Diet for the pancreas

One of the most important organs of the digestive system, which allows it to function smoothly, is the pancreas. It produces both digestive enzymes and hormones (insulin and glucagon), which in turn regulate blood sugar levels. In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to “feed” it correctly.

What can you eat?

There are products that allow the pancreas to better cope with its functions, maintain it in a normal state, which has a beneficial effect on human health in general.

These include:

  • Sea kale, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the digestive tract. In addition, it is rich in iodine, potassium, calcium and iron;

  • Everyone knows about the benefits of fruits, but it is for the pancreas that oranges, kiwi and apples are useful. They are rich in vitamins B, C, A, potassium and calcium. Apples, thanks to pectin, bind toxins and naturally remove them from the body. Kiwi contains substances that are involved in insulin metabolism. Also, this exotic fruit is not deprived of phosphorus, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. You can supplement your diet with lemons, pomegranates and limes;

  • If you turn to cereals, then millet will help to establish the activity of the pancreas. Its constituent substances are involved in the synthesis of insulin. In addition, millet is rich in vitamin B and useful trace elements. Oatmeal and buckwheat will help diversify the menu;

  • Nuts, namely walnuts, thanks to their polyunsaturated fatty acids, contribute to the production of pancreatic juice, thereby improving digestion.

  • Diet for the pancreas

  • If you need to maintain the gland in a healthy state, you need to include green onions and onions in your daily diet, but not raw. More vegetables will benefit from carrots and beets, zucchini and pumpkin, sweet peppers;

  • Berries: cranberries, cherries, watermelons, currants, blueberries, cranberries;

  • It is important to remember about dried fruits: about prunes and dried apricots;

  • Useful meat products include chicken, veal and beef, as well as offal: beef liver and beef tongue;

  • You need to include red fish, sea bream, pike perch, sea bass, sole and perch in your diet, do not forget about squid;

  • Be sure to include oils in the menu, preferably olive and corn, but sunflower will not harm the pancreas;

  • It is important to consume fermented milk products daily: yoghurts, kefirs, curdled milk, fermented baked milk. High-quality cheeses and eggs will be useful;

  • Pasta lovers need to choose products from durum wheat, such side dishes will not harm the pancreas;

  • From alcoholic drinks, you can sometimes afford dry grape or plum wine, tequila and cognac;

  • As soft drinks, it is better to choose teas: green, black, chamomile, rosehip.

However, if there are already problems with the pancreas, then it is better to forget about alcohol in any form. You should also limit some healthy, but overly sweet foods: cherries, honey. It is better not to eat chilled dishes, let them be at room temperature, or moderately hot.

What can’t be eaten?

Diet for the pancreas

In order for the pancreas to work without failures, it is necessary to limit the intake of the following foods and dishes into the body as much as possible:

  • Sugar and sweet pastries. The increased load on the body, which is given by excessively sweet foods and baked goods that are difficult to digest, can ultimately lead to the development of diabetes. Riga and Borodino varieties of bread will increase gas formation;

  • Alcohol leads to narrowing of blood vessels, to their spasm in all organs, including the pancreas. As a result, cell atrophy, indigestion and the development of diabetes. Beer is especially harmful;

  • It is also better to remove coffee and soda from drinks, such as Pepsi, lemonade, etc .;

  • Table salt, in any form, retains fluid and leads to an increase in blood pressure. And hypertension is the cause of injuries to the vessels of the pancreas;

  • Smoked products, all types of sausages and sausages negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, irritating the pancreas;

  • Do not get too carried away with legumes, tomatoes and potatoes, as well as such sweet berries as raspberries, strawberries and strawberries;

  • It is worth reducing the consumption of vinegar and marinades containing it, sauces and mayonnaise;

  • It is better to forget about ice cream containing a large amount of refractory fats;

  • Tobacco smoking is also very detrimental to the pancreas.

E1442 and E1422 – a blow to the pancreas!

Without nutritional supplements, it is impossible to imagine any modern product lying on store shelves.

However, there are some that should be avoided if you do not want to disrupt the pancreas:

  • E 1422. This is nothing more than modified starch, it can also be found under the name “acetylated distarch adipate”. It is used as a thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier. Therefore, you need to watch that it is not in the composition of yoghurts and other fermented milk products, in sauces and canned food. The danger for the pancreas lies in the fact that the food additive E1422, according to some reports, can cause a dangerous disease – pancreatic necrosis. This is a severe pathology in which the pancreas begins to digest itself, resulting in the death of its cells. Pancreatic necrosis is dangerous not only for health, but also for human life;

  • E 1442. Another harmful thickener is E 1442, it can also be found under the name “hydroxypropylated distarch phosphate”. Since this additive is not banned for use in the Russian Federation, it can be found in products such as glazed sweet curds, cream, yogurt, ice cream, instant soups, canned sardine and mackerel. The same additive is often used to preserve vegetables and fruits. Starch E1442 is a real blow to the pancreas, as it is not able to produce enzymes to break it down. This threatens with the development of at least pancreatitis, and as a maximum – pancreatic necrosis.

Products for the pancreas

Diet for the pancreas

There are products that can be used for pancreatitis (in a chronic form or in remission), but there are those that you need.

These helpful products include:

  • Brussels sprouts. It has a beneficial effect on the pancreatic mucosa, soothing irritated tissues of the organ. In order for it to be better absorbed, it is better to stew Brussels sprouts. It should not be consumed fresh in pancreatitis. Its chemical composition, which includes vitamin C, vitamins B1, PP, B2, helps fight pancreatitis. This is an ideal dietary product that does not burden the diseased organ, so stewed cabbage can be consumed in large quantities;

  • Useful for pancreatitis will be baked or stewed zucchini. It does not contain essential oils that will irritate the pancreas. There are no coarse dietary fibers that impede the process of digestion of food. Dishes from zucchini are almost completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and do not burden it. Therefore, if a person has chronic pancreatitis, then zucchini can be eaten boiled, baked and stewed and not be afraid that the disease will worsen because of this healthy vegetable;

  • Another “relative” of zucchini is a pumpkin. It is also recommended for eating as one of the healthiest foods for people with pancreatitis. Its benefits are as follows: pumpkin neutralizes hydrochloric acid, has a delicate and soft structure, does not contain a lot of fiber. At the same time, it contains carotene, potassium, B vitamins, magnesium, copper, iron and pectins. This vegetable is ideal for feeding patients with pancreatitis;

  • Oats in any form. Oatmeal is especially useful.

Menu for the pancreas

There are a variety of diet menus for people who want to keep their pancreas normal.

For those who already have pathologies of this organ or want to avoid them, you can use the following approximate nutrition scheme:

  • Breakfast consists of buckwheat, millet, rice or oatmeal to choose from. You can supplement it with fruits: kiwi, apples, oranges, lemons or any berries except raspberries, strawberries and strawberries;

  • Snack may consist of crackers, cucumber salad, or carrots, beets and other permitted vegetables;

  • For lunch rice, barley, vegetable soup or borscht without frying is suitable. For the second, it is advisable to choose stewed vegetables, preferably with a predominance of Brussels sprouts or other, supplemented with lean meat. Walnuts with a small addition of honey can serve as an ideal dessert (not during an exacerbation);

  • have dinner followed, for example, by whole wheat pasta with chicken sauce, fish soup with vegetables, fish casserole or egg omelet.

Unsweetened teas, fruit drinks from berries, fruit compotes and, of course, pure water should serve as drinks.

The role of water, why does it help?

Diet for the pancreas

With pancreatitis, it is important to drink plenty of water, as doctors say. But why this should be done, they do not explain. In fact, water helps to digest food, as it “dilutes” it and facilitates the process of digestion. The oxygen contained in it is quickly absorbed into the blood and reaches every organ, including the pancreas. But it is important to consume clean water, not tea, coffee, compote or juice.

It should not be cold or hot, room temperature is optimal. Another important condition is that any sparkling water, even mineral water, is prohibited. You can drink ordinary water when it is convenient for a person – before a meal, during a meal, or even after a meal, contrary to popular belief that it will interfere with digestion.

How should food be chewed?

Most people don’t pay attention to how they chew their food. However, doctors argue that this is no less important than the choice of the products themselves. Thorough chewing will help not only prevent the development of pancreatitis, but also avoid frequent exacerbations of the disease.

It is important to remember that the process of digestion begins in the mouth. It’s so laid down by nature. Swallowing a whole piece at once, a person places an exorbitant load on the entire gastrointestinal tract in general and on the pancreas in particular. In order to understand how thoroughly any food should be chewed, it is enough to take an ordinary piece of bread. Putting it in your mouth, you need to start working with your jaws. Chew until a sweetish taste appears in the mouth. This is due to the fact that saliva has decomposed starch into glucose. Now you can swallow.

Thorough chewing of all food greatly facilitates the work of the pancreas. It is important to accustom yourself to eat in this way all the time and make at least 40 chewing movements with your jaws. This useful habit will become a real weapon in the fight against pancreatitis. And extra pounds will also go away, as the feeling of fullness will come much faster.

1 Comment

  1. ļoti lielisks, izcils teksts! viss skaidrs un vairs nevienā lapā nav jāmeklē sev interesējošās atbildes! supper

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