Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

Despite the fact that obesity is a real scourge of our time, the vast majority of people still do not have such serious problems with being overweight. Most often, they simply have unwanted centimeters in the waist and fat deposits on the sides. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to fight for the ideal figure.

Causes of fat on the abdomen and sides

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

The reasons for the formation of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides can be very diverse:

  • Constant stress, which often leads to overeating.

  • Eating foods that are high in calories and rich in simple carbohydrates. Each piece of cake or bun will not keep you waiting long and will be deposited in the waist and sides. It is not necessary to completely give up sweets, they need to be replaced with less high-calorie and more healthy marshmallows, marmalade, dark chocolate. Moreover, even these desserts must be consumed before lunch.

  • Sedentary lifestyle. The work of most people forces them to sit for 8-9 hours a day, which is most negatively reflected in the figure. To avoid an increase in waist size, you need to play sports, jogging, move more.

  • Hormonal imbalances also sometimes cause weight gain. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and adjust not only the diet, but also the lifestyle in general.

Basic principles of weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

To remove excess body fat from the waist and sides, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • You should adjust your diet. It is necessary to minimize foods on the menu that have a high glycemic index and provoke a feeling of hunger. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be present on the table in large quantities. You need to enter a new diet gradually, this will be a guarantee that excess weight will not come back due to a breakdown.

  • You need to properly motivate yourself to lose weight. Each month, you should set yourself a specific goal, for example, lose 3 kg in 4 weeks. That is, after 3 months, the weight will have to decrease by 9 kg, if necessary. Moreover, the goals must be realistic, since it will not be possible to lose 20 kg in a month, but it will definitely work out to get upset and refuse to achieve such a sky-high goal.

  • You can try dieting. Preference should be given to simple weight loss methods that allow you to get rid of extra pounds gradually. Aggressive diets make it possible to achieve a quick result, but it will be unstable.

  • You need to start playing sports gradually, without forcing your body to overload. For example, the first runs should be short, otherwise nothing but pain in the knees can be achieved. Yes, and the desire to play sports will quickly disappear. Also, do not overestimate the cost of kilocalories during physical training and start overeating. The weight will not go away, and may even increase.

  • Fat must be replaced by muscle mass. This will allow you to become a more self-confident person, increase your sexual attractiveness for the opposite sex. However, you need to achieve your goals in stages: first burn fat, and then gain muscle mass. The body cannot do everything at once.

  • You need to start working out the press after the fat layer on the stomach begins to “hide” under the T-shirt. Everyone has cubes, but most people have them under a thick layer of fat. Only proper nutrition will allow you to drive away this fat and make your stomach flat.

Prohibited and permitted products

To get rid of extra pounds, it is not necessary to adhere to strict diets. You just need to understand the essence of proper nutrition, to know the basic principles of building a healthy diet. Some products contribute to the accumulation of fat reserves, and some, on the contrary, allow you to lose weight. In order for the menu to be as balanced as possible and not to be monotonous, products should be divided into low-, medium- and high-calorie ones, and also distinguished depending on how much they contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

What you can eat:

What you can not eat:

  • A hen.

  • Turkey.

  • Mutton.

  • Veal liver.

  • Ham.

  • Egg.

  • Acne.

  • Salmon.

  • Sardine.

  • Herring.

  • Crab meat.

  • Tuna.

  • Tolstolobik.

  • Kefir.

  • milk.

  • White cheese.

  • РўРІРµСЂРґС ‹Рµ СЃС‹ СЂС ‹.

  • Natural yoghurt.

  • Any vegetables.

  • Any fruit, but in small volumes. Fruits should be eaten in the morning.

  • Smoked sausage.

  • Sausages.

  • Chips and fried potatoes.

  • Sugar.

  • Cakes and sweets.

  • Condensed milk.

  • Cakes

  • Pancakes.

  • Chocolate.

  • Marmalade.

  • Biscuit.

  • Lollipops.

  • Jam.

  • Med.

  • Bread.

  • Pizza.

  • Boiled potatoes should be consumed rarely and in small portions.

  • Pasta.

  • Ice cream.

  • Alcoholic drinks.

  • Juice in packets of factory production, drinks with gases.

Balanced menu for the week

Days of the week


Name of dishes



Natural yogurt, apple, bread with tomatoes


Small wholemeal bun, mixed salad, chicken leg, skinned


Cauliflower stew, baked apple, currant spoon



A little jam, bread, 25 grams of mushrooms, grilled low-calorie sausage


Salad, dry lean soup, 50 grams of homemade cheese


Beans, broccoli, zucchini, white fish, jacket potatoes



A couple of loaves, a few soft-boiled eggs


Mixed salad, small piece of melon, some beans


Any low-calorie dish, green beans, baked tomatoes



Bread toast with bran, tomato, homemade cheese


Salad with bun, low-fat ham, apple


Cabbage, cauliflower, small orange, skimmed milk puree, lamb chop



Bran flakes, small banana


Mixed salad, pear, shrimp


Fish sticks, green peas, boiled beans



Melon and natural yoghurt


Low-fat steak, orange or pear


Boiled chicken meat, spaghetti with tomato sauce, fruit



Some natural yogurt, fruit salad


Cabbage salad, some kiwi, lean meat


Chicken breast, tomato, lightly fried onion, green pepper, celery.

Types of diets for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

There are many varieties of diets that allow you to remove fat deposits from the abdomen and sides. Fast diets are aimed at accelerated fat burning, while the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1500 kcal. Fast diets last no more than 14 days, and the results can be assessed almost from the first days.

The fastest diets are those that allow you to get rid of 3 kg of excess weight in 4 days. However, it is strictly forbidden to practice them more than 1 time in 60 days.

There are such types of rigid diets as BEACH, vegetarian, low-carbohydrate, kefir, buckwheat, apple, fruit and vegetable, protein-carbohydrate.

Kefir diet

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

The main provisions of the kefir diet:

  • Kefir diet is based on the principle of fractional nutrition. Due to frequent snacking in small portions, the stomach begins to decrease in size. It happens painlessly for a person.

  • It is easy to transfer a kefir diet, since the body will receive fats and proteins, but it will practically not be possible to “get” carbohydrates from kefir.

  • The weight goes away quickly, the intestines are cleansed in parallel. The place that was previously occupied by toxins and the remnants of undigested food, after the end of the kefir diet, will be occupied by beneficial bacteria.

  • There are very few contraindications for the kefir diet. Therefore, it is accessible to most people.

three-day kefir diet. a three-day diet will allow you to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight, and will also make it possible to regulate the work of the digestive organs, in particular, the intestines. The diet involves eating kefir and fresh fruits (exception: bananas and grapes). You need to eat at least 5 times a day.

The menu for 3 days should look like this:

  • First day: you need to drink only kefir, as much as you want.

  • Second day: you need to eat only fruits, as much as you want. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of pure water.

  • Third day: you need to drink only kefir, there are no restrictions on the amount of drink you drink.

Contraindications to the kefir diet are as follows:

  1. Any diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, esophagitis, etc.

  2. Teenage years.

  3. Pregnancy.

  4. Lactation.

Keto diet

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

Ketosis is the breakdown of fat cells for energy production. It is from this term that the name of the Keto diet comes. The process of losing weight starts when the body lacks carbohydrates from food. He needs carbohydrates to maintain his life, therefore, with their limited intake, the body gives a signal to the liver to start synthesizing ketone acids, which destroy fat cells.

The keto diet menu for 1 day suggests the following ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates:

  • Fat – 25%.

  • Proteins – 70%.

  • Carbohydrates – 5%.

This is an indicative menu that allows you to distribute throughout the day the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates obtained from food. You can create an individual diet for a week, starting from your own preferences.

Recommendation: you should not focus on complex dishes during the diet. Their calorie content is quite problematic to calculate, and in the keto diet this is of no small importance.

Prohibited products:

  • All pastries.

  • Any confectionery.

  • Sugar and sweet drinks.

  • Chocolate.

  • Bakery products.

  • Potatoes.

  • Bananas and grapes.

Permitted Products:

  • Poultry meat, beef, pork, veal, rabbit meat.

  • Fish: salmon, salmon, tuna, herring.

  • Quail and chicken eggs.

  • Seafood: mussels, crab meat, squid, shrimp.

  • Cheese.

  • Vegetable and butter oils.

The following products are subject to the partial restriction:

  • Sour milk drinks.

  • Vegetables with a lot of starch: sweet green peas, beans, beans;

  • Fruits that contain a lot of sugar: pears, apricots, oranges.

Contraindications to the keto diet:

  • Inflammation of the pancreas.

  • Diseases of the gallbladder.

  • Liver and kidney failure.

  • Violations in the absorption of fats.

  • Gastric bypass.

  • The presence of a tumor in the peritoneal cavity.

  • Disturbance of intestinal motility.

  • Childbearing and lactation.

  • Porphyria.

BUCH diet

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

The BEACH diet is a protein-carbohydrate alternation, one of the varieties of a low-carbohydrate diet. During the BEACH diet, you need to alternate protein days with carbohydrate days, changing their number.

The BEACH diet should not be followed by people who have impaired liver and kidney function, suffer from bulimia or anorexia. BUCH is ideal for people who want to lose only 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight, as well as athletes who want to undergo body drying.

When excess weight exceeds the mark of 10 kg, then the process of losing weight should not be started with the BEACH diet, but with the transition to proper nutrition.

The BEACH diet can last 4-30 days. It all depends on how much weight a person wants to lose. An important condition: the number of days on the diet must be even.

The most popular is the following scheme of the BEACH diet:

  • Day 1 and Day 2: Eat protein foods, minimize carbohydrate foods.

  • Day 3: Eat carbohydrate foods.

  • Day 4: Eat food containing the same amount of protein and carbohydrates.






1 protein day

Boiled egg, vegetable salad with linseed oil dressing, unsweetened tea.

Curd with cinnamon.

Braised chicken fillet, stewed vegetables.

Baked fish.

2 protein day

Omelet (2 eggs), tea without sugar.


Steam fish, vegetables.

Chicken fillet, vegetables.

3 carb day

Oatmeal, tea.



Rice, steamed vegetables.

4 balance of proteins and carbohydrates


Cottage cheese and bread.

Rice, chicken breast.

Vegetables, fish, dried fruits.

5 protein day

Curd with raisins.


Fish, vegetable salad.

Steamed chicken breast.

6 protein day

Boiled egg, tea, vegetables.

Cheese, bread.

Rice, steamed vegetables.

Fish baked.

During protein days, you need to eat foods that contain a sufficient amount of protein.

The emphasis is on meat, fish and eggs. 100 g of products contain the following amount of protein:

  • Boiled chicken breast: 29,8.

  • Boiled low-fat beef: 25,8.

  • Beef liver: 17,2.

  • Turkey: 21,3.

  • Boiled squids: 30.

  • Shrimp: 19.

  • Curd: 18.

  • Egg: 12,5.

  • Red caviar: 31,6.

  • Halibut: 19.

  • Tuna: 22,8.

During carbohydrate days, you need to eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates.

100 g of food contains the following amount of carbohydrates:

  • Manka: 73.

  • Oatmeal: 64,8

  • Barley: 74,1.

  • Figure: 75,9.

  • Pasta: 69,9.

  • Apricot: 10,2.

  • Pineapple: 11,7.

  • Grapes: 17,3.

  • Bananas: 22,4.

  • Carrots: 7,2.

  • Pomegranate: 11,3.

  • Beets: 11.

  • Boiled beans: 21.

Contraindications to the BUCH diet:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

  • Diabetes.

  • Elderly, adolescence and childhood.

Secrets of a thin waist

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

To have a slim waist, you need to know some secrets:

  • You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Moreover, it must be clean, unboiled and without gases. It is useful to drink a glass of water every morning, before the first meal. Water washes the stomach and intestines, prepares the digestive organs for work, and reduces the feeling of hunger.

  • The skin in those places where there are excess fat reserves should be moisturized. To do this, apply a cream on it. This will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and sides after losing weight. After a bath or shower, massage should be done using a moisturizing cream or a cream with a lifting effect.

  • Wraps fight well with fat deposits on the abdomen. For this purpose, you can use honey, mustard, coffee, seaweed, salt. In addition to fighting extra pounds, these procedures can improve skin condition.

  • We must not forget about physical activity. If you supplement the diet with workouts in the pool, in the gym or going to the dance floor, then you will be able to lose weight much faster. Also, do not forget about physical activity during the day. For example, instead of riding the elevator, it’s better to walk up the stairs with your feet.

  • Well proven in the fight against excess fat massage. You can do it yourself, using special products and creams for this purpose. Fat from the abdomen and sides will go away very quickly.

Exercises at home for weight loss of the sides and abdomen

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen, sides and waist

There are easy, but very effective exercises that allow you to quickly remove fat from the sides and abdomen.

The first results can be seen after a week:

  • Slopes. You need to stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Then they slowly bend down, trying to touch the left knee with their right elbow, after which they straighten and bend again, but already pulling the left elbow to the right knee. The back should be even.

  • Body rotations. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are placed behind the head, fingers clasped in the lock. Perform turns in different directions, keeping your back straight.

  • Leg lift. Lie on your back, legs and arms remain straight. Raise your legs up to form a right angle. The muscles of the press must remain in tension all the time.

  • Tilts in different directions. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are removed behind the head. The back is kept straight, tilts are performed in different directions.

  • Mill. It is necessary to bend over so that the legs and the body form an angle of 90 ° C. In this position, they begin to vigorously rotate with straight arms.

  • Strap. You need to lie on your stomach, and then rise on your elbows and on your toes. In this position, you need to stand as long as possible. The abdominal muscles must constantly be in tension. You need to stand in the bar for as long as you have enough strength.

  • Scissors. You need to sit on the floor, focus on the hands located behind the back. The legs are lifted up and crossed with them. The press must remain in tension all the time.

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