Diet of astronauts

The astronaut diet is one of the most effective modern diets. The name of this method of losing weight is not related to the diet of a real astronaut. Her tubes do not include any tubes or freeze-dried products. The diet is based on limiting the calorie intake.

It is suitable for those who cannot live without meat and do not want to exhaust themselves with training. Dietary foods contain complete animal protein and few carbohydrates. In this case, for weight loss, you do not need to perform any mandatory physical exercises. The length of stay on this diet can be from 10 to 20 days, which depends on the initial weight of the losing weight and his willpower.

Principles of diet

The menu of the “space” diet is based on three principles: limiting caloric intake to 700 kcal per day, protein nutrition, and drastically limiting the intake of carbohydrates. Proteins are digested much slower than carbohydrates, so a slimming person has a longer feeling of satiety. To digest proteins, it takes a lot of energy, that is, carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are practically not supplied with food, the body begins to “extract” energy from fats. This is the essence of the diet.

Allowed for consumption are protein products that contain a minimum of fats and carbohydrates: chicken fillet, chicken or quail eggs, kefir 1% fat or low-fat, low-fat cottage cheese, coffee (without additives), tea (preferably green).

All other products, salt, sugar, spices, fats and alcohol during the astronaut’s diet are not allowed.

The deficiency of vitamins and minerals that occur during weight loss can be compensated by the use of medication complex mineral-multivitamin preparations. The use of one tablespoon of bran or granular fiber during breakfast helps to fill in the lack of fiber in the menu.

Diet menu

The menu for the astronaut diet looks like it every day. At the same time the choice of dishes is small. On the one hand, it simplifies the process of cooking, but, on the other hand, makes staying on it difficult. It is necessary to eat 4 once a day.

Changing the menu is not recommended:

  • breakfast – one soft-boiled egg, a tablespoon of bran, a glass of low-fat kefir, a cup of coffee;
  • lunch – 250 g of boiled chicken fillet, 450 ml of chicken stock, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • high tea – a glass of low-fat kefir or a cup of coffee;
  • Dinner – a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of bifidogogurt.

During weight loss, it is necessary to observe the correct water regime: you need to drink at least 2 l of water per day. Water facilitates the digestive process and accelerates the excretion of metabolic products from the body.

Benefits of Diet

The diet has several advantages for which it is valued:

  • good results in weight loss;
  • low cost of dietary intake (no exotic products and fresh vegetables are required, especially in winter time);
  • ease of cooking;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • do not need to do physical exercise.

In order to maintain normal fitness, it is enough to walk and climb stairs. So, if losing weight lives within walking distance to work, then on a public transport trip one should prefer walking. If the high-rise building has an elevator, then it is advisable to go up to your apartment on foot. Such moderate loads support the body losing weight in good shape, as well as are the prevention of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.

Disadvantages of the astronauts diet

Due to the monotony of the diet, losing weight with the astronaut diet is stressful for the body. There is enough energy to maintain all vital functions in the diet, but not only proteins but also carbohydrates are needed to perform heavy physical work or intense sports loads, the amount of which in dishes is sharply limited. Therefore, this diet is not suitable for athletes, people engaged in physical labor, as well as lovers of active pastime.

Fat burning for energy occurs in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as in fat pads around the organs inside the body, therefore a long stay on this diet is dangerous by omission of the internal organs and flabbiness of the skin.

Plant fiber stimulates intestinal motility and is a substrate for the development of normal intestinal microflora. Lack of fiber in the diet leads to the fact that proteins entering the intestine, stay in it longer than the allotted time. As a result, the dormant fermenting and putrefactive microflora begins to actively develop in the intestine. During the processes of decay and fermentation of protein residues in the intestines a gas is formed that inflates the intestines, causing colic and difficulty excretion of feces (constipation). Chronic constipation contributes to the general intoxication of the body by metabolic products. For this reason, during the stay on the astronauts’ diet, it is necessary to clean the intestines in a timely manner using laxatives or cleansing enemas.

The breakdown products of the protein are excreted in feces and urine. The protein diet leads to an increase in the concentration of nitrogenous substances in the blood. Often, these compounds have a large molecular formula that prevents them from passing through the renal filtration barrier. Instead of removing these protein breakdown products with urine, they accumulate in the blood and clog them in the glomeruli. This is fraught with thickening of the blood and the development of renal failure.

The circulation of nitrogenous substances in the blood overloads the liver, one of the tasks of which is to detoxify them. Excessive protein load disrupts the pancreas and nervous system.

In order for the body to adapt to the upcoming dietary restrictions, several days before the diet it is recommended to gradually reduce the amount of servings and the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Contraindications for diet

This diet is strict and unbalanced, so you can not stick to it during pregnancy, in the postpartum period or while breastfeeding.

To avoid side effects, wishing to lose weight on this diet should find out if they have any contraindications. To lose weight with the help of a diet of astronauts is prohibited to people with:

  • impaired renal excretory function;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • inflammations of the stomach and intestines;
  • a tendency to thrombosis;
  • varicose veins in the legs;
  • polyneuropathy.

A low-calorie diet of astronauts can cause metabolic disorders in the body. A deficiency of carbohydrates, plant fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements in the menu of this diet makes it unbalanced, so you can use it for weight loss without risking your health no more than once a year.

Being on a diet of astronauts, you must be attentive to changes in health. The appearance of severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, swelling on this diet should not be observed. If these side effects appear, you need to stop losing weight, drink sweet tea and consult a doctor.

Out of the diet

To fix the weight and maintain it you need to get out of the diet correctly. For this you need:

  • in the first week to introduce a portion of oatmeal for breakfast;
  • in the second week add some fruit (no more than 100 g per day);
  • give preference to unsweetened fruit varieties, and it is better to refuse bananas, persimmons, melons, grapes, figs and candied fruits altogether;
  • avoid starchy vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes). It is recommended to include them in the diet no more than once or twice a week;
  • once a week to hold fasting days.

Enter vegetables in the menu should be careful: the intestine should “start” gradually. With a large amount of vegetables in the diet after a long break in their intake, colic and spasms in the intestines are possible.

Exiting the diet is often accompanied by eating disorders. It manifests itself in the form of a keen desire to eat high-carbohydrate foods (confectionery, sweet fruit, and potato dishes). If, after a diet, immediately return to the previous diet, then the lost kilograms will return with interest.

Express Diet

This shortened version of the astronauts diet is calculated on just 2 of the day. During this time, subject to its rules, you can lose up to 2,5 kg of weight. The menu of each of the two days is repeated and looks like this:

  • breakfast – tea or coffee with a tablespoon of milk powder;
  • lunch – boiled egg, cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice;
  • dinner – 150 g boiled chicken fillet with lettuce.

Salt and sugar are still banned. Between meals, nothing to eat and drink, except for water without gas, is impossible. For the day you need to drink 2 l of water.

Reviews of people who have tried this weight loss are quite eloquent: in 20 days you can lose weight on 20 kg! The first days, as a rule, are given very hard, but every day the body gets used more and more, and it becomes easier to stick to a dietary ration. After two weeks, the monotonous menu, even without hunger attacks, bothers most people losing weight, so the 10-day astronaut diet is the most popular one.

In pursuit of weight loss, many people do not think about the possible consequences of a diet. The astronauts diet has many contraindications and side effects, so it is very important to consult a doctor before starting to lose weight. The observance of dietary principles and their combination with moderate physical exertion and cosmetic procedures will allow you to maintain the result of weight loss for a long time without damage to health.

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