Diet for uterine fibroids

Diet for uterine fibroids

There are many different diets that are applicable in the presence of a tumor process. These are nutrition schemes according to V. A. Laskin, according to G. A. Garbuzov, according to Moerman, D. G. Daer and other doctors and nutritionists.

However, all of them are based on several statements:

  • Food of plant origin should prevail, as it normalizes the microflora in the intestine, normalizes all metabolic processes;

  • It is necessary to minimize the consumption of red and processed meat;

  • It is worth giving up fried and fatty foods rich in carcinogens;

  • It is necessary to introduce soy products and bran into the menu, as this allows you to remove toxins from the body;

  • The daily diet cannot be complete if it lacks fruits and vegetables;

  • Nuts are rich in useful substances, as well as dairy products, contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels;

  • Antitumor activity has fish oil, which is rich in fatty varieties of marine fish.

According to doctors, malnutrition changes metabolism, creates favorable conditions for the formation of a tumor, for the formation of chronic diseases. Therefore, with uterine fibroids, it is so important to eat rationally, which is the key not only to successful treatment, but also to disease prevention.

The essence of the diet for uterine fibroids

Women diagnosed with uterine fibroids will quickly get rid of the disease with a diet that takes into account the following rules:

  • The menu should include dishes from whole grains, not from processed cereals. That is, wheat grains replace wheat groats, brown unpolished rice is used to make rice porridge, etc.

  • All baked goods must be whole grains. This will increase the amount of fiber entering the body.

  • Daily presence of nuts or legumes in the diet. Nuts are consumed with salads and in their pure form, and soups and cereals are cooked from peas, beans, lentils.

  • Soy should be included in the diet of a woman with fibroids, as one of the products containing a large number of anticarcinogenic substances. This product is not only useful, it helps to fight the tumor.

  • The number of servings of vegetables and fruits in the daily menu is at least 9. At the same time, at least three of them must be different. The most useful for fibroids are: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or white cabbage, tomatoes, watermelons, grapefruits, carrots, pumpkins, lettuce, spinach, oranges, red grapes.

  • It is important to consume fresh and frozen berries, which are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

  • Separately, women with fibroids need to pay attention to red grapes. It contains bioflavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, as well as enzymes that have a positive effect on a woman’s hormonal background. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a glass of grape juice at least once a week.

  • Fish should be included in the weekly menu at least 3 times. It has long been known that Omega-3s are helpers in the fight against all diseases. Preference should be given to tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines.

  • Herbs and spices should be abundant on the menu if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Particular attention should be paid to garlic.

  • Flaxseed is an additional source of not only Omega-3, but also enzymes and valuable vitamins. Every day you need to add a spoonful of flaxseed to dishes, it can be crushed, and if you like the taste, then whole.

  • Of the drinks, green tea is especially useful. You can drink up to 6 cups per day. It doesn’t matter if the drink is hot or cold. This is due to the fact that it contains epigallo-catechin galan, which has anti-carcinogenic properties. It is worth remembering high-quality herbal teas, as well as rosehip decoctions and berry fruit drinks.

  • Dairy and dairy products. A woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids should drink a glass of milk 2-3 times a week, but it is important that the fat content in it is minimal.

  • In priority over sunflower oil – olive oil. It contains monounsaturated fats that prevent tumor cells from growing and developing. Whenever possible, dishes should be seasoned with virgin olive oil. Do not forget about linseed, corn and other types of vegetable oils.

  • Quitting alcohol or keeping it to a minimum. In exceptional cases, nutritionists are allowed a glass of red wine.

As for the calorie content, the food must be complete, but not lead to obesity. Do not consume more than 2500 kcal per day. This rule is especially true for fibroids.

Diet is important not only in the presence of education, but also after its removal. A properly designed nutrition plan will allow the body to recover faster, and regenerate internal and external scars.

What can not be eaten with uterine fibroids?

Diet for uterine fibroids

There are also products that are subject to complete exclusion from the menu:

  • Firstly, we are talking about spreads, margarines and all products with refractory fats in their composition. As for butter, it should be strictly dosed and not exceed 25 g per day.

  • Secondly, the ban is imposed on all types of fatty meat, on sausages, lard and smoked products.

  • Thirdly, you should give up muffins and pastries, cakes, cakes and other sweets.

  • The last of the prohibited products, fatty hard, processed and sausage cheeses fall under the restriction for fibroids.

As for the cooking method, the priority is boiling, steaming, stewing. Frying and baking until golden brown should be avoided.

A diet designed for a woman with uterine fibroids should be rich in vitamins and microelements, should give the body energy to fight the tumor. Changing the established diet is necessary in order to make the treatment regimen more effective and eliminate the existing problem.

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