Diet Kovalkova

Giving your body the desired shape without harming your own health is the main goal of someone who wants to get in shape and keep it for years to come. But which diet to choose so that the process of getting rid of extra centimeters does not become stress for the body?

The famous nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov proved that in order to obtain the desired result, self-violence is undesirable and even contraindicated. Tight restrictions lead to negative consequences, so the doctor developed an author’s method of weight loss and shared the secret of how to lose weight wisely in the book and the program called “Family Size”.

The Kovalkov program is not just a diet, it is a set of measures necessary for a smooth phased transition to proper nutrition and restoration of metabolism. The Kovalkov diet has a varied menu and is suitable for the whole family.

Advantages of the Kovalkov technique

A prolonged diet from Dr. Kovalkov stands out against fanatical weight loss programs and differs radically from them. The author is an example of the effectiveness of his technique, with which he was able to lose up to 50 kg, thereby earning the respect of patients.

Kovalkova Clinic has an impeccable reputation and is recognized as one of the most popular in Moscow. According to the Kovalkov method, many grateful clients lost weight and restored their health. Today, everyone can appreciate the benefits of the diet: the absence of the need to count calories, the rejection of fasting, self-torture and exhausting workouts, a phased diet that allows you to lose weight without titanic efforts and stress, cleansing the body and improving overall health, preventing many diseases and balanced healthy nutrition for the whole families.

Cruelty to your body and excessive restrictions are fraught with nervous breakdowns and eating disorders. Kovalkov’s program, on the contrary, is suitable for anyone who has enough patience and wants to keep the result for a long time.

Preparing the body for a diet

Any changes in nutrition require a certain effort, so the transition to a new mood requires moral and physical preparation. It can take 2-4 weeks, during which it is necessary to stock up on patience, a positive mood.

Recommendations for losing weight according to Kovalkov:

  • eat small meals 5 times a day;
  • drink at least 1,5 liquids (water, unsweetened tea);
  • replace animal fats with vegetable fats;
  • limit the intake of complex carbohydrates after 18:00 and salt more than 5g;
  • include dairy products and dietary supplements in the diet;
  • Do not forget about light exercise;
  • forget the taste of alcohol, fast food and foods with a high glycemic index (GI).

A GI above 70 is considered high, a list of the most popular products and components that you need to abandon is presented in the table. Their absence reduces the risk of diabetes and cholesterol.

Products and components to be discarded
product NameGI indicator
Baguette french long136
Rice noodles131
Beer, Ale130
Toast wheat bread100
Fried potato baked95
Rice flour95
Hamburger buns93
Mashed potatoes90
Rice Flakes90
Ice cream87
Corn Flakes, Popcorn85
Boiled carrots85
White bread, rice85
Boiled potatoes83
White rice83
Chips, Crackers80
Muesli with nuts and dried fruits80
Rice brown79
Canned sweet corn78
Orange juice74
Sweet potato74
Wheat millet71
candied fruit70
Turnip and other feed70
Sweet boiled corn70
White, milk chocolate70
Marmalade, marshmallows70
Dumplings, dumplings70

Dietary nutrition according to Kovalkov is diverse and balanced, so the list of allowed products varies depending on the current stage. The third phase has virtually no restrictions, however, foods with a high GI should be excluded from the diet forever to maintain the effect.

The first phase: cleansing the body

The first stage is aimed at a comprehensive cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins. Its duration is 1-2 weeks to achieve the desired result. During this time, you can part with 5-10 kg of excess weight or more.

This period is the only one in the cycle when you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of a nutritionist and limit your diet.

An example of an optimal menu for the first week:

  • breakfast – a glass of fat-free kefir or fresh vegetable juice, a tablespoon of bran;
  • lunch – half a grapefruit or sour apple;
  • lunch – stewed vegetables or fresh buckwheat porridge with herbs;
  • afternoon tea – a cucumber or a green apple, a glass of juice;
  • dinner – vegetable salad with a slice of low-fat cheese.

Before going to bed, you can eat boiled egg protein or drink a glass of skim milk, and unsweetened apples are suitable for satisfying hunger during the day. If you drink water an hour before a meal, you can fool the body by filling the stomach and get a feeling of additional satiety.

Weight loss can weaken the body, so you should avoid stress and nervous tension.

Examples of simple recipes

Since this period is considered the most difficult, the menu should be as diverse as possible.

The first ingredients to come to mind as dinner are:

  • cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper – 2 pcs each;
  • red sweet onions – 1;
  • pitted olives – a third of the can;
  • feta cheese or low-fat feta cheese – 100 g;
  • basil and other fresh herbs;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice.

In this combination, it is easy to recognize the famous Greek salad, in which you can replace high-calorie components with dietary ones without deviating from the classic recipe.

Remembering the benefits of apples, you can prepare a healthy sweet and sour salad, having at hand the following products:

  • Beijing cabbage – ½ head of cabbage;
  • cucumber – 1 pcs;
  • carrots – 1 pieces;
  • apples – 2 pcs;
  • sesame;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp

A vegetable-based diet is a godsend for vegetarians who manage to modify even traditionally meat salads. During the first phase of the Kovalkov diet, vegetarian recipes will help discover a new dish every day.

Second phase: proper nutrition

After gaining the desired size, a person switches to a healthy diet. The first stage eliminates fat deposits and restores the intestinal microflora, while the second allows you to smoothly exit the restriction mode.

The second stage lasts from one month to six months, during which time natural weight loss is observed. To stabilize nutrition, it is worthwhile to include a little bit of seafood, lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

Example menu for a month:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with fruits or low-fat yogurt with bran;
  • lunch – a handful of nuts or dried fruits;
  • lunch – mashed vegetables, boiled chicken breast;
  • afternoon tea – cottage cheese;
  • dinner – steamed fish with vegetables.

The diet still excludes foods from the banned list and salt in large quantities. Vegetables, meat and fish should be stewed or steamed. It is important to observe five meals a day and not overeat.

Third phase: consolidation of the result

At the third stage, the body is aware of its new weight and finally gets used to a new lifestyle. During this period, a person makes for himself the most comfortable diet, since the list of acceptable products is expanding and includes the entire range that the technique can offer.

It is not forbidden to indulge yourself occasionally with pastries, bitter chocolate and other delicacies, without deviating from the norm. It is also acceptable to use high-quality wine, which in moderation will bring clear benefits.

The effectiveness of the Kovalkov technique

The program of Dr. Kovalkov is a classic healthy diet, so it has no contraindications. Its effectiveness is confirmed by reviews of patients who noted positive changes in the body:

  • improvement of the digestive system;
  • lowering cholesterol and sugar;
  • normalization of metabolism and water-salt balance;
  • acquiring good habits that help to avoid a debilitating feeling of hunger;
  • gaining a diet and overall well-being;
  • maintaining the tone, elasticity of the skin;
  • strengthening hair and nails.

The list of advantages of the technique can be supplemented by the observation that all aspects of human life depend on proper nutrition. Caring for your health motivates others to change for the better, and this is the key to personal happiness, a successful career and family well-being.

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