, juices and other drinks are not included in this volume. The first glass of water should be drunk while still in bed. To do this, you need to put a glass of water next to the bed at night, into which you can add a leaf of mint or a lemon slice if you wish. Waking up, you should drink this water in small sips, without getting out of bed.

Margarita Koroleva recommends giving up black tea and coffee at least for the duration of the mono-diet. Don’t make it hard for yourself as these drinks increase your appetite. Only one cup of tea or coffee per day is acceptable, but no sugar, cream or milk

Mono-diets by the Queen: menu

The first three days, the basis of the diet is rice. It is desirable that it be unpolished. The ideal option is brown rice. Margarita Koroleva recommends to soak a glass of rice in the evening, and in the morning to boil it in boiling water for 15 minutes. Cooked rice should be divided into enough servings so that one is eaten every hour throughout the day. In the first three days, the body will cleanse well, since rice removes toxins well. Drink water between meals. It is permissible to use berry fruit drinks without sugar, but this is only for the most extreme case.

The second three days of the mono diet are meat. To do this, you need to take one small chicken, without fail to remove the skin and all fat from it. Then boil the chicken until tender and consume in small portions throughout the day. Instead of a whole chicken, you can boil chicken breast, but not more than 1,5 kilograms. During these three days, the body will receive high-quality protein from poultry meat.

The final three days involve eating vegetables.

To do this, you can take no more than a kilogram of any vegetables – boiled or fresh, but not pickled, pickled and salted. If possible, do not lean on potatoes. Vegetables should be eaten in the same way as chicken and rice – in small portions throughout the day. The last three days are rich in fiber and vitamins.

The last meal, as recommended by the Queen, should be no later than three hours before bedtime. If at the end of the day you are tormented by dizziness and the feeling of “sucking in the spoon”, you can drink a glass of honey water. To do this, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva

The Queen’s mono-diet can be a real salvation for women who want to lose their hated pounds in a short time. From the point of view of efficiency, it fully justifies itself – if you do not have any chronic diseases, then with such a stressful diet, the arrow of the scales will really rapidly creep down, especially in the early days of a mono-diet. In total, in nine days, you can lose from three to seven kilograms. It all depends on the initial weight.

The Queen’s Mono-Diet is especially effective if supplemented with physical activity and anti-cellulite massage.

However, in terms of health, not everything is so rosy. Your figure may take on the shape of Cindy Crawford, but at the same time, perhaps more often than others, she will be admired by the medical professionals who bring you back to life after such a diet. This is because it dramatically deprives the body of many not only useful, but also extremely necessary micro and macro elements. In particular, the Queen’s mono-diet can lead to a tangible decrease in hemoglobin – and this is one of the harmless consequences.

Remember, any change in the usual diet, including a mono-diet, will cause a very serious stress in the body. You should not blindly follow newfangled diets; before such a step, it will be superfluous to consult a specialist in person.

It is also interesting to read: Larisa Dolina’s diet.

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