Diet for the intestinal tract

Intestinal colitis is a formidable condition that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. To a large extent, the treatment of colitis consists in choosing the right and balanced diet, without which getting rid of such an unpleasant and dangerous pathology is impossible.

What can you eat with colitis?

Diet for the intestinal tract

  • With colitis in the acute phase, the use of astringent “fixing” drinks is allowed: black tea. It is recommended to drink jelly, berry decoctions. Blueberries and black currants have a particularly pronounced astringent effect. In addition to decoctions, you can eat fresh berries. The consumption of natural fruit juices should be limited. Concentrated juices should not be drunk, since most are highly acidic and can further irritate an already inflamed intestine.

  • Vegetables fresh and boiled. The consumption of vegetables is allowed in the form of puree. Boiled vegetables should be crushed (also mashed). The consumption of vegetables that cause increased production of intestinal gases is excluded. Cauliflower has a calming effect. It should definitely be included in the diet.

  • Fruit. It is allowed to use apples, peaches, pears (in particular), but also in the form of mashed potatoes.

  • Soups, cereals. Soups and cereals for the purposes of dietary nutrition must be prepared in water or low-fat broth. The high fat content of the dish increases the load on the digestive system (liver, small intestine, etc.). The consistency of soups and cereals should be homogeneous, pureed (as for baby food).

  • Dairy products. It is better to refuse fermented milk products during the acute phase of colitis, however, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, and low-fat varieties of cheese are allowed in small quantities.

  • Meat fish. Minced meat and fish should be cooked, and then steamed cutlets with the addition of pearl barley or whole grains of rice.

  • Offal. Homemade liver pate is allowed.

  • Bakery products. Fresh bread is excluded. You should consume only yesterday’s bread from durum wheat, crackers (soaked in tea).

  • Confectionery. Sweets in a small amount, sugar up to two teaspoons a day.

What can not be eaten with colitis?

The following foods are prohibited:

  • Bread is fresh, muffins. Fresh bread and rich bakery products contribute to increased production of intestinal gases, and also accelerate intestinal motility. In conditions of damage to the wall of the colon, this will aggravate the already difficult condition of the patient.

  • Broths from meat, fish (strong). Animal fats in large quantities are difficult to process and significantly burden the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

  • Pasta, as well as legumes and peas. They increase the production of intestinal gases, “loading” the intestines.

  • Fried meat, fish, fatty meat products (lard, bacon, ham).

  • Pickles, smoked dishes, marinated dishes. They irritate the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines, causing diarrhea.

  • Canned food, pickles.

  • Raw fruits, raw vegetables. Contribute to better intestinal motility due to the rich content of fiber. In particular, you should exclude pumpkin, beets, radishes, turnips, watermelons, melons.

  • Fatty dairy products: sour cream, whole milk, etc.

  • Strong coffee and cocoa in full fat milk.

  • Peanut.

  • Fast food (fast food).

  • Spicy products, seasonings.

  • Eggs (consumption of 1 hard-boiled egg per day is allowed).

  • Cereal dishes.

  • Meals containing animals and trans fats. It is allowed to consume up to 50 grams of butter per day.

Menu for a week with colitis

Diet for the intestinal tract


  • Meal number 1: grated cauliflower salad with walnuts, buckwheat with a small amount of natural butter, berry broth.

  • Meal #2: pureed fruit.

  • Meal number 3: vegetable broth, pureed boiled beef with carrots, fruit broth.

  • Meal #4: pureed fruit.

  • Meal number 5: a piece of boiled fish (chopped).


  • Meal number 1: boiled prefabricated vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, etc.), cottage cheese casserole, berry broth.

  • Meal #2: Baked fruit with powdered sugar (pear or apple).

  • Meal number 3: barley soup, cabbage rolls stuffed with boiled rice.

  • Meal #4: Fresh Carrot Salad with Lemon Juice.

  • Meal number 5: a piece of boiled fish (chopped), a rosehip broth.


  • Meal number 1: cucumber salad with chopped beef, scrambled eggs from one egg, dried fruit broth.

  • Meal #2: Mixed vegetable salad.

  • Meal number 3: cabbage soup (shchi), boiled beef with tomatoes, rosehip broth.

  • Meal number 4: soaked dried fruits (except for prunes, as it has a pronounced laxative effect).

  • Meal number 5: steamed chicken cutlets, stewed vegetables, strong tea.


  • Meal number 1: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes without oil with chopped onions, rice porridge on the water.

  • Meal number 2: grated fruit (apple, pear).

  • Meal number 3: vegetable broth, steam cutlets, cauliflower puree.

  • Meal #4: low-fat cottage cheese.

  • Meal number 5: fruit (apple).


  • Meal number 1: steam fish cutlets, vegetable salad, a glass of berry broth.

  • Meal number 2: a glass of tea and dry biscuits.

  • Meal number 3: vegetable soup in chicken broth, minced boiled beef.

  • Meal number 4: dried fruits (soaked).

  • Meal number 5: cottage cheese casserole with raisins.


  • Meal number 1: oatmeal on the water, fish steam cutlets, a glass of rosehip broth.

  • Meal #2: Apple or pear.

  • Meal number 3: boiled beef with vegetables, cottage cheese casserole and a glass of tea.

  • Meal #4: Apple salad with lemon juice.

  • Meal number 5: steamed chicken cutlets with low-fat cottage cheese.


  • Meal #1: Chopped lean fish with lemon juice, mashed potatoes, a glass of tea.

  • Meal #2: Apple salad.

  • Meal number 3: cabbage soup in a weak broth, cottage cheese casserole, berry broth.

  • Meal number 4: boiled vegetables.

  • Meal number 5: beef meatballs, stewed cabbage, a glass of tea.

Thus, it is necessary to strictly monitor nutrition in order to achieve a high therapeutic effect. Food should be fractional, with a minimum of fiber. It is also important to exclude coarse foods, salty, smoked, spicy dishes. All dishes should be served crushed and pureed. This is the only way to quickly forget about colitis.

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