Diet for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Table 9: allowed and prohibited foods for diabetes

There are many drugs that lower blood sugar, but still the diet for diabetes mellitus takes the lead in treatment. The basic principle of nutritional therapy for diabetes is carefully selected products and … a sense of proportion.

Diabetes mellitus has two types of disease: the first type is called insulin-dependent, and type XNUMX diabetes is insulin-independent. For any form of the disease, a strictly selected diet for diabetes mellitus is required, which can normalize the metabolic process in the body. Doctors believe that nutritional therapy can help prevent diabetes. And for those who are already suffering from the disease, the diet helps to minimize the intake of medications.

Nutritional therapy for diabetes (often called the “Table 9” diet), as a rule, is prescribed by the attending physician and takes into account all the features of the disease, such as the type and severity of diabetes mellitus.

Of course, the diagnosis of diabetes itself does not mean at all that from now on the menu will consist of dull and monotonous food, because in fact, nutrition for diabetes mellitus can include interesting dishes.

The main thing is to observe some basic principles: for example, it is necessary to remove fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods from the diet. Forget about canned food, mustard and alcoholic beverages.

Probably, it will not be a discovery for anyone that nutrition in diabetes minimizes sugar intake. In severe forms of diabetes, sugar is recommended to be completely excluded from the diet. But with mild to moderate diabetes, a small amount of sugar-containing foods is allowed, but subject to constant monitoring of glucose levels in the body.

Recent studies have shown that increased fat content has a large effect on the progression of diabetes. Therefore, the diet for diabetes should control and limit the intake of fatty foods, no less strictly than the use of various sweets. Nutrition for diabetes should be fractional. You need to eat 5 times a day. It is this regime that allows you to influence the level of insulin and glucose in the blood. The main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should be approximately equal in calories and carbohydrates.

Diet for type XNUMX diabetes

The treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus – insulin-dependent type – is based on well-chosen insulin therapy. The main goal of the doctor is to select the right combination of the necessary pharmaceuticals and a therapeutic diet for diabetes mellitus.

This is to minimize fluctuations in blood glucose and the risk of possible complications. However, the type 1 diabetes diet is far from being of secondary importance. It should be drawn up only by a doctor, because this type of diabetes is the most dangerous, and the treatment mainly comes down to medicinal – the injection of insulin.

For the most accurate calculation of the insulin dose and the amount of food eaten, a special system of “Bread Units” (XE) has been developed. According to this system, one XE is equal to 10-12 grams of carbohydrates. For understanding, one XE will be the equivalent of one slice of bread or one medium orange. In general, there are tables for calculating XE for food products.

Thus, the diet for type 1 diabetes is basically reduced only to correctly calculating the content of bread units or carbohydrates in foods.

In other words, the diet for this type of diabetes mellitus, for a person with a normal weight and correct insulin therapy, is not what to eat, but how much.

The type 1 diabetes diet prescribes several important rules by which a person with diabetes will be able to eat normally and be almost indistinguishable from an ordinary healthy person. Firstly, a one-time meal should not exceed more than 7-8 bread units, if you count in carbohydrates, then this is 70-90 grams per meal. Each time before a meal, you need to calculate the dose of insulin and the number of bread units. And secondly, the diet for diabetes mellitus, namely the diet for type 1 diabetes, categorically excludes sugary drinks such as tea with sugar, soft drinks, soda and sweet juices.

Diet for type XNUMX diabetes

The main cause of type 2 diabetes is obesity and overeating. In the treatment of diabetes mellitus of this type, known as the non-insulin dependent type, the main goal is to stabilize the metabolism of carbohydrates. The type XNUMX diabetes diet and daily physical activity increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

The diet for type 2 diabetes for a person who is overweight, and as a rule, patients with this type of diabetes are overweight, is compiled by an endocrinologist on an individual basis. When compiling a diet, the age, gender and physical activity of a person are taken into account. The type 2 diabetes diet focuses on weight loss. The required daily amount of calories is calculated for each patient. One kilogram of body weight has 20 calories for women and 25 calories for men. For example, for a woman weighing 70 kilograms, the daily calorie intake will be 1400.

A person diagnosed with diabetes is on a regular diet. Therefore, it must be composed so that the diet is tasty and varied. At the same time, it is necessary to limit the use of high-calorie foods and foods that increase blood glucose. The diet for diabetes should include foods that are high in fiber and water.

Diet “Table number 9” for diabetes

Diet “Table 9” for diabetes mellitus is intended for people with mild to moderate diabetes. Doctors – dietitians offer a special dietary system, which is basic for all diabetics. Diet 9 helps determine the maximum carbohydrate intake that will be optimal for each person with diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes, diet 9 can be used on a consistent daily basis for a long time

Diet 9 is a low energy food. According to the principle of the diet, a normal intake of proteins, a restriction of fat and a significant restriction of carbohydrates are recommended. Sugar, salt and cholesterol are excluded from the diet.

Do’s and Don’ts

This is perhaps the first and most pressing question for all diabetics. The permitted and prohibited foods for diabetes listed in this article are for guidance only. It is important to understand that only a doctor can determine a complete and more accurate list.

Diabetes foods: green leaf

  • Mushroom and vegetable soups, beetroot soup, okroshka, low-fat fish broths.

  • Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken.

  • Rye and wheat bread, bran bread, wheat bread from the second grade of flour.

  • Low-fat fish can be boiled or baked. Fried is allowed on rare occasions. Canned food only if the fish is in its own juice.

  • Low-fat cheese, skim milk, dairy products, yogurt.

  • Eggs up to 2 pieces per week, and only the protein part. Limit the yolks.

  • Millet, barley, buckwheat, oat and pearl barley.

  • Lettuce leaves, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage and eggplant. Vegetables can be eaten boiled and baked. If possible, raw will be preferred. Potatoes are in the range of carbohydrates per day.

  • Fruits and berries, but not sweet varieties, such as apples, grapefruit. Jelly, compotes, sweets with sorbitol or saccharin.

  • Tea, juices and vegetable, fruit or berry (from sour varieties) decoctions.

Diabetes food: “red” stop list

  • Fatty meat broths.

  • Fatty meats – pork, duck, lamb. goose, various smoked meats and sausages, bacon.

  • Pies, rolls and biscuits. Completely exclude products from butter and puff pastry.

  • Fatty fish, any salted and smoked fish, canned fish in oil, caviar.

  • All types of salted cheeses, cottage cheese and sweet curds, cream of any fat content, butter.

  • White rice, semolina and pasta.

  • Salted and pickled vegetables, peas, beans.

  • Strawberries, grapes, figs, bananas, dates, sugar, jam, sweets.

  • Grape, peach, and other juices with a high glucose content, sugar-based soft drinks, carbonated drinks.

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