Diet for varicose veins

Diet for varicose veins

Diet for varicose veins is important so as not to worsen the situation. But besides this, there are several problems that need to be solved with a disease such as varicose veins. The first thing you should pay attention to is the stabilization of your weight. If you are overweight, then you need to lose weight. And you should eat food rich in proteins – for example, fish.

If your financial situation allows you, then you can simply treat yourself to seafood – such as squid, shrimp and more. In addition to protein, they will contain many useful substances, such as copper and others. In addition to all of the above, seafood will contribute to the production of elastin – a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents them from stretching.

Another, no less pleasant taste, which contributes to the production of the same substance, is sea kale. Remember how you did not love her as a child. But for you, it should become an indispensable product, since it contains not only a sufficient amount of copper and other substances, but also bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids promote healing of blood vessels. Your vessels, when saturated with such a substance, will become more resistant to changes in blood pressure. But do not forget that everything should be consumed in moderation.

A diet for varicose veins should also provide you with vitamins, so now let’s move on to them. For example, rutin, or vitamin P – always look for it in products. This vitamin is very necessary, as it has an anti-varicose effect. Rutin is found in chestnuts and hazelnuts.

Do not forget about the berries, chokeberry is the leader among them. But here it is not the berry itself that is important, but its juice, since it has a very useful property, such as reducing the permeability of the veins, thereby reducing the swelling of the legs. There is another berry, sea buckthorn, which also contains rutin. Then comes the black currant. But that’s not all, but what about citrus fruits? Lemon is the leader among them. Lemon should become your everyday life companion. But do not eat it all, one circle in the morning and another in the evening will be enough. The most important thing in a lemon is its peel, it has a higher concentration of vitamin P than in the pulp. Also drink juices and fruit drinks – cranberry and lingonberry.

Why is diet so important for varicose veins?

By following a diet, you can restore normal blood flow, reduce the load on damaged blood vessels, cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in it. It must be observed in any case of varicose veins, regardless of whether it concerns only the legs or affects the organs of the small pelvis. The diet is used at the first signs of the pathological state of the vessels as a preventive measure, and when an operation is prescribed, as an important component of pre- and postoperative therapy.

In order to properly develop a dietary regimen, the doctor takes into account the various characteristics of the patient’s body: his age, weight, hereditary diseases, allergic sensitivity, health status, as well as the specifics of the lifestyle. However, any diet for varicose veins is based on general principles that avoid relapses and complications of the disease.

Diet goals for varicose veins

The list of goals that the doctor and the patient sets for themselves when prescribing a diet includes:

  1. Reduce blood viscosity to improve its trophic properties and lower blood pressure.

  2. Strengthen blood vesselsto prevent the aggravation of varicose veins and create the prerequisites for its successful treatment.

  3. Remove puffiness, but at the same time provide the body with the fluid it needs.

  4. Get rid of excess weight, in the presence of which it is almost pointless to fight varicose veins.

What products will be useful in the treatment of varicose veins?

Diet for varicose veins

Despite the limitations, the correct approach to organizing a diet for varicose veins allows you to provide the body with all the necessary substances. Thus, following the rules of the diet does not lead to any problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Products with vegetable fiber. They are carbohydrates that are broken down gradually and without fat deposition. When using fiber, there are no jumps in insulin levels, energy is released slowly and constantly;

  • Water – drink about 2-2,5 liters per day, clean and as part of juices, tea, etc .;

  • Dried fruits – able to thin the blood and replace sweets in the diet;

  • Специи – curry, thyme, turmeric, ginger. In addition to taste, they contain unique active plant substances that improve blood properties.

  • Legumes and nuts – rich in tocopherol (vitamin E) and easily digestible vegetable proteins.

  • Algae – contain minerals necessary for strengthening blood vessels.

  • Berries and fruits – sources of vitamin C, some (raspberries, cherries) are able to increase hemoglobin levels, which is useful for cellular respiration.

  • Seafood – one of the few sources of omega-3 unsaturated fats that promote the resorption of cholesterol plaques and are necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system.

  • germinated wheat – a useful product for cleansing the body, rich in amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins.

[Video] Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist Abasov M. M. – Useful products for varicose veins:

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