Diet of concubines in a harem: menu for the day

Diet of concubines in a harem: menu for the day

Was everything like in the “Magnificent Century”? Or not?

The series “The Magnificent Century” immersed Russian spectators in oriental fairy tales for several years. Romance and intrigue! Dozens of beautiful women and, most importantly, men. Largely influenced by the multi-part masterpiece, the young Muscovite left for Turkey, married a local macho and entered the University of Istanbul. It was here that she discovered sensational documents that helped develop a unique weight loss complex. The author of the diet Yana Bai-Lilik shared the details exclusively for

“The university was built on the site of the Old Palace, where the concubines of the sultans were trained in the Middle Ages. Including Suleiman the First, who is shown in the series. I wanted to study all the documents from that period that have survived to this day.

When I read the household books of the harem, I realized how many inventions there are in the “Magnificent Age”. That is, writers, artists, and now filmmakers embellish everything. For a beautiful plot.

The real life of the concubines was three hundred times more boring. But how much useful they did with themselves in order to remain beautiful and slender! Already then they developed whole complexes of proper nutrition (the rule of seven meals was in effect in the harem) and reasonable physical activity. So that the beauties do not pump the press, but remain feminine.

On this diet, I lost 10 kilograms of excess weight. I hope that the invaluable experience of medieval beauties will be useful to modern women as well. “

In fact, the word “harem” is translated as a protected area. That is, a place where all men are prohibited from entering, except for the Sultan. Well, and eunuchs (although they do not count). This is not just a hostel. There was a fitness center, a beauty salon and an institute for noble maidens in one bottle.

It is written in the books that the selection was closely monitored in the harems. They brought beauties from all over the empire for a reason. Or there captives were captured in raids on neighboring countries. There was a clear plan: how many new girls are needed per year. What color should the hair be. According to statistics, 85-90 percent was given to brunettes. There were significantly fewer blondes. But the red-haired beauties were considered taboo: in the Middle Ages, the rulers saw in them the embodiment of demonic forces.

You will be surprised, but the height of the girls was not particularly important. The main thing is that they are slim. Many Russian tourists have probably seen fatty animators performing belly dancing in Turkish hotels. So, they have nothing to do with those beautiful concubines who lived in the harem.

The sultans prized the hips and waist. And, oddly enough, they almost did not pay attention to the chest. The ideal difference between waist and hips was described as 2/3. This fits well with the modern 60/90 beauty ideal.

The sultan’s harem had about 500 rooms. And also a huge park. Concubines were forbidden to ride in a carriage (with the exception of the beloved wife of the ruler). I had to walk everywhere. And this was only the first of the medieval fitness classes.

Every day, competitions were held in the park – one girl ran away, clutching a scarf or shawl in her hand. The rest were catching. The one who managed to deftly snatch the handkerchief from the driver became the queen of the day. She was allowed a hammam, massage and other caulking. The award is gorgeous, since only the winner of the race and the concubine who was preparing for the night with the Sultan were allowed to such procedures. It is understandable, a crowd of people (up to a thousand women lived in the harem at the same time), everyone will not fit in the steam room.

And then there were dances. They danced a lot until the orchestra collapsed from fatigue. Contrary to popular belief, the concubines did not know how to do anything other than balledance. But in the books it is written that in the classroom they learned up to 20 different dances, all with loads.

Both at rehearsals and in front of the Sultan, the girls wore heavy bracelets on their wrists and ankles, and sometimes also necklaces. Or they could just hold oranges, pomegranate fruits in their hands … Try to dance in this mode at least 2-3 times a week – an amazing effect.

Another type of physical activity is swimming. The concubines splashed in three large pools in the territory of the harem. It is believed that in the XNUMXth century there were already some elements of aqua aerobics: girls were doing stretching together with each other. By the way, it was at the pool that the Sultan watched his beauties and made a list of applicants. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, for example.

But the main thing is that all these exercises – walking, running, swimming and dancing – did not require any superhuman efforts. Everything happens as if by itself, and the effect is amazing. Modern girls can enjoy it and become slimmer at the same time.

According to the records in the harem books, one can count that the concubines ate seven times a day! This is not a diet, but just a dream. So, what were they allowed to eat.

1. In the morning on an empty stomach the girls drank ayran. In Turkey, it is preferred salty, but it can be replaced with the usual one.

2. Breakfast: boiled eggs, chicken, vegetables, fruits. And again ayran, but with herbs chopped into it.

3. Coffee break. Coffee in those years was considered a drink only for the elite. And women were generally forbidden to drink it. An exception was made only for the Sultan’s concubines. Dates and raisins were usually served with coffee.

Small plates are the key to success

4. Lunch. There was an obligatory soup – vegetable (like Minestrone) or lentil soup. Also served meat, olives and thin pita rolls stuffed with feta cheese and greens. By the way, stuffed olives are very popular now (with salmon, lemon and other goodies), so this idea was invented in the harem of Sultan Suleiman. Historical fact.

5. Another lunch. But already fishy. As well as octopuses and other seafood. And again, vegetables, cheese (most often – feta cheese) and olives.

Important! In harem books, portion consumption is indicated. Girls were not allowed to eat more than 250 grams per meal. And the plates were small so as not to lead into temptation.

6. Dinner. Most often just fruit. But those who went to the sultan’s bedchamber (and several spare concubines) were allowed to drink coffee.

7. At night, again a glass of ayran with herbs.

The concubines limited themselves only to sweet baked goods. It was allowed only in the morning, after a night in the chambers of the Sultan. Before noon! Considering how rarely the concubines ended up in Vladyka’s bedroom, many of them hadn’t eaten pastries for years.

Peculiarities of national cuisine

Turkish cuisine is ideal for those looking to go on a diet.

Firstly, everything is cooked in olive oil, which is not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Secondly, they use the most dietary meat – lamb, veal and chicken.

Further, salads and vegetables are never seasoned with mayonnaise! Only lemon juice, some vinegar and olive oil (see above).

Vegetables in large quantities are also a plus. Especially baked eggplants (after all, babaganush was also invented in the sultan’s harem).

You can also note the addiction of Turkish chefs to yoghurt, which they actively flavor everything with. Even meat is cooked in yogurt.

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