Diet for the pear shape type

It is no secret that high ratings of men’s attention have always been deserved by women with the type of figure – pear. For the stronger sex, such girls, who have developed muscles of the thighs and buttocks in their arsenal, are seen as those who are able to bring healthy offspring. The girls themselves, on the contrary, do not like such “gifts of nature” at all, and therefore they declare a real war on them! About how to properly deal with your “pear” with the help of a properly selected diet – in the material Woman’s Day.

Separate meals are ideal for the fair sex with a pear-like figure.

Nutritionists unanimously declare that the metabolism of such women is more “sharpened” in the evening hours – then you need to take the bulk of the food.

Foods rich in starch: potatoes, pasta, cookies – all this should become TABOO for the pear girl not only in the evening, but also in the morning. It is much better to start the day with a glass of water and lemon juice on an empty stomach. This will “start” the digestive system.

At lunchtime, replace the fatty pork chop with baked skinless chicken or steamed fish. Regular tomato dishes and tomato juice itself will become a reliable and useful friend to your metabolism. Therefore, we send another ripe tomato into our mouth and visualize the regeneration of the skin in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks – without dimples and tubercles.

For an afternoon snack, we certainly include low-fat cottage cheese in the diet. For losing weight “pears” it is simply irreplaceable. With its low calorie content, it is able to provide long saturation due to the content of casein milk protein in it, which can be absorbed up to 4-6 hours, as well as make up for the lack of calcium!

Well, closer to dinner, seaweed will help stimulate metabolic processes in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks – the iodine contained in it will come to the rescue in problem areas.

During the holidays, you can pamper yourself with desserts. At the same time, it is important to remember that summer is a great time to “get off” everyday carbohydrates, forget about sugar and everything that contains it in excess and come off “to the fullest” on fruits and berries, which nutritionists, by the way, recommend eat only in the morning. Like this. Strictly!

Next time we will talk about the “apple” body type and its owners. In the meantime, remember that with regard to the body you have, it is useless to fight with nature. We are all different, but we are all NEEDED and IMPORTANT, as are our body types. And the individuality of metabolism is an indisputable medical fact that you just need to take for granted, adhering to YOUR diet and set of foods. But the older we are, the more time it takes to speed up metabolism through diet. Therefore, in parallel, help yourself with a well-chosen physical activity for your body type.

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