Diet of Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva’s diet is a modern weight loss scheme based on the principles of separate nutrition. The technique combines three cycles of mono-diets: rice, chicken, vegetable. The duration of each is three days. The diet is suitable for both men and women. It does not require a sophisticated menu and hunger strikes. After 9 days of unquestioning adherence to the dietary menu, you can become 5-10 kg lighter. In addition, in addition to losing weight, the program is aimed at accelerating metabolism and cleansing the body. This is an ideal way to unload the gastrointestinal tract to change eating behavior, followed by the transition to constant proper nutrition.

Dietitian Margarita Koroleva – author of weight loss methods and books on diet therapy, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic. Margarita completed her internship in cardiology. And the life situation forced me to delve into dietology. After unsuccessfully trying to lose weight after having a baby, she decided to come up with her ideal weight loss formula that would help solve this problem. The result was not long in coming. After losing weight on her own, the doctor patented her program and helps people who are faced with the problem of excess weight to overcome it. Interestingly, the “nine days” has been in great demand among women for more than 10 years.

The nutrition program from Margarita Koroleva is popular among show business stars. It was practiced by Nadezhda Babkina, Nikolai Baskov, Valeria, Andrey Malakhov, Anita Tsoi, Masha Malinovskaya.

The first stage – “rice”

For three days it is allowed to eat only boiled rice, drink unsweetened green tea and still water. The cereal supplies complex carbohydrates to the body, which give a feeling of fullness for a long time, and also removes excess fluid, salt, and acts as an adsorbent.

Cooking principle: Rinse 180 g of rice, soak in water in the evening. In the morning, drain the liquid, pour the grains into boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, cook for 15 minutes. Cook and eat rice without salt, sugar, oil. Divide the porridge into 6 equal servings. Eat throughout the day. Repeat the same procedure for the next 2 days. To cleanse the body of toxins and dull the feeling of hunger, drink 2-3 liters of filtered water per day.

Rice is not accidentally chosen as the first product of the mono-diet. This cereal envelops the walls of the stomach, does not stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, it does not contain gluten, which provokes allergic reactions.

Rice is a source of lecithin and B vitamins, which improve the condition of hair, dermis, nails, strengthen the nervous system, stimulate brain activity, and contribute to the conversion of nutritional components into energy.

The first stage helps to unload the digestive system and prepare it for further weight loss. By the end of the third day, weight loss is 2-3 kg.

The second stage – “chicken”

The fourth, fifth and sixth day of the Queen’s diet are protein. The basis of the diet is boiled chicken meat, cleaned of fat, skins. The daily norm of the product is 1,2 kg. As in the first stage, you need to drink plenty of pure water and green tea without sugar.

Chicken meat supplies the body with protein, valuable amino acids, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, E, C, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latter, in turn, prevent the development of coronary disease, stroke, heart attack. Unlike pork, lamb, beef, poultry meat is easily digestible, does not overload the gastrointestinal tract, which is especially valuable for obesity. The protein contained in chicken affects cell division, bone tissue building, muscle building, and increased brain activity.

Boiled meat is divided into pieces of 200 g, which are eaten 5-6 times a day at intervals of 3 hours.

During the chicken mono-diet, the craving for sweets is noticeably reduced, the feeling of satiety is preserved for a long time, and fat deposits are intensively burned.

The principle of a protein diet is based on the fact that the digestion of protein foods is an energy-consuming process. To maintain life, the body is forced to burn its own reserves in the form of fat. Due to which weight loss is accelerated.

Weight loss for this period 3-4 kg.

The third stage – “vegetable”

The seventh, eighth, ninth day is the final stage of losing weight from the nutritionist Koroleva. During this stage, the menu consists of only fresh or boiled vegetables, the daily norm of which is 800 g. They are evenly distributed into 5-6 servings.

The main property of vegetables, which determines their attractiveness for losing weight, is their low calorie content. In addition, the “inhabitants of the beds” contain a high amount of ballast substances – insoluble dietary fiber, which improve intestinal motility, normalize its evacuation function. Thanks to this, the body gets rid of toxins and toxins. In addition, fiber speeds up metabolism by 20%, partially binds fats, preventing their full absorption, lowers sugar and cholesterol levels, thereby improving heart function. Vegetables fortify the body, dull the feeling of hunger, and have a beneficial effect on the liver. In addition, they improve the processes of bile formation, strengthen the immune system, heal the intestinal microflora, and restore strength.

It is recommended to focus on carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, radishes. They are preferably consumed fresh. This way, they retain as much of their nutrients as possible. Potatoes are banned.

The daily weight is 0,5-1 kg.

Out of the diet

After nine days of the diet of Margarita Koroleva, after cleansing the body and successful weight loss, you should not stop halfway, you need to consolidate the results. The exit must be planned. The calorie content of the daily diet should be increased gradually. You need to eat fractionally, minimize the consumption of sugar and “empty” carbohydrates, drink plenty of clean water, move a lot, have a good rest, and go outside more often. It is strictly forbidden to pounce on taboo products (fast food, fatty foods, confectionery), otherwise this can lead not only to the return of extra pounds, but also to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Remember, the nine-day diet adjusts the body to proper nutrition, instills healthy eating habits.

Recommendations and rules

The result of losing weight directly depends on the amount of effort and the correct adherence to diet therapy.

Principles from Margarita Koroleva:

  1. Eat little and often. Cook dishes without adding spices, sugar, salt. A single serving should not exceed 150-200 g. This is quite enough to saturate the body. Food should be chewed slowly, so no supplement is needed.

There is no need to starve, as this causes stress to the body. As a result, the risk of jumping on food and overeating increases significantly.

To lose weight, you do not need to starve yourself, just eat right.

  1. To increase the effectiveness of diet therapy throughout the entire period of weight loss and after it, combine a low-calorie diet with light physical activity, water treatments, and massage.

It is helpful to help the body burn fat. To do this, problem areas are recommended to be rubbed intensively with a hard washcloth. Such procedures stimulate blood flow to the dermis, give it youth and elasticity.

  1. Last meal – 19-00.
  2. If you have a craving to eat something sweet, it is recommended to brush your teeth. Toothpaste neutralizes the desire that has arisen. At the same time, in no case should you chew gum: it stimulates the production of gastric juice, which leads to increased appetite.

In order not to tempt yourself, prohibited foods are recommended to be removed from the house.

  1. It can’t get easier forever. After losing weight, you need to keep yourself in shape throughout your life, control your diet, instill and follow the habits of proper nutrition. If this is not done, the weight will come back.
  2. Stress cannot be eaten. In the event of a tense situation, it is forbidden to console yourself with food, since this approach inevitably leads to weight gain. Instead, it is recommended to drink green, chamomile tea, take a shower, bath (you can add lavender essential oil), take a walk in the fresh air.
  3. Do not eat near the TV or computer. In this case, the body is distracted by the action taking place on the monitor, which is dangerous because you can eat a portion more than the prescribed norm. It is recommended to observe the aesthetics of eating: eat in the kitchen from beautiful dishes with the help of beautiful kitchen utensils. Getting the maximum pleasure, losing weight quickly experiences a feeling of satiety.
  4. Distinguish thirst from hunger. Most often, the body gives signals about the need to replenish the water-salt balance, which people mistakenly perceive as a desire to eat. If such a feeling occurs, it is recommended not to rush to visit the refrigerator, it is enough to drink a glass of clean non-carbonated water. Moreover, the liquid should not be consumed in one gulp. Water should be drunk in small sips. The daily norm is 2,5-3 liters.
  5. You can’t skip breakfast. Hungry part of the day, increases the likelihood of provoking diseases of the digestive tract, slow down the process of losing weight, pounce on food in the afternoon.
  6. The duration of the diet can not be increased to 13 days.

Interestingly, according to the principles of nutrition, the weight loss technique from Margarita Koroleva resembles a 6-petal diet, which, unlike the latter, consists not of six, but of three consecutive mono-diets.

The diet is contraindicated for colds, diseases of the stomach, heart. In this case, any weight loss program can become a “trigger” that undermines health.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of Margarita Koroleva’s diet is its effectiveness. After 9 days, people of average configuration lost 5 kg of excess weight, while full ones threw off up to 10 kg. In addition, the diet improves metabolism, at different stages it saturates the body with iodine, phosphorus, calcium, B vitamins, and amino acids.

In the first three days – rice, like a brush, cleanses the internal environment of toxins, toxins, removes excess sodium salts, as well as a liquid that provokes swelling. Cereal porridge strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

In the second three-day period – meat, supplies building materials to the body in the form of protein, which helps to nourish muscles, helps burn excess fat, and stimulates weight loss. Chicken is a source of essential amino acids involved in the production of antibodies, enzymes, hemoglobin, hormones that affect metabolic processes.

At the final stage, the menu of losing weight is replete with vegetables. They are completely absorbed by the body, cleanse the digestive tract, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. A vegetable diet helps to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and diseases of the lungs and heart.

Among the shortcomings of the diet from Margarita Koroleva, one can single out an imbalance in the diet, fluctuations in blood sugar levels during the “rice” stage, water-salt imbalance that occurs against the background of “chicken” days, and psychological discomfort.

Contraindications: heart disease, blood vessels, gastritis, stomach ulcers. The nine-day diet, in fact, is quite strict. It is not recommended to practice it for people with diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as against the background of SARS.

Remember, you need to start any diet only in normal health. An elementary cold or malaise can nullify the effectiveness of the technique. Therefore, before starting to lose weight, you should wait until the body returns to normal.

If you need to repeat the diet of the Queen, you should wait 3 weeks. After 21 days, when the body gains new strength for the next “fight” with weight, you can start a cycle of three-day mono-diets. Otherwise, it will not bring the desired result.

“Unloading week” from Margarita Koroleva

If you need a minimal weight adjustment (up to 2-3 kg), a Moscow nutritionist recommends going through a four-day body cleansing program.

The basic rules of the “unloading week”:

  • eat at the same time (8-9 times a day), observing equal intervals between meals;
  • eat only permitted foods (daily rate): potatoes – 1 pc, cucumbers – 2 pcs, fat-free kefir – 1 l, chicken – 200 g, cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • drink more water (2,5 liters per day), move.

Despite the name, the actual restrictions are not for a week, but for four days. It is recommended to start “unloading” the body on Tuesday, and finish on Friday. For all four days, it is necessary to alternate the intake of kefir and allowed “dishes”. Chicken and potatoes are boiled, consumed without salt, spices, oil. The last meal should be kefir and fall no later than 20-00.

Sample menu (with an interval of 2 hours): kefir, potatoes, kefir, cucumbers, kefir, chicken, kefir, cottage cheese, kefir.

Remember, the “fasting week”, like the nine-day diet, is only part of the weight loss program from Margarita Koroleva. To obtain the most effective and lasting result, it is important to reconsider and harmonize the approach to nutrition. It takes more time and effort to cleanse the body, improve well-being and correct weight. Therefore, the star nutritionist program, like all strict diets, is designed to stimulate the process of losing weight at the initial stage.


The diet of Margarita Koroleva is a technique that guarantees a quick result of losing weight. In 9 days, you can get rid of up to 10 extra pounds. The principle of the program is based on the gradual saturation of the body with complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber. Rice prepares the body for the second stage, during which there is an active breakdown of fats. After the chicken diet, vegetables go into battle, the main mission of which is to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, harmful substances that provoke weight gain and health problems. The nutritionist insists on the need to comply with the drinking regimen. Water should be taken throughout the day slowly, in small sips, separately from food, at least 2,5 liters per day. Most of the liquid is preferably consumed in the morning, so as not to cause puffiness.

To maintain the achieved result after leaving the diet, it is important to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. First of all, don’t skip breakfast. The first meal starts the metabolism, which allows you not to overeat in the future. Secondly, it is necessary to eat consciously every 3-4 hours no more than 250 g at a time. To keep the weight within the desired limits, it is useful to include fruits and spices in the diet that prevent the accumulation of extra pounds, helping to speed up the metabolism. Thirdly, once a week to unload the body. During the day, you need to drink only water and low-fat kefir (1-1,5 liters). At the same time, you should forever abandon fried foods, fast food, which not only contribute to weight gain, but also undermine the functioning of the pancreas, stomach, liver, and heart.

Remember, it’s much easier to stay in shape if you exercise regularly. Physical activity keeps the muscles in good shape, weight within the normal range.

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