Diet Ladder: plan, menu, results. Exiting the Lesenka diet and maintaining the effect

The “Ladder” diet combines the effect of five mono-diets at once: you can eat almost everything on it, but each product has its own step. But stopping at each of them, you can lose a kilogram per day in order to easily climb any stairs!

Diet Ladder: plan, menu, results. Exiting the Lesenka diet and maintaining the effect

Diet “Ladder”: weight – down, self-esteem – up

Duration: 5 days;

Features: consists of five days, each with its own “specialization”;

Cost: low (no more than 2 thousand rubles for the entire period);

Result: minus 3-6 kg;

Recommended frequency: no more than once a year;

The “Ladder” diet is not suitable: pregnant women, lactating women, with gastritis and ulcers, as well as people with liver and kidney diseases, cardiac disorders. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

The “Lesenka” diet is a popular, but, unfortunately, anonymous meal plan, especially popular with adherents of express weight loss. Unknown authors have done everything to make the diet relatively easy and even interesting to follow: each of the five days represents a separate step on the path to harmony. According to reviews, enthusiasts even draw a ladder to improve motivation, visually marking their daily successes.

The proposed diet of the ladder diet (with a menu for 5 days) can be called a kaleidoscope of mono-diets: as planned, each of the days has its own function, and in combination, they lead to an impressive result. The Lesenka diet is recommended to be combined with fitness, which in reality may not be such an easy task: with all the complex variety, the daily menu remains rather scarce. Therefore, the best time for this diet will be a vacation or a series of holidays.

A diet for ease of orientation can be started on Monday – then all the “shock” part will be on weekdays, and the weekend can be devoted to rest (the main thing is to limit yourself to leisure, excluding gastronomic excesses). Or, on the contrary, you can plan the first, most difficult days for the weekend, and “finish off” the diet until the middle of next week.

Whichever scheme you choose, you cannot disrupt the order of days in the Lesenk diet, they must follow the prescribed sequence.

Diet Lesenka: menu for 5 days

  • 1 day – Cleansing

  • 2 day – Recovery

  • 3 day – Energy

  • 4 day – Building

  • 5 day – Burning fat.

Each day corresponds to a unique set of products, which, of course, should not be expanded at your own discretion, if for your purposes you “lose” the notorious 3-6 kilos. The drinking menu on the ladder diet is simple clean water without gas, you will have to give up tea and coffee for a while.

Diet menu “Ladder”, day one: step “Purification”

According to the logic of the “Ladder” diet, before getting rid of excess weight, the body should be properly adjusted for the upcoming losses – and cleansing the intestines will be very useful here. They will help to implement it (based on the entire first day):

– activated carbon (12 tablets);

– a kilogram of apples of any kind;

– clean non-carbonated drinking water (at least 1 liter).

Everything prescribed can be used in any combination and sequence, but it is important to consider two points: in order to avoid hunger, it is better to take “food” in small portions evenly throughout the day, and also to carry out this starting stage at home, since active peristalsis stimulated by the components of the step requires access to sanitary facilities.

How does the step work: pectin-rich apples and water take care of stomach fullness and organize a cleansing “movement” of the gastrointestinal tract, activated carbon acts as an adsorbent, binding all kinds of toxins, gases, poisons and removing them from the body.

Diet menu “Ladder”, day two: step “Recovery”

Having tested the gastrointestinal tract for strength and having expelled from itself a significant part of the accumulated “slag”, on the second day of the ladder diet, one can think about restoring the intestinal microflora. To do this during the day will help:

– low-fat cottage cheese without additives (600 gr);

– low-fat “live” kefir (1 liter);

– still drinking water (not less than 1,5 liters).

Judging by the reviews on the ladder diet, the likelihood that the cleansing will continue on the second day is different from zero: kefir in combination with water leaves such an opportunity. Be that as it may, already during these two days you will notice the first “plummet” of kilograms: it is water left, because the kidneys were working actively all the time (including thanks to the acids contained in apples and kefir) and mass from the intestines.

Saturation of the second day with protein of animal origin will, to a certain extent, compensate for its deficiency created by cleansing. In addition, many nutritionists are sure that it is after a high-quality unloading that the body is able to better absorb protein. True, these observations were carried out within the framework of more detailed diets in terms of duration.

How does the step work: after cleansing, the body receives a “dose” of animal protein, which is absorbed for a long time without provoking hunger, and supplies the muscles with protein. Kefir bifidobacteria enter the digestive tract, helping to establish a favorable microflora.

Diet menu “Lesenka”, day three: step “Energy”

In the middle of the Lesenka diet, it is prescribed to load with an available source of energy – simple sugars, glucose and fructose, will play its role. You will be able to get them:

– raisins (300 gr)

– honey (2 tablespoons)

– Strained compote from any dried fruit (2 liters).

On the sweet step, losing weight may be attacked by an attack of hunger – quickly absorbed monosaccharides give an instant burst of energy and good mood, but in response provoke the release of insulin into the blood. Therefore, it is important to try to consume the permitted raisins literally on the berry. You can sweeten the compote with honey or eat it, dividing it into small portions, very slowly, literally dissolving in your mouth, like candy. And do not forget that dried fruits and a decoction from them are often weakened, therefore, on the third day, it is advisable not to plan long outings and responsible affairs.

How does the step work: the brain, “feeding” on pure glucose, gets its favorite food, so an energetic day helps psychological relief. Dried fruits, in which valuable substances and microelements (magnesium, potassium, iron, antioxidants) are contained in a higher concentration than in fresh fruits, and “raisin tour” will provide the body with substances useful for the liver, cardiovascular system and hematopoiesis.

Diet menu “Ladder”, day four: step “Construction”

On the penultimate day, an impeccably proven protein will act as a building material: distribute 500 grams of boiled white turkey or chicken meat for the whole day and do not forget to add more (at least one and a half liters) of clean drinking water without gas to the menu. To improve a modest diet, you can flavor it with a small amount of fresh herbs and moderately salt it.

How does the step work: Poultry meat, easily digestible by the human body, tastes good and contains most of the essential amino acids. After three full days of poor nutrition, protein “builds” muscles, since muscles are the first victim in any strict diet.

Diet menu “Ladder”, day five: step “Burning fat”

The final day, as conceived by the authors of the Lesenka diet, compensates for the load that arose on the previous, protein day, with the help of abundant supply of fiber contained in grains and vegetables with fruits. Menu for this day:

– oat flakes without additives (200 g dry equivalent);

– raw vegetables and fruits (1 kg in total).

Drinking water also does not go anywhere – since the fruits contain a lot of liquid, you can additionally drink about a liter of moisture.

From oatmeal, boil porridge in water with a little salt, and, spreading it over the whole day, eat with vegetables and fruits, or distribute the ingredients to separate meals (for example, eat porridge with an apple, then a vegetable salad, then a pear ). When choosing plant-based foods, avoid bananas, apples, and starchy vegetables.

How does the step work: after all the restrictions that I had to endure on the “Lesenka” diet, a real feast awaits those who are losing weight. It is assumed that fat stores will be “burned” due to the filling action of fiber (sometimes this effect is called “negative calorie content” – there is satiety, there is a minimum of calories!), Against which it is easy to “load” the body physically. However, whether there is strength for a full workout after such a strict diet is a big question.

Exit from the “Ladder” diet

Like any nutrition plan that involves serious restrictions and achieves significant results due to them, the Lesenka diet has a “boomerang effect” – everything lost can return very quickly if, in joy, after losing weight, you return to the eating habits that put you in front of the need diet.

Even if you managed to lose those extra pounds with ease and you are inspired, you should not go through the five-day diet again: this will lead to exhaustion and serious problems. To “consolidate” your new figure, after leaving the diet, avoid fatty, sweet, in a word, any food containing “dense” calories, and also watch the portion sizes – if you want to stay slim, you should eat more often (about five times a day ), but little by little. So the “Ladder” diet will allow you to enjoy life without leaving the very top step, from where you can clearly see your beauty!


Poll: Do you believe that the “ladder” diet allows you to lose weight and maintain the result? 

  • Yes, the original diet plan is credible: it contains all the important ingredients!

  • I’m generally good with express diets. The main thing is not to start overeating after its end, and the result can be saved.

  • No, any rapid weight loss leads to the fact that soon you get better again, no matter how hard you try.

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