Diet for thrush: how to defeat the hated fungus with the right food.
Thrush is one of the most annoying female ailments. Even after successful treatment, fungal infections often come back again and again. As an effective prevention and help in the treatment of this disease, doctors advise a special diet.
For thrush, it is recommended to start every morning with fresh live yogurt for breakfast. Even if there are no visible signs of thrush, yogurt is an excellent means of preventing this fungal disease. Pieces of fruit or berries should not be added to yogurt, but unsweetened muesli will only benefit.
The main characters of the diet for thrush
The diet for thrush is based primarily on products with antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as on products that increase the protective functions of the immune system.
One of the most powerful antibacterial natural remedies is garlic, and therefore it must be constantly present in the diet, regardless of whether you are trying to prevent illness or are already undergoing treatment. The effectiveness of garlic has been proven by Israeli scientists, who have recorded that the presence of garlic extract completely stops the growth of fungi.
Another must-have diet product for thrush is yogurt with active cultures. The bottom line is simple: the more beneficial bacteria in a woman’s body, the more difficult it is for yeast to develop in this environment. It has been proven that daily consumption of yogurt with active cultures reduces the risk of developing thrush by 38%. However, there is a caveat: you should avoid sweet yoghurts, since sugar, on the contrary, aggravates the fungal infection. In addition to yoghurts, any foods and dishes rich in probiotics are welcome in the diet for thrush.
What to exclude from the diet?
First of all, sugar and sweet dishes should be excluded from the diet for thrush – especially if the disease is in the active phase. After all, thrush is a yeast fungus. Like any other yeast, due to sugar, the fungus of the genus Candida (which causes thrush) thrives and multiplies. Eliminate sugar from the diet – and you simply starve the hated fungi with hunger. Cutting out sugar isn’t just about stopping eating cakes and drinking soda. For a while, you will also have to forget about fruit juices, breakfast cereals, ice cream and even especially sweet fruits and berries, such as cherries, grapes, watermelons, apricots.
When the burning and whitish discharge, characteristic of thrush, stop, the intake of fruits and berries can be resumed. But sugar-containing desserts should be treated with caution even when the external signs of the disease do not manifest themselves.
In the diet for thrush, there is also no place for white rice, white bread and white potatoes. These refined foods raise blood sugar (glucose) levels. Fungi, including those that cause thrush, “feed” on glucose. Instead of refined foods, it is healthier to eat foods high in fiber: brown rice, whole grain bread, and others.
And, finally, the last taboo in the diet for thrush is yeast products, especially pastries made from yeast dough. If the thrush has already made itself felt, the use of these products will aggravate the disease, if not, it will dramatically increase the chances of its occurrence.