Diet Larisa Dolina

Valley Kefir Diet

Diet Larisa Dolina

This nutrition system made a splash at one time, because it was with its help that the popular pop singer Larisa Dolina was able to significantly improve her figure and lose weight. Journalists literally bombarded the celebrity with questions about how she managed to achieve such impressive results. As it turned out, the secret of the singer’s harmony was to follow a special kefir diet.

It is rather difficult to withstand it (the diet can be classified as rigid), but at the same time it is effective and allows you to quickly eliminate extra pounds. There are several options for the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina. One of them is for two weeks. During the first seven days, you can lose from 3 to 5 excess kilograms, after the second week, another 2-4 kilograms will go away (depending on the initial weight and characteristics of the body). Be sure to remember that after the first week you need to take a seven-day break.

During this break, you can return to your normal diet, with the exception of spicy, sweet, starchy and fatty foods. If during the break you gain about one kilogram, then it’s okay – the body during this time adapts to the new weight. After seven days, you can move on to the second week of the diet. Her diet will be no different from the first. Such a power supply system provides for the observance of certain rules:

  • Meals should take place by the hour – 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 and the last time at 18.00.

  • The diet for two weeks is the same.

  • It is recommended to do a cleansing enema every day (this item is carried out only after consultation with a doctor, since the use of an enema has a number of contraindications and can be harmful to health).

  • Warm water is allowed.

The diet plan is as follows:




Baked potatoes, without adding salt – 400 g, kefir – 500 ml


Low-fat cottage cheese – 400 g, kefir – 500 ml

The third

Fruits – 400 g (with the exception of bananas and grapes), kefir – 500 ml


Boiled chicken breast (without salt and skin) – 400 g, kefir – 500 ml


Fruits – 400 g, kefir – 500 ml


1,5 liters of still mineral water


Fruits – 400 g, kefir – 500 ml

The advantage of Larisa Dolina’s diets is that there are 6 meals a day – this contributes to its better absorption, as a result of which a feeling of fullness arises quite quickly. But the lack of animal protein refers to the disadvantages of this system of dietary nutrition. Before starting weight loss, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

Valley diet for fast weight loss

There is also a shorter version of Larisa Dolina’s diet. Its duration is seven days. With it, you can lose five kilograms in a week. Rules for its observance:

  • Eating after 18.00 is prohibited.

  • The daily diet should be divided into 4-5 servings.

  • Green tea and non-carbonated drinking water can be drunk without restrictions.

Larisa Dolina’s fast diet menu:




Jacket-boiled potatoes – 5 pieces, kefir – 500 ml


Low-fat sour cream – 200 g, kefir – 500 ml

The third

Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g, kefir – 500 ml


Boiled chicken meat (without salt and peeled) – 500 g, kefir – 500 ml


Vegetables or fruits (300 g of prunes, a kilogram of apples or 500 g of carrots), kefir – 500 ml


The entire daily diet is one liter of kefir


Drink mineral water throughout the day

Allowed foods can be consumed when a feeling of hunger occurs (arbitrarily in time).

Valley diet menu

Sixteen-day diet of Larisa Dolina – menu:




Dried fruits – 300 g, still mineral water – 1 liter, kefir – 500 ml


Mineral water – 1 liter, boiled potatoes – 10 pieces, kefir – 500 ml

The third

Apples – 10 pieces, mineral water – 1 liter, kefir – 500 ml


Boiled chicken meat without skin – 1 kg, mineral water – 1 liter, kefir – 500 ml


Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 kg, mineral water – 1 liter, kefir – 500 ml


Sour cream – 1 liter, mineral water – 1 liter, kefir – 500 ml


Kefir – 500 ml, mineral water – 1 liter


During the day, drink up to two liters of mineral water (still)

Further, the diet of the diet is repeated again from the first to the eighth day. With such a nutrition system, it is allowed to consume green tea and water without restriction. Kefir is an invariable component of Larisa Dolina’s diets. In combination with other products, he participates in all methods of losing weight from the famous singer. The diet menu does not require the preparation of exotic dishes or the purchase of expensive ingredients. Before following such a diet, it is advisable to get medical advice.

Reviews and results of the Valley diet

Some experts speak positively about this diet due to the fact that excess weight, when followed, goes away pretty quickly. Another plus is the high content of kefir in the daily diet. This fermented milk drink has long been recognized by doctors as one of the most useful products. Compared with other mono-diets, this method implies some alternation of products, which does not deprive the body of the intake of all useful elements at once.

The main disadvantage of the Larisa Dolina diet is the excessive restriction of the diet, as a result of which you constantly have to fight the desire to eat any of the prohibited foods. Judging by the reviews, for some people such a meager menu is not something insurmountable, while others constantly experience a feeling of hunger.

Valentine: for some reason, I listen more willingly to the recommendations of famous people. So I decided to try this diet for myself. The result was pretty good – in a week she dropped a little less than five kilograms. In a few months I want to repeat the course.

Galina: after I tried this diet, I can’t even look at kefir. During her observance, she constantly experienced some kind of discomfort. Still, I endured to the end, but I really did not like this diet.

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