Diet for women over 50

The older a person becomes, the greater the danger for him is overweight. Therefore, the desire to lose weight after 50 is not just a whim of women, but a banal concern for one’s own health. Obesity entails the development of joint diseases, an increase in blood pressure, and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases significantly. It is possible to prevent these problems, but for this you will need to part with fatty deposits, which often accumulate over many years.

Nutrition rules for women after 50 years

Diet for women over 50

To lose weight, you must adhere to the rules of nutrition that were developed specifically for women after 50 years:

Keep an eye on your energy balance

In the struggle for a slim figure, you must stop eating fatty and high-calorie foods, and you should not overeat. If you do not follow this rule, then the metabolic processes will not be able to be accelerated, which means that fat will continue to be deposited in problem areas: on the hips, abdomen, waist and, most dangerously, on the internal organs.

Introduce lipotropic foods

В рационе должны присутствовать продукты, которые не нарушают работу поджелудочной железы, не провоцируют жировой гепатоз печени, не приводят к атеросклерозу. Для этого в меню должно быть достаточное количество белковой пищи, а вот от продуктов, содержащих большое количество холестерина и липидов, необходимо отказаться.

Varied and balanced diet

Products to be preferred:

  • Vegetables, fruits and herbs.

  • Nuts and legumes are valuable sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and calcium. Regular consumption of these products in food is the prevention of oncology, stroke and heart attack.

  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

  • Fermented milk drinks such as kefir and yogurt. After 50 years, one should not forget about cottage cheese as a valuable source of calcium.

  • Семя льна и семена зелёного пажитника являются источником фитоэстрогенов — это природные аналоги женских половых гормонов. В период после климакса они приобретают особенную ценность.

  • Крупы, хлеб, макароны должны присутствовать на столе женщины, так как они являются ценными источниками энергии. Темные крупы, такие как овсянка, ячка и перловка содержат в три раза больше витаминов группы В и железа по сравнению с белыми крупами. Кроме того, в них достаточно магния и калия, без которых нормальная работа сердечной мышцы невозможна.

  • You should eat honey, raisins, dates, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, barley, as sources of glucose necessary for the proper functioning of the brain.

  • Eating butter should be limited to a teaspoon per day, as it contains a lot of cholesterol. Olive oil should be used for dressing salads. It is better to refuse mayonnaise altogether.

  • Сладости есть нужно, так как они повышают в организме уровень гормонов удовольствия (эндорфины). Однако, предпочтение следует отдавать мармеладу, зефиру, пастиле. Причём даже эти сладкие продукты необходимо в рационе ограничивать.

  • You need to eat at least 5 times a day, but portions should be small. Thermal processing of products: boiling, steaming, baking.

  • A woman after 50 years of age should receive enough fluid per day. Its volume is equal to 2 liters of pure water. This is the only way to ensure normal blood density. This, in turn, is the prevention of thrombosis.

  • It must be remembered that tea, milk, juices are food, which also has a diuretic effect. Therefore, drinking pure water is a must. This is the only way to avoid dehydration.

Not a day without minerals

Diet for women over 50

Calcium is a basic trace element for the prevention of osteoporosis. The risk of developing this disease increases significantly after the age of 50. To prevent bone thinning, you should enrich your diet with low-fat cheese, tofu cheese, yeast, mustard seeds, almonds, low-fat yogurt and ice cream, brown seaweed. An excellent source of calcium is fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Do not ignore canned sardines.

  • Boron prevents the leaching of calcium from the bones, increasing their strength. Boron sources are foods such as: raisins, prunes, almonds, figs. From vegetables, cabbage and asparagus should be included in the menu. A delicious source of calcium is strawberries and peaches.

  • Lignins are necessary for women over 50 to combat hot flashes and eliminate dryness in intimate organs. To do this, it is enough to eat 2 teaspoons of flaxseed once a day. It can be added to salads, sour-milk drinks, yoghurts, baked goods. Salads can also be dressed with flaxseed oil.

  • Magnesium, like boron, prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones. It is also good for the heart and blood vessels. Regular consumption of foods with magnesium allows you to normalize blood cholesterol levels, cope with sleep disorders, get rid of depression and bad mood. Sources of magnesium are lettuce leaves, wheat bran, cashew nuts, seaweed. To get 1/3 of the daily dose of magnesium, it is enough to eat three tablespoons of chopped almonds. On the day it should enter the body about 320 mg.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids are an indispensable element that should be ingested by a woman with food. These fats are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to lower blood cholesterol levels. In order not to provoke an omega-3 deficiency in the body, it is necessary to eat fatty varieties of fish. To do this, 2 times in 7 days, you should include 100 g of salmon, trout, mackerel or sardines in your menu. Omega-3s are also found in walnuts and flaxseed (oils derived from these products are no less useful).

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is essential for the heart. It allows you to fight dryness and thinning of the vaginal wall, helps to reduce the intensity of hot flashes. To get vitamin E from food, you need to include green peas, avocados, asparagus, egg yolk, soybean and corn oil, brown rice and beans in your diet.

Take vitamin complexes

Not always the body of a woman over 50 is able to absorb all the minerals and vitamins from food. In order to avoid a deficiency of nutrients, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes adapted to the person’s age. An example of such drugs are: Gerimaks, Multivitamins, Centrum Silver, Vitrum Centuri, Gerovital.

Eliminate dangerous foods from the diet

Over the age of 50, you should not include the following products in your menu:

  • Спиртные напитки, острые блюда, так как их приём способствует усилению симптомов климакса: потливости и приливов.

  • Salt and salty foods: cucumbers, tomatoes, sausages, sausages, smoked meats. Salt causes calcium to be washed out of the bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. This, in turn, threatens fractures and disability.

  • Flour products, fatty foods, sweets. All of these foods contribute to weight gain and also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Daily physical activity

Diet for women over 50

Daily gymnastics for women over 50 is a prerequisite for maintaining their own health.

However, there are some recommendations that must be followed:

  • You can not perform sharp bends and swings with your legs.

  • Between exercises, there must be breaks of 15 seconds. If during this time it was not possible to rest, then it is necessary to increase the interval to a minute.

  • It is better to refuse running and jumping, brisk walking becomes the best option.

  • New exercises should be introduced no more than once every 30 days.

  • Breathe deeply and evenly while exercising.

  • If a woman has just started exercising, then strength exercises should be abandoned. They can be started only after 3 months.

  • After completing the complex, you must definitely relax.

Features of the menu

The menu should be based on the following principles:

Diet for women over 50

  • The diet should be based on products of plant origin. Every day, vegetables and fruits, as well as greens, should be on the table. Moreover, in the total mass fraction, their amount should not be less than 50%.

  • Products should be rich in vitamins A, groups B, PP and E. Be sure to consume food containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  • После еды не следует пить. Должно пройти не менее получаса, прежде чем женщина выпьет тот или иной напиток.

  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. This will allow not to stretch the stomach walls, and the body will not spend a lot of energy on digesting food.

  • Protein products must be present in the menu of every woman. The emphasis should be on low-fat fish, seafood, poultry. You can also cook veal and rabbit meat dishes.

  • The maximum serving volume at one time should be 300 g.

  • The menu should be balanced: the amount of proteins is 20%, the amount of carbohydrates is 35%. Reception of vitamin-mineral complexes is a prerequisite for the normal well-being of a woman.

  • To avoid overeating, you need to chew food thoroughly, stop snacking on the go. If a person eats slowly, then saturation will come faster.

  • In a week, without harm to health, you can lose no more than a kilogram of weight. Although this process will be lengthy, it will avoid disruptions and exacerbation of various diseases.

Меню диеты для женщин после 50 лет на 7 дней

Чтобы избавиться от лишнего веса без вреда для здоровья, следует обратиться к диетологу для составления правильного меню. Однако если такой возможности нет, то можно самостоятельно изучить принципы правильного питания для женщин старше 50 лет и распланировать меню.

You need to eat at least 6 times a day, so you need to cook six dishes. Portions should be small – about 250 g per meal.

Sample menu for 7 days for a woman after 50 years:

Day of the week



Oatmeal and green tea.

An Apple.

Vegetable soup, tea.

Low-fat dairy drink.

Mashed potatoes with vinaigrette.

Before going to bed: a glass of kefir and an apple.


Cottage cheese with parsley and dill, tea with lemon.

Гроздь винограда.

Minced chicken cutlets, baked vegetables.

Fruit salad.

Steam omelette, orange.

Low fat yogurt.


Rice porridge with milk and freshly squeezed juice.


Chicken cutlets, cauliflower soup.

A glass of yogurt.

Zucchini pancakes, cucumber-tomato salad with vegetable oil.

Green tea.


Хлопья Геркулес с курагой и черносливом, кофе с молоком.

Curd pancakes, herbal tea.

Chicken fillet in foil, lettuce, cucumber.

A glass of tomato juice.

Stewed potatoes, fish zrazy.

An Apple.


Casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, tea.

Два отварных всмятку яйца.

Baked vegetables and mackerel.

A glass of fermented baked milk.

Seafood, buckwheat.



Морская капуста с морковью, компот с сухофруктами.

Grapefruit, walnuts.

Soup with minced chicken meatballs, cheese.

Tea with marshmallows.

Печёная говядина, овощи на пару.

Овощной сок.


Salad with prunes, beets and garlic, tea with lemon.


Baked potatoes with green peas, baked hake.

Apple juice.

Рыбный суп, тушеные овощи.

A glass of low-fat kefir.

Sample menu for a month

Diet for women over 50

Women over 50 who decide to take a step towards a healthy lifestyle need to reconsider their approach to nutrition. A well-composed diet should always be followed, and not for a short period of time. To do this, you can use the approximate menu for the month. The proposed option is allowed to be combined at your own discretion, but without violating the basic principles of proper nutrition.

Breakfast options:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese with fruits or berries. You can add sour cream to the dish.

  • Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk. Dried fruits and honey can be added to porridge.

  • Cheese casserole.

  • Cheese sandwiches, eggs.

  • Buckwheat porridge with your favorite berries.

  • Fruit salads with yogurt or sour cream dressing.

Lunch options:

  • Vegetables and boiled buckwheat.

  • Овощные супы с хлебом.

  • Mashed potatoes with fresh vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

  • Fish baked on the grill or in the oven.

  • Vegetable pigeons.

  • Chicken breast and cornmeal porridge.

Snack options:

  • Овощной или фруктовый сок.

  • A glass of fermented milk drink (kefir or fermented baked milk).

  • Fruits: oranges, pears, apples.

  • Low fat yogurt.

Dinner options:

  • Boiled fish fillet and vegetables.

  • Печёные овощи с одной картофелиной.

  • Vegetable stew.

  • Винегрет и отварной рис.

  • Cauliflower and tomatoes.

  • Minced chicken cutlet and buckwheat porridge.

Also, the daily menu can be supplemented with bread, a serving of vegetables or fruits. Once every 7 days it is allowed to drink a glass of red wine.

Useful products for women after 50 years

Each specific product has a certain effect on the body. For example, hard cheeses are good for keeping teeth and bones in good condition.

Calcium from food is essential to combat osteoprosis. Be sure to include such products as: cottage cheese, fatty fish, butter, yogurt, soy milk, vegetable margarine, chicken eggs, natural yogurts in the menu of a woman.

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