Diet ladder
A fashionable ladder diet consists of certain steps – days. According to nutritionists, this diet is extremely rigid, and the results achieved are not so unambiguous and unstable. The menu for 5 and 7 days will help you understand the principle of the diet and decide if it suits you

Benefits of the ladder diet

This low-carb diet is based on overcoming certain stages, each day is dedicated to a specific goal. Since the diet is extremely limited, there is psychological discomfort. To overcome it, the authors of the diet suggest drawing 6 multi-colored steps on paper, writing in each diet for the day and the kilograms lost per day. This motivates and allows you to track the results of your work. In the last 6 steps, you can write a large result of losing weight.

Cons of the ladder diet

At the first stage of cleansing, various digestive disorders are possible, since, apart from liquid and activated charcoal, practically nothing enters the stomach. Diarrhea, constipation, pain and cramps may occur. If the phenomena are too strong, you should immediately stop the diet and not move on to the next steps, so as not to cause gastritis, colitis or other inflammatory phenomena.

In the second stage after such a hunger strike, the body may not take food and react with the same indigestion.

On the third day, carbohydrate starvation often causes dizziness and weakness, which can be overcome by eating honey and dried fruits.

The diet is allowed only for healthy people. Any diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, diabetes, kidney disease, feeding or pregnancy are a strict contraindication.

Menu for 5 days for the ladder diet

This diet is designed specifically for 5 days and each is not like the previous one. It is impossible to extend or shorten the diet, however, if discomfort or exacerbation of diseases occurs, you should immediately return to normal nutrition. 5 days is enough time to lose extra pounds, while not allowing too long a stressful state in the body.


On all days we eat as fractionally as possible, every few hours, breaking the daily ration into 5-7 meals. After 5 days, you need to smoothly exit the diet, the first week – two without eating sweet, fatty and starchy foods.

Day 1

Cleansing. It is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and toxins and removing decay products from the intestines. Natural charcoal is used for detoxification. An apple speeds up digestion, and the pectin in its composition envelops the mucous membranes.

During the day, you need to eat one apple, divided into slices, drink at least 2 liters of water and take 3-1 tablets of activated charcoal every 2 hours with plenty of water.

Day 2

Recovery. This stage will allow you to restore the body after aggressive cleansing and replenish the intestinal microflora.

Fermented milk products are well suited for establishing the normal functioning of the digestive system. Today you need to consume 1 liter of kefir and a pound of cottage cheese, both products are fat-free. You can drink water. Meals are frequent and little by little, every 2-3 hours, so as not to burden the stomach. Vanilla or cinnamon can be added to products, but no sweeteners.

Day 3

Energy replenishment. Normalization of metabolic processes to avoid stress of the body, which has used up the reserves of “harmful” sugar. At this stage, we feed the body with fructose.

This day is the sweetest. We restore the carbohydrate balance with the help of natural sugars. To do this, you can eat up to 300 grams of dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, pears. They can be eaten with a couple of spoons of honey, or dissolved in water. Remember to drink at least 1,5 liters of liquid.

Day 4

Building. In order not to lose weight due to the “burning” of muscles, you need to consume a lot of proteins, which are the building material for your own proteins.

The stage is the most satisfying and similar to a regular meal. Consists mainly of protein food. Up to 0,5 kg of dietary meat should be consumed per day: turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit. Meat without skin, stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. To speed up the metabolism, you can eat up to 50 grams of parsley, dill, spinach, salads.

Day 5

Fat burning. On this day, much less energy is received than is consumed, and a large part of it is spent on the processing of fiber, which reduces the feeling of hunger, but at the same time has no energy value.

It is allowed to drink, in addition to water, tea and coffee without sugar. The main products are still low-calorie. You can eat apples, pears, oranges and grapefruits, green vegetables, oatmeal or pearl barley in water up to 200 grams, bran – to reduce hunger and speed up metabolism.

Menu for 7 days for the ladder diet

The menu completely repeats the diet for 5 days, the additional two days are an additional protein and fat burning day.

Day 1

Cleansing. The most difficult day, the hunger strike. Cleansing the body with activated charcoal and water. During the day, you can eat one green apple, divided into slices, drink at least 2 liters of water and take 3-1 activated charcoal tablets every 2 hours with liquid.

Day 2

Recovery. After such tension and hunger strike, restoration of the intestinal microflora is required. Today, use 1 liter of kefir and a pound of cottage cheese, both products are fat-free. You can drink water. Meals are fractional, every 2-3 hours.

Day 3

Energy replenishment. To restore the carbohydrate balance, you need to eat up to 300 grams of dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried pears, apples. They can be eaten with a couple of spoons of honey, or dissolved in water. Drink at least 1,5 liters of liquid.

Day 4

Building. It is required to make up for the lack of proteins in order to avoid “burning” muscles, so eat up to 0,5 kg of lean rabbit meat, chicken, skinless turkey per day. Meat must not be fried. Up to 50 grams of greens can be eaten to speed up metabolism.

Day 5

Fat burning. To reduce the feeling of hunger, you can use bran. The main diet for the day is fruits: apples, citrus fruits, pears, green vegetables, oatmeal or barley on water up to 200 gr.

Day 6

Building. Since the diet has lengthened, the stress of the body increases and it is important not to lose muscle tissue. For this, another protein day is added. Today you need to eat up to 0,5 kg of dietary meat: an idea, a chicken, a rabbit. Meat without skin, stewed, boiled or steamed. To speed up the metabolism, eat up to 50 grams of parsley, dill, spinach.

Day 7

Fat burning. The final stage, during which you can already drink unsweetened tea and coffee. The diet for the day consists of unsweetened fruits, green vegetables, oatmeal or pearl barley up to 200 grams, and bran.

The results

The weight loss program is based on dietary restriction, the days are extremely hungry and psychologically and physically difficult to endure. It eases the situation a little and motivates the visual image of the ladder and the results.

The effect of losing weight after the first days is mainly the loss of excess water and the result of bowel cleansing. Fat mass leaves a little later and in smaller volumes. For 5 – 7 days you can lose weight up to 8 kg, while the greater the initial weight, the more tangible the result.

Despite protein days, muscle loss is possible, that is, the weight has decreased not as a result of fat loss, but of your own proteins, which go away faster in the early days. After a diet, weight often returns – water balance and lost muscles are restored.

Dietitian Reviews

This diet is one of the toughest. The diet is unbalanced, starvation causes stress and provokes diseases. The result is partially achieved not at all by the removal of excess fat mass, and within a few weeks the lost kilograms often return. Before a diet, you must definitely consult a doctor and control your condition, as it can be harmful at the slightest deviation in health, – believes Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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