Diet for type 1 diabetes
With a disease, there is always a metabolic disorder, which means that the patient needs to revise his menu. How important is the diet for type 1 diabetes, the endocrinologist will tell

You are what you eat – have you heard this phrase? So, this is perhaps the main principle of life for patients with diabetes. Of course, the topic of nutrition comes to the fore if there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

– In each person, during a meal, the level of glucose in the blood rises and, in response, the amount of insulin, the hormone that delivers this glucose to cells, increases. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce the required amount of insulin. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood keeps at an elevated level all the time, – says endocrinologist, nutritionist Tatyana Filippova. “Therefore, nutrition correction in diabetes mellitus occupies the most important place and is the basis of all therapy.

However, the term “diet” in the case of type 1 diabetes is usually not used by doctors or patients themselves, considering it incorrect.

– The diet involves restrictions and categorical exclusions from the diet of certain products. With type 1 diabetes, this is not entirely true, says Dr. Filippova. – There are foods that should be minimized. However, a person with this diagnosis can afford whatever he wants. The main thing is to monitor the amount eaten, take into account the carbohydrate content and select the required dose of insulin.

Food table for type 1 diabetes

Yes, as mentioned above, people with type 1 diabetes are forced to count the amount of carbohydrates in foods. To make this easier, a table of bread units is used.

“By counting the amount of carbohydrates, you can determine how much insulin you need to inject for a meal,” our expert explains. But carbohydrates are different and affect glucose changes in different ways. And with diabetes, the rate of increase in blood glucose levels is very important. Therefore, the main principle in choosing foods for type 1 diabetes is based on their glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how much a food contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels when consumed. All products are divided into those with a high glycemic index, medium and low. Foods with a low glycemic index are digested more slowly and slowly increase glucose levels. Foods with a high glycemic index, on the contrary, lead to sharp jumps. Also, the glycemic index is affected by the method of preparation and the duration of heat treatment.

What you can eat

And now to the point. What foods can – and even should – be eaten with type 1 diabetes?

– First of all, nutrition should be balanced and varied. Also, individual taste preferences must be taken into account, – notes Tatyana Filippova.

So, in the diet should be present:

  • meat, fish, seafood, eggs,
  • cottage cheese, milk, dairy products with a low percentage of fat,
  • various vegetables, most of them raw,
  • greens,
  • beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas,
  • nuts,
  • mushrooms,
  • buckwheat, oatmeal,
  • gray flour pasta,
  • unsweetened drinks: tea, coffee, fruit drinks, compotes without sugar.

What not to eat

Despite the fact that in the case of type 1 diabetes, the diet is still much wider than with type 2 diabetes, this does not mean that you can eat everything at all – at least in unlimited quantities.

– As I said, there are no strict restrictions in the nutrition of a person with type 1 diabetes. However, the consumption of foods with a lot of sugar and a high glycemic index should be minimized as much as possible, notes the endocrinologist.

These products include:

  • sugar,
  • bread and pastries made from white flour,
  • confectionery,
  • sweet carbonated drinks,
  • fruit juices,
  • bananas, grapes, persimmons,
  • sweet berries,
  • White rice,
  • semolina,
  • millet,
  • sausages,
  • canned food,
  • fast food.

– However, even these products in a minimal amount can be present in the diet. To reduce the rate of their absorption and reduce the release of glucose, you need to use them in combination with fats, proteins and fiber, emphasizes Tatyana Filippova.

Weekly menu for type 1 diabetes


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Lunch: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers, tomato + steamed chicken fillet

Dinner: baked fish


Breakfast: 2 egg omelet and broccoli

Lunch: stewed chicken with eggplant

Dinner: salad of avocado, boiled shrimp, bell pepper and lettuce


Breakfast: cottage cheese with walnuts

Lunch: steamed veal meatballs with stewed beans and chickpeas

Dinner: turkey fillet baked with vegetables


Breakfast: rye flour pancakes, 1 pear

Lunch: broccoli and cauliflower casserole + boiled chicken

Dinner: stewed rabbit with zucchini


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole

Lunch: salad of celery, fresh cucumbers, radishes, herbs + mushroom puree soup

Dinner: salad with beans and boiled turkey


Breakfast: oatmeal with apple and cinnamon + boiled egg

Lunch: fresh cabbage and cucumber salad + steamed beef cutlets

Dinner: vegetable casserole


Breakfast: bread with soft cheese + boiled egg

Lunch: chinese cabbage, green peas and cucumber salad + soup with meatballs and spinach

Dinner: fish stew with vegetables

The results

Agree, a varied menu? And it doesn’t look like a diet at all. According to our expert, if you stick to such a menu, you can avoid spikes in blood glucose levels, which means preventing the development of dangerous complications.

However, you yourself understand: someone can not stand even the smell of broccoli, others are allergic to eggs. Of course, you can independently choose a similar diet for yourself.

– Blood glucose levels must be constantly monitored independently. And based on this, adjust the menu, because. for each product, an individual reaction to a change in blood glucose levels is possible, says Dr. Filippova.

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Dietitian Reviews

– This menu is perfect for a healthy person. Since it is balanced, it will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. In addition, adhering to such a diet, you can avoid problems with being overweight, notes Tatyana Filippova.

– There are four basic principles of nutrition that are the basis of the diet of any person, including those with a diagnosis of diabetes: food should be varied, regular, tasty and balanced. All these principles are successfully reflected in the presented menu: a variety of dishes are provided, taking into account the balance of BJU (soups, salads, meat – from chicken to veal). In addition, the proposed diet even sounds very tasty! – notes psycho-dietologist Elena Lednik. – It also takes into account that for people with diabetes, it is recommended to have three main meals and avoid snacking to avoid sugar spikes. From my practice, I see the only difficulty: I want what I can’t. Therefore, there are often breakdowns in starchy foods (like bread), fruits and fruit juices, and especially sweets. In this regard, I would draw attention to the fact that there are only two reasons that affect the desire to eat sweets:

1. Lack of energy. The easiest and fastest way to replenish it is to eat, for example, candy. Instead of “empty” sources, I recommend paying attention to sleep patterns and doing your favorite sports (from regular walks, dancing to swimming, fitness clubs).

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Doctors are constantly looking for new approaches to treat serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes. What drugs and procedures are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes today, we learn from experts
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On a note!

2. Sweet gives pleasure and improves mood due to the production of serotonin (“hormone of happiness”). In fact, food has a function that is not the main one (the main one is to be a source of energy and nutrients). I recommend identifying for yourself 10 things that you enjoy doing and putting them into practice (hobbies, developing skills and talents). The same principles work here – you will live varied, “tasty”, food will not be the first in the list of pleasures.

Be healthy and concentrate on what you are recommended to eat and what is good for the body.

Popular questions and answers

What is the fundamental difference from the diet for type 2 diabetes?

In type 2 diabetes, nutritional requirements are more stringent. In type 2 diabetes, foods that significantly increase blood glucose levels should be completely eliminated. Because in most cases, patients with type 2 diabetes use hypoglycemic drugs, high glucose levels after a meal will remain elevated and this will lead to the development of complications.

In addition, people with type 2 diabetes are often overweight, and this should also be taken into account when choosing a menu.

How much does the need for proper nutrition affect the lifestyle of a person with type 1 diabetes?

The diet of a person with type 1 diabetes – like their lifestyle in general – is no different from that of a person who does not have the disease. There are improved options for monitoring glucose levels, selecting the required dosage of insulin, new drugs, modern means of administering insulin. Therefore, a person with type 1 diabetes has no restrictions on leading a full-fledged active life, such as he himself would like.

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