Diet for thrush

A diet for thrush in combination with therapeutic ointments and tablets will help speed up recovery and prevent possible relapses. Thanks to proper nutrition, the work of the intestines will improve, and the fungi will no longer be able to multiply so intensively.

An important step following treatment with antimicrobial agents is the restoration of the vaginal microflora with the help of vaginal probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when used in adequate amounts, improve the health of the host. The most common probiotics are lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus spp.), various bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium spp.), as well as non-pathogenic fungi such as Saccharomyces spp.

Diet for thrush

As part of the recovery phase of therapy, lactoginal vaginal capsules may be prescribed. The composition of this preparation, created specifically for the restoration of intimate lactoflora, includes enhanced LCR lactobacilli. Lactoginal is able to normalize the acid-base balance, restore a healthy vaginal microflora, and help prevent exacerbations of vaginal infections of various origins. According to gynecologists, the use of Laktoginal at the recovery stage allows for a long-term therapeutic effect and prevents recurrence of vaginal infections. Lactoginal vaginal capsules can also be used in pregnant women from the first day of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

What can you eat with thrush?

What products should be preferred during and after the treatment of thrush? The patient’s diet must include:

  • Fresh and stewed vegetables, fish, legumes and grains, poultry, not very sweet fruits (for example, green apples and plums).

  • Lemons and lingonberries, because these berries prevent the active reproduction of fungi in the body.

  • All kinds of spices, for example, cinnamon, bay leaf, garlic, cloves, which help reduce the number of candida.

  • Beets, cucumbers, carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsley and dill – the fungus simply cannot stand them.

  • Chamomile, plantain, alfalfa, oregano, string leaves, blackcurrant and rowan berries, clover, which are brewed in the form of teas. They are useful at any stage of candidiasis.

  • Natural yogurt, seafood, boiled liver, eggs, wholemeal bread, pumpkin seeds, sesame, linseed and olive oil.

  • Seaweed and carrot juice, as they create an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of fungi.

Nutritionists recommend

Diet for thrush

In addition to the use of the products provided for by the diet, it is also desirable to adhere to the principle of their joint or separate use, which will allow the gastrointestinal tract to work even faster and speed up recovery. Regarding the possible combination of products, nutritionists give the following recommendations:

  • With carbohydrates, it is advisable to eat raw or fresh vegetables, as with meat, since carbohydrates are not entirely compatible with meat foods.

  • Eating simple carbohydrates, and these are all confectionery, white bread, potatoes – we simply supply our body with sugar, on which Candida grows. Complex carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, nuts, legumes, berries) are not absorbed as quickly as simple ones and do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. Sugar is very fond of the Candida fungus, multiplying even faster in its presence.

  • Drink 1,5 to 2 liters of water per day. However, water should not be consumed with meals, but 15-20 minutes before or 1 hour after meals.

The principle of such a diet should be followed at least during treatment and another 2-3 weeks after its completion. Its observance may seem difficult, but if you make a little effort on yourself, the result will be a quick cure for the disease. Do not constantly eat the same food, try to diversify your diet.  

What can not be eaten with thrush?

In order for the treatment to take place more quickly and successfully, from the diet for a while you need to remove foods such as:

  • Alcohol, including wine, beer, kvass, carbonated soft drinks, tea and coffee, as they contain yeast and sugars that promote Candida reproduction.

  • Ice cream, chocolate and all sweet products should not be consumed for the same reason.

  • Vinegar, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce. They increase the acidity of the body, which contributes to the progression of the disease.

  • Smoked meats, fatty, fried and pickled foods, canned food, sweet fruits, fast food, semi-finished products are also undesirable. Moreover, in most of these products there are no substances useful for your body, but there is a high content of “hidden” sugars.

  • Cheese “with mold” is also not recommended during the treatment of candidiasis.

In order for your body to always be healthy and not have to constantly fight various diseases, limit in the future, or better, exclude most of the above products from your diet.

Infusions of sage, chamomile, calendula, plantain, eucalyptus, which should be drunk in courses from time to time, will also provide good support to the immune system. At a time when there is no wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits on store shelves, multivitamin preparations can be a useful addition to proper nutrition. We wish you always be healthy!

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