Some of them look quite healthy, even supporters of a healthy diet have nothing against them. But we know: they are only pretending!
Trainers and nutritionists say: if you want to lose weight, forget about snacks. But how can you forget about them if an hour after eating you already want to chew something else? It turns out that it is really possible to give up the habit of intercepting on the go. But for this you will have to sacrifice some foods that, it turns out, increase the feeling of hunger.
This is the loss of losses. Of course, you don’t need to give up cheese at all. But you need to know about him this: this insidious product awakens in our subconsciousness our inner baby. Nature has programmed our brains in such a way that the casein protein contained in milk makes you want to drink another sip. Everything so that the baby drinks mother’s milk until it literally climbs back up, so the children spit up after feeding. And cheese is, in fact, concentrated milk. It contains a compound called casomorphin – in combination with the high fat content of the product and salt, it acts on the brain without fail, you want to eat more and more. Plus, cheese is addictive, which is why there are so many cheese lovers in the world.
Fruit juice
It is essentially just a sweet liquid. Yes, it contains vitamins and minerals, but no fiber – the very substance that makes us feel full. A high-calorie drink raises blood sugar levels, then this level drops sharply, and we feel hungry. Therefore, nutritionists advise drinking clean water, and eating fruits as a whole, without bullying and squeezing.
Low fat yogurt
It just doesn’t saturate. And if it is yogurt with fruit additives, then it also injects a considerable dose of sugar into the blood. Higher carbohydrates plus lower fat are the recipe for increased hunger. Therefore, it is better to choose regular Greek yogurt with a fat content of 4-5 percent. Calcium is better absorbed from it, and thanks to it, the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time. And you can add fruits, nuts or seeds yourself.
Protein omelet
The main dish of fitness fans – and suddenly in our anti-rating? Exactly. Yes, yolks contain all the fat and cholesterol, but it is the yolks that are responsible for the feeling of satiety. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Two yolks a day will definitely not hurt you, so do not rush to “dissect” eggs, making your morning omelet.
Cereal Bars
Granola and muesli packed in a convenient bar are not a healthy snack. Yes, in general, everyone. They are often made up mostly of sugar, oil, and processed grains. They may have fewer calories than a bun, but there is definitely no more benefit. The bar will briefly trick your body into believing that you actually ate something nutritious. But the body will quickly figure out what’s what, and will require a full meal.
Oh, if it really only consisted of tomatoes, herbs and spices, as the advertisement assures. But ketchup often contains high fructose corn syrup. It enhances appetite and slows down the production of leptin, a hormone that is designed to tell the body that it is already full, no more food is needed. This is why ketchup makes us overeat, not because it tastes so good.
Crackers and snacks
Fatty and salty food stuffed with fast carbohydrates – from such a combination, any supporter of healthy nutrition will collapse. There is practically no fiber in such products, so it is impossible to gorge on cookies or chips. But what they are full of is sodium – it activates a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure. The more you eat, the more you want, that’s the whole secret.
“Many dieters try to cheat hunger with chewing gum,” explains the nutritionist. Lisa Hayim… – So, this method does not work. Chewing really tricks the brain into thinking we are actually eating something. But then the stomach begins to revolt: it has already begun to prepare for the digestion of food, but there is still no food. “
Experts warn: in this way, and “chew” the ulcer itself will not last long. Therefore, it is better not to use chewing gum as a snag for the body.
Bakery products
Well, everything is clear. Sugar, fats, fast carbohydrates, joy for the brain, sorrow for the figure. But experts say it’s not so much a matter of calories as of a lack of fiber. If you used whole grain instead of white flour for baking, the chances of eating will be greater. This is because fiber slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream without causing a spike in blood glucose. But if the flour, as expected, is of the highest grade, the finest and most delicate, then after a croissant from it you will be even more hungry than before.
It’s not even that alcohol is very high in calories. It also disinhibits the hunger center in the brain – you eat much more under the glass than usual. And much more than you really need. Moreover, you don’t want to chew cucumber straws or even fruits. Alcohol causes cravings for simple carbohydrates, fried and salty foods. This is because alcohol consumes the reserves of glycogen in the body, and this substance comes from carbohydrates.
What else
MSG – it is he who is responsible for the fact that in a Chinese restaurant you eat a gigantic portion. Monosodium glutamate enhances not only the taste of cooked food, but also the appetite.
Products with artificial sweeteners – they trick the brain into thinking that you have eaten something high in calories, received pleasure and energy. But not for long. Soon, the body will wake up and make you crave for something truly sweet.
Confection – sugar is addictive. This is the whole secret, why after one candy you want more. And then another.