Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: system minus 60

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: system minus 60

Not everyone can give up buns and cakes. However, those who cannot live without carbohydrates also have a chance to lose weight. For example, with the advice of Ekaterina Mirimanova, the author of the famous Minus 60 system.

In a year and a half, Catherine dropped 60 kilos

The writer, who lost 60 kilograms in a year and a half without starvation and serious physical exertion, told Woman’sDay how to effectively deal with extra pounds. So, here are some rules that the author of the method has tested on himself.

You can eat everything, but at the right time and in the right combination

Be sure to have breakfast to activate metabolic processes in the body. Until 12 noon, you can eat whatever you want, even a huge piece of cake. Milk chocolate, however, will have to be abandoned and replaced with bitter, but this is a matter of habit. If you cannot live without white bread, then eat it only in the first half of the day, in the afternoon, give preference to rye crackers. Try to eat pasta and potatoes as little as possible, but if you love them very much, then eat either one or the other for breakfast or lunch. But in no case should you eat potatoes or pasta with meat, poultry or fish!

Start losing weight without fanaticism. You need to move to the system smoothly, and not introduce all the new rules in one day.

Try to diversify your menu: instead of potatoes, for example, there is rice, buckwheat or stewed vegetables. From alcoholic drinks you can only red dry wine, but in moderation. The last meal – no later than 18 pm, it is better that it was something light – vegetables, rice, yogurt. Fried foods are not allowed for lunch and dinner. And, of course, motivation is important: you need to become a little selfish, learn to carve out time for yourself, your beloved.

In the morning, you can drink tea and coffee with sugar, gradually reducing the amount to break the habit of drinking sugary drinks.

No need to exhaust yourself with sports loads!

10 minutes of exercise a day is sufficient. At the same time, it does not matter at all what you will do: someone likes dancing, someone likes gymnastics, someone – swimming. The main thing is that the chosen type of load brings you pleasure.

Self-massage is also a physical activity. Self-massage every day will help to strengthen the skin and muscles, helping them to recover.

After 35 years, the metabolism slows down, but does not stop!

Losing weight after 35 is real!

Of course, at the age of eighteen it is easier to lose weight, but this does not mean that at forty, if you have problems with being overweight, you need to give up on yourself. It’s just that the process of losing weight will go a little slower. But you don’t need to exhaust yourself unnecessarily. Do not think that if you are 35, then in order to achieve visible results, you need to sit exclusively on bread and water.

Do not set global goals – quickly lose weight by 10-50-100 kilograms. These numbers can scare you and lower your motivation. Divide the number of kilos you want to part with by 6 – this is your immediate goal. Good luck!

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