Diet for the week: diet “Table number 5”

Diet “Table No. 5” is a therapeutic nutrition plan that is included in a set of 15 diet options. All of them were developed by the Soviet scientist-nutritionist Mikhail Pevzner. “Table No. 5” eases the condition of patients with problems with the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract.

The purpose of the appointment of the diet “Table number 5”

Diet food “Table No. 5” is prescribed for:

  • chronic hepatitis without exacerbation;

  • acute cholecystitis and hepatitis during the recovery period;

  • chronic cholecystitis without exacerbation, liver cirrhosis;

  • chronic pancreatitis;

  • gallstone disease without exacerbation;

  • gout, as well as urolithiasis with stones that are formed from uric acid salt;

  • some diseases of the biliary tract, liver and gallbladder.

Therapeutic food “Table No. 5” is contraindicated in active diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The main purpose of prescribing diet number 5 is the introduction of a balanced, liver-friendly nutrition, which is aimed at restoring the functions of the liver, biliary tract, as well as improving bile secretion.

Diet “Table number 5” provides a normal intake of protein and carbohydrates with some restrictions on fat. Foods that contain purines, cholesterol, extractives, oxalic acid, essential oils, as well as foods with fats that have oxidized during frying are excluded from the diet. In addition, there is a restriction on salt intake.

The diet should contain foods rich in lipotropic substances, fiber, pectins. All dishes are boiled, baked without a crust or stewed. You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. It is advisable to grind food as much as possible. On an empty stomach, you need to drink as much liquid as possible.

As part of the daily intake of food ration with diet number 5:

  • proteins – up to 80 g, including 50% – of animal origin

  • fats – up to 80-90 g, including 30% – vegetable

  • carbohydrates – up to 400 g, energy value – 2400-2800 kcal

It must be remembered that the diet cannot restore the functioning of the organs affected by the disease. It only gets rid of the factors that provoke exacerbation, and also promotes recovery processes. Diet No. 5 is prescribed in combination with medications and medical procedures. Of course, patients who know their exact diagnosis can independently switch to this nutrition plan, but this does not exempt them from visiting a doctor.

“If there are diseases that require such a diet, I prescribe Table number 5, – says Alla Ponomareva. – We also limit salt on the diet, but I prescribe this only during an exacerbation. For 2-3 weeks, a month is the maximum. I think such a gentle diet is advisable for a short time. Prolonged dietary restrictions can seriously harm your health. It can be stagnation, lack of vitamins and minerals, and other negative consequences. The golden rule I tell my patients is that you only eat what you can tolerate.

People suffering from certain diseases can choose their own individual diet without exacerbation. And this does not mean that these will be multiple restrictions, usually these are the exceptions of a small number of products. And only if the patient is worried about something outside the exacerbation. For example, earlier it was decided to place a patient with an exacerbation of an ulcer in a hospital, but now everything has changed. If the atmosphere at home is favorable and the person at home can eat right, then it is better to stay at home, because hospitalization is stressful.

If we return to the diet, Table No. 5 is convenient as a basis, as a basis and for a short time, but if a person has been on a diet for years, then he becomes psychologically dependent on food, it is very difficult to tear him away from the diet psychologically. When patients are worried about something, I sometimes force them to write food diaries, from which you can see the entire diet. And then, by trial and error, we find what the body does not tolerate, and leave what is well tolerated.

We are all individual, – the doctor continues, – we have our own habits, favorite dishes, products. If, using them, a person feels good, comfortable, then why forbid it. For example, someone ate a piece of pork or lamb and feels very good, and someone ate diet cottage cheese and after that he feels unwell. You have to start from your well-being, and all these general long-term restrictions on food will not add health. Our body itself knows what it needs. Therefore, I repeat, eat only what you tolerate well, but do not abuse anything, you need to eat in doses ”.

Do’s and Don’ts: List-Table

It is recommended to eat soups: dairy, vegetable, cereal, fruit. Borscht and cabbage soup should be without meat. Do not fry the dressing for soups. Lean, lean meat (beef, poultry, ham or tongue), fish (pike perch, bream, hake, navaga, cod) are allowed. Cooking methods – boil or steam, bake boiled fish and meat in the oven, cook aspic dishes from fish.

Milk, kefir, cottage cheese should be consumed no more than 200 g per day. You can cook dishes from cottage cheese: casseroles, soufflés, cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, not too spicy cheese. It is advisable to cook porridge in water or with the addition of a small amount of milk. Liquids need to be consumed 1,5-2 liters per day.

Bread is recommended to eat yesterday’s baked goods, both white and black, as well as from bran. You can eat some baked goods (rolls or pies) no more than 2 times a week, and you should not add oil to the dough. Boiled eggs – no more than one per day, if an omelet is prepared, then also from only one egg. It is recommended to eat raw and boiled vegetables and herbs, as well as various vegetable dishes (side dishes and soups, stews). Carrots and beets are especially beneficial.


  • fruits and berries (non-acidic varieties);

  • black caviar;

  • puddings (baked or steamed);

  • vermicelli and pasta;

  • crackers, dry biscuits (biscuit), dry biscuits;

  • jam from sweet fruits and berries, sugar, honey, marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallow – no more than 70 g per day;

  • butter and vegetable oil – as a dressing for dishes;

  • vegetable and fruit natural juices, rosehip broth, herbal or weak tea, coffee with milk;

  • berry, milk, fruit sauces;

  • herbs and some spices in limited quantities: dill leaves, parsley, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, vanilla.

Diet “Table No. 5” recommends limited salt intake, no more than 10 g per day. In addition, it is advisable to salt the dishes only after they have been prepared.


  • fatty varieties of fish, meat, poultry;

  • fried, fatty, spicy, smoked foods and products;

  • alcohol;

  • offal (brains, liver);

  • bacon, canned food, legumes;

  • mushrooms and mushroom broths;

  • onions, spinach, sorrel, radish, garlic, radish, rhubarb, cauliflower, turnip;

  • chocolate, ice cream, cocoa;

  • vinegar, carbonated drinks;

  • cold drink;

  • pickled vegetables.

For breakfast, you can eat a vinaigrette seasoned with low-fat sour cream, soaked herring (no more than 20 g), a slice of yesterday’s white bread. As a drink – tea with milk. The second breakfast may include a small piece of boiled beef, a portion of buckwheat porridge, and natural vegetable juice.

Lunch: for the first – vegetable soup with the addition of low-fat sour cream, for the second – a small piece of boiled fish, vegetables, mashed potatoes, after which you can drink compote from sweet fruits. For dinner, a low-fat cottage cheese casserole is suitable, as well as weak tea with sugar. Before going to bed, you can eat dry biscuits with sweet fruit jelly.

Another option for the therapeutic diet menu. Breakfast: oatmeal in water with the addition of milk, low-fat cottage cheese with sugar, weak tea with honey. For lunch, you can eat a baked apple. Lunch: first – vegetable soup, second – boiled chicken and rice, drink – compote. For an afternoon snack – a vitamin broth of wild rose. For dinner – boiled fish, mashed potatoes, tea. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

“My opinion is that these diets do not have such an evidence base to apply them in everyday life, – comments by Vitaly Rumyantsev. – They were comfortable and adhered to one principle – to spare the diseased organ. For example, patients with cholelithiasis on the Pevzner diet were limited in the diet of fats. Is this correct? No. Because with a strong decrease in fat, the gallbladder will not contract and the stones can begin to grow. When a normal amount of fat enters the body, the gallbladder begins to contract and produce bile, which is needed to emulsify the fat. And if the fat is reduced to a minimum, then the gallbladder does not contract. There is no need for him to expel bile if there is nothing to emulsify. As a result, the body does not fulfill its function, sooner or later problems begin from this. Of course, overeating is also not necessary, but the body should receive everything it needs.

I believe that now Pevzner’s diets are of no use to anyone. Just as restrictive diets are not needed for most people, unless a doctor, during an individual examination, recommended these restrictions, which are most often short-lived. Clear restrictions may be needed by patients with bleeding, obstruction, intestinal paresis and some other diseases. And so you can eat everything, of course, in moderation, without overeating.

Again, I believe that before the need for such diets was to feed entire groups of patients, but nowadays it is outdated. Now hospitals have appeared, where patients who are being treated choose their own food from an assortment of dishes. In this case, of course, you need to take into account the personal contraindications from the doctor, if any. “

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