Diet of all ages is submissive

If a person wants to lose weight at the age of 20, he can do it playfully. At the age of 30, such a task is already somewhat difficult (although not yet for everyone). But at 40 it is often just flour! Why?

With each passing year, the metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases, and our body requires less and less energy to maintain the functions of respiration, blood circulation and cell construction. Food is already burned not so well and is easily deposited in fat depots. Therefore, only proper nutrition and physical activity will help the body not to accumulate extra pounds.

20 to 30: Apple Diet Best

Serious weight problems at this age are quite rare – after all, 20-year-olds have the highest calorie requirements (at least 2000 per day), and muscle mass accounts for 40% of body weight. Therefore, losing 1-2 kg with a fruit day is not a problem. The apple diet is ideal. Fruits are good because, on the one hand, they contribute to the elimination of metabolic end products, and on the other hand, due to the high content of vitamin C, they help to stay in an active form.


grate an apple, mix with a glass of low-fat yogurt and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Take your time.

11 hours: apple.


Cut 2 apples into small pieces and mix with lettuce. Season with a mixture of a glass of low-fat yogurt, a teaspoon of olive oil and apple cider vinegar, and a teaspoon of water. You can sprinkle with herbs. Energy supplement: 3 walnuts.

16 hours: apple.


chop an apple, sprinkle with lemon juice and eat with a 150g piece of cheese.

Result: Your weight will be reduced by 1 kg per day of the diet.

30 to 40: Long live the vegetables!

Between the ages of 30 and 40, most of us live the most active life: family, work, children – and, of course, a couple of extra pounds: after all, from the age of 30, a slowdown in metabolism begins. A vegetable diet is ideal in such cases: firstly, it reduces the so-called attacks of hunger, and secondly, when it is used, there is no “oscillatory effect” when weight is added and then decreased.


combine oatmeal and cornflakes (not sweet), cover with low-fat milk and add one grated carrot. Eat a cup of this mixture.

11 o’clock: cucumber.


2 potatoes boiled in their skins, with a lot of any vegetables.

16 hours: red bell pepper.


give yourself some vegetables to enjoy – make any vegetable salad you like. You can eat a thick slice of rye bread with the salad.

Result: Your weight will be reduced by 2 kg in one day of the diet.

Extra tip:

Try to “grossly abuse” the amount of food no more than 2 times a month. If you exercise regularly, do not schedule your workouts for the day of the fasting diet. In the gym, it is better to spend 30-45 minutes 2 times a week. Those who are not involved in sports should devote this time to active walks.

40 to 50: lean on rice

Almost everyone after 40 would like to lose weight. And this is understandable: after all, thanks to hormonal changes, muscle mass decreases, and fat mass increases. In addition, at this age, our body begins to accumulate water. Therefore, a rice diet is best suited. Rice grains ideally remove liquid, “drain us”. So, divide 250 g of rice into 3 doses, and combine 2 of them with additional protein components.


boil rice, eat it, mix with a glass of low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.


add 150 g of fish or lean chicken to boiled rice.


Between these three meals, if you feel hungry, you can eat any fruit or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Extra tip:

It is a good idea to add foods containing soy to your diet, as they contain substances close to hormones that overcome hunger attacks. Vigorous walks are useful for you: after all, after 30 minutes of active walking, a certain amount of fat leaves the fat depots.

50 to 60: Enzymes are fat killers.

Now, when it comes to nutrition, we have to put on the brakes: a 50-year-old body needs 30% less energy to function than a 20-year-old. The most effective substances that “kill fats” and make us slim at this age are enzymes. Rich in enzymes and vitamin C, the well-known pineapple and the lesser known papaya.

During the day, try to eat 2 kg of these fruits (or one of them), including necessarily the pulp and juice. Divide these 2 kg into 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Do not eat anything else that day. If you can’t do this, you can soften the diet a little.


Eat a slice of pineapple with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.


half a pineapple and 100 g of poultry, lean boiled meat, crabs or boiled fish.


a slice of pineapple and a slice of rye bread with low-fat cheese.

Result: weight is reduced by 2 kg after 2 days.

It is also worth knowing that powerful “fat killers” are also artichokes (and the water in which they were cooked), kiwi fruits, apple cider vinegar. And additionally I recommend to dance more often at this age. An hour of active dancing burns 400 kilocalories!

60 and older: no lightning diets

Your muscle mass is only 15%. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should do it very slowly, since the lightning and fast diets that we talked about dramatically reduce the amount of protein in muscle tissue. Try to follow the plan of Professor Volker Pudel from the University Hospital of Göttingen (Germany), who developed it for weight loss at this age. The main rule of the professor: no more than 40 g of fat per day. Here’s how to implement this recommendation in practice.


Instead of a traditional butter sandwich, make a sandwich with a teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese. Fat consumption will be reduced by 4 g.


instead of 60 g minced meat, you can cook 60 g of red beans. A similar color scheme will create the optical illusion of familiar food, and fat consumption will be reduced by 7 g. For those who cannot imagine a meal without meat, another tip: 200 g of beef tenderloin instead of pork chop reduces fat intake by 17 g.

16 pm: If you really want a baked one – eat a piece of pie with fruit, not a piece of cake. This will cut your fat intake by 13 g.


it is better to afford a slice of cooked ham than smoked sausage. Fat consumption will be reduced by 10 g. A piece of 30% fat cheese compared to 60% fat cheese will also reduce fat consumption by 10 g. And one more thing: drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day – this will keep your digestion and metabolism in good shape.

Thus, you can get rid of 2-3 extra pounds of weight per month – this is optimal for you both in terms of quality and time. And do not forget: in your summer, the need for energy is not great – 1700 kilocalories per day is enough. But fruits and vegetables are essential. As for sports, it is best to do light gymnastics, but regularly and at least 15 minutes a day.

Good luck to you!

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