Diet myths

3. Carbohydrates are evil!

First of all, carbohydrates are a source of energy. Do not set yourself strict prohibitions, avoid only simple, easily digestible carbohydrates – white bread, sugar, potatoes. And move more! Dependence on simple carbohydrates is like alcoholism. The worst thing is that people put children on them, pampering them in unmeasured quantities with soda and sweets.

4. Snacks – completely banned!

No extremes needed. You should not completely abandon your favorite treats: if you treat yourself to, say, ice cream or chips every few weeks, it’s okay. The main thing is that it does not go into the system.

5. Books about weight loss – useful reading.

In the course of my work, I have to correct mistakes that happen due to diet books written by non-doctors. Some girl who lost weight on “Dom-2” wrote a book – and that’s it, she is not responsible for the consequences. On such books, like on cigarettes, you need to write: “Mortally dangerous!”

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