Diet for the brain

You can develop memory, improve concentration and reaction at any age. Not new scientific achievements and not even miracle pills will help in this. Everything the brain needs is already present in food. It remains only to understand his taste preferences. To do this, we turned to nutritionists and compiled a list of the most important nutrients for the brain.

For tone

Most of all, the brain needs B vitamins. It is they that ensure the functioning of the nervous system, improve attention, the ability to concentrate, memory and general mental state. Nutritionists consider them simply indispensable for creative people and call them “creative vitamins” for their beneficial effect on mental abilities.

Where to look: In the first place in terms of the content of B vitamins, peas improve all brain functions. On the second – oatmeal: it works as an antidepressant and helps with insomnia. Next on the list: walnuts, brown rice, green vegetables, meat, dairy products.

For clarity of mind

Brain aging is a process of gradual damage to its cells by free radicals. From their activity, the patency between neurons is disturbed, cells are oxidized and die, significantly reducing mental abilities. Antioxidants, namely vitamins C and E, play an important role in slowing down this process.

Where to look: fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E is especially rich in avocados. Slightly less in almonds, flax and pumpkin seeds, as well as in green lettuce. These ingredients make a wonderful salad: mix avocado, any lettuce leaves, almonds and seeds, add a spoonful of sesame oil. Nutritionists advise including this salad in your daily diet.

Record holders for the content of vitamin C berries – strawberries, currants, raspberries. There is a lot (even more than in citrus fruits) of this antioxidant in broccoli.

Tip: forget about the usual refined oil, there is nothing useful in it. Vitamin E is found only in natural cold-pressed oil. The same can be said about cereals: instant cereals are chemically processed, they have nothing to share with us. All useful substances are present only in whole grains.

What to do so that the memory does not fail

Water. The lack of water in the body has a bad effect on the brain: we have difficulty concentrating and remembering new information poorly. Eight glasses of water a day may well correct the situation. Drink it in small sips, concentrating on the pleasant sensations, trying to feel how the water literally enlivens your body.

Ginkgo biloba – a very popular remedy for the treatment of memory problems in eastern countries. This plant improves blood circulation, thanks to which the brain receives more oxygen and nutrients, and also protects the structure of the brain from damage.

Rosemary due to the carnosic acid contained in it, it improves the ability to memorize by 18%. Even the scent of rosemary can boost performance.

For intellect

Magnesium, iron and zinc are the most important helpers in brain function. Magnesium improves blood circulation, and with it mental activity, and is great for coping with stress. Zinc affects concentration, iron helps develop mathematical abilities.

The brain loves fats. They help him maintain mental activity, improve memory and intelligence. All fats, as you know, are divided into harmful and useful. For example, fatty chicken with french fries has nothing to do with fatty herring and flaxseed oil. The former are sources of animal fats, from which the brain can literally “swim fat”, but the latter are very important because they are a source of essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Senile dementia, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease develop against the background of a deficiency of this particular substance.

Where to look: Magnesium is present in avocados, nuts, whole grains, artichokes, beans, dried apricots, raisins, apples, garlic, grapefruits and lentils (by the way, any anemia is treated with it). Iron is rich in poultry meat, liver and cereals. Zinc is found in pumpkin seeds and seafood.

Healthy fats are found in fish (herring, salmon, sardines, tuna, salmon), fish oils, flaxseed, sesame and peanut oils. For example, just 100 grams of fish and a tablespoon of vegetable oil per day is enough to provide the brain with enough omega-3s.

What to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner

“Let us all be tired of hearing this from nutritionists, but still: the best diet (and for the brain as well) is a balanced diet. It’s simple: if the body lacks some microelements, it “takes” them from the brain, cleansing its reserve reserves,” explains nutritionist Marianna Trifonova. To prevent this, it is important to observe the following principles.

Breakfast: start the morning with porridge cooked in low-fat milk. Such a breakfast is rich in carbohydrates, which means that you will provide the body with strength and endurance, the stomach will retain a feeling of satiety for a long time, and it will be easier to maintain a good mood.

Lunch: to increase efficiency and improve memory, eat fish or meat in the middle of the day, with dark rice as a side dish.

Dinner: in the evening, be sure to eat yogurt, cottage cheese or drink kefir. Proteins will strengthen muscles, and healthy fats will increase the stress resistance of the brain.

For optimism

Depressed mood can often be explained by an elementary lack of manganese. Nutritionists call this trace element the “keeper of optimism” – it reduces irritability, helps the synthesis of brain cells and affects the speed of information transfer. Simply put, thanks to manganese, we think faster and feel calmer and more confident.

Where to look: coarse plant foods (cabbage, skins of beans, fruits and vegetables), beets, whole grains, cereals and greens. These products also contain fiber, which, as you know, is not absorbed by the body, but cleans the intestines well.

What to eat stress

If you’re used to eating stress, eat it with something healthy, like dark chocolate, almonds, berries, or meat.

Natural chocolate contains theobromine, magnesium, vitamins E and B2, helps to relieve irritation, pacifies and promotes the production of endorphin – the hormone of happiness.

Almonds also contain magnesium and vitamin E, but they are higher in calories, so they should be consumed in small doses – 50 g each, that is, just a handful per day.

Meat saves from fatigue and increases stamina. The main thing is to choose lean beef, lamb and rabbit meat.

When we are stressed, vitamin C is actively consumed, so berries or citrus fruits will be useful. In especially difficult periods, nutritionists advise eating these foods literally every hour.

For peace of mind

The ability to withstand stress largely depends on the ability of the pituitary gland to produce anti-stress hormones. Increased excitability and irritability can be explained by the fact that the pituitary gland is experiencing an acute shortage of vitamin E, B vitamins, especially B5, B2, choline and magnesium.

The cause of irritability and increased fatigue may be a deficiency of folic acid.

Where to look: avocados, almonds, lentils, oatmeal, lettuce, cottage cheese, milk, wheat bran, pumpkin and sesame seeds, almonds, pine nuts, spinach, beans and dates. Folic acid is found in green vegetables – green beans, green peas.

Our experts

Marianna Trifonova – nutritionist, head physician of the clinic “Emerald”.

Rimma Moisenko – doctor of the highest category, physiotherapist and nutritionist, founder of the center of aesthetic medicine “Rimmarita”.

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