Diet Healing table 3 – recipes menu

Diet Healing table 3 – recipes menu

The presence of health problems often involves the introduction of certain dietary restrictions, the task of which is to help the body and alleviate the course of the disease. Treatment table No. 3 is no exception, the menu of which can be quite varied.

Who needs this treatment table

It is recommended for bowel diseases, accompanied by problems with its peristalsis, manifested in the form of constipation. That is, the task of this therapeutic nutrition is in the normalization of metabolic processes, due to which the activity of the intestine is enhanced and it is emptied faster, without the use of medications. But this is not the only feature of the diet. It is also focused on eliminating fermenting foods as much as possible in order to reduce intestinal discomfort and problems associated with flatulence.

Despite the fact that such a diet is usually recommended by a doctor, it will be useful for those who simply suffer from constipation, as it is generally healthy and balanced.

Any flour products, whether it be bread or pasta, are allowed with this food system, but they should not be created from the highest grade flour, but from the second, which is not so well refined. Ideally, it’s best to skip white bread and switch to whole grain, doctoral, or rye.

White pastries should not be rich

In the part of side dishes, not only cereals, but also vegetables are welcome, and their composition is more regulated by personal tolerance. If tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower can be eaten both in the form of salads and stewed, then white cabbage, peas and other legumes should be included in the diet with caution. Any cereals can be used, being cooked in milk and in water. Only rice should be cooked with care, as it can strengthen the stool.

Meat products can be present on the table in various forms, but they should not be too greasy. This rule also applies to fish. It is better to refuse the use of smoked meats and semi-finished products.

The presence in the menu of fermented milk products in all their forms is welcomed. They contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora and facilitate the process of emptying it.

The more vegetables and fruits that are a source of fiber on the table, the less problems with stool

Diet medical table number 3 does not establish excessively strict restrictions in nutrition, but if you want to see the result from its use, they should be followed.

Strong alcohol, cooking fats, whether it be mayonnaise or regular margarine, as well as pastry and puff pastry are prohibited.

Otherwise, the products are selected according to their well-being and are prepared in the most dietary way, such as boiling, stewing or steaming. Dishes prepared in this way will not only help the intestines. They will give you the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds and just lead a healthy lifestyle.

To improve bowel function, food should be taken at least 4 times a day, focusing on breakfast, not dinner, and trying to start the day with a glass of clean water or a decoction of dried fruit.

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