Dr. Pegano’s principles of nutrition
First of all, you should understand which foods are considered acidic and which are alkaline. Depending on this, you can shape your diet. Doctor Pegano offers his classification.
In accordance with it, acidic products include:
sweet combined with starch;
meat and protein foods;
foods containing large amounts of fat or sugar;
alcoholic beverages;
vinegar of any kind;
dishes and individual foods that are high in sugar.
In addition, the formation of an acidic environment in the body is affected by constipation or irregular stools, limited physical and mental activity, and an overdose of drugs. You can not eat food containing preservatives, artificial pigments and other additives. It is better to give up the frequent use of meat, butter and cream, legumes and potato dishes.
Among the alkaline-forming products, Pegano distinguishes:
However, including them in the diet, you need to pay attention to the following features. Not all vegetables are healthy. Avoid peppers, potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes. They belong to the nightshade family and can contribute to the development of psoriasis. In small quantities, you can sometimes afford rhubarb, Brussels sprouts and pumpkin. Fruits such as bananas, apples, melons should be consumed separately from any other foods. In combination with anything, they are more harmful than helpful in psoriasis. All fruits belonging to the citrus family should not be combined with dairy, whole grain products. This also applies to juices.
In addition to alkaline-forming products, regular stools have a positive effect on the body. It is important to constantly move, do physical exercises, alternating them with mental activity. Lemon juice diluted in a glass of water helps to increase alkalinity. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables. They can be baked, stewed or eaten fresh. Juices have a good effect on the body with psoriasis. They are squeezed out of apricots, oranges, pears, grapefruits, grapes. Don’t worry again. It is necessary to receive more positive emotions in order to avoid an increase in acidity in the body. It is better to replace ordinary water with mineral water. For example, Borjomi.
What must be in the diet of patients with psoriasis?
Water. You need to drink at least a liter of it per day. Not tea, not coffee or juices, but pure water. It may be mineral. People suffering from psoriasis are advised to always carry a small bottle of water with them to drink at any time.
Fruit. They can be included in other dishes, steamed, baked. Some should be consumed rarely and in small quantities. For example, melon and raw apples. They cannot be combined with other products. Apples can only be eaten baked. Pineapples, nectarines, mangoes, papaya, raisins, cherries, grapes, lemons are useful for psoriasis.
Poultry meat It is allowed to use several times a week. It can be turkey meat, chicken.
Vegetables. Fresh broccoli, beets, green beans, cucumbers, celery, watercress, carrots and sweet potatoes should be included in the diet. Almonds are useful, but hazelnuts are possible only in limited quantities.
A fish. It is better to take the sea. You can steam it, boil it, but do not fry it. Sole, trout, sturgeon, tuna, dolphin, halibut, sardines are just some of the possible varieties of fish that should be consumed several times a week.
Cereals. It can be cereals from wheat, barley, various types of rice, corn and flour from it.
Mutton. This is the only type of meat that can be included in the diet. Like fish, it cannot be fried. Remove all fat before cooking.
Butter and eggs;
Dairy. They are rich in calcium. This element is important for the body in psoriasis. Therefore, you should eat milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurts without additives more often. You need to choose products with low fat content.
The following foods should be excluded from the diet:
vegetables from the nightshade family;
fatty poultry, smoked meat with spices;
White bread;
shellfish, crabs, shrimp and lobsters;
fatty dairy products;
too salty dishes, marinades, spices, alcoholic drinks.
Natural laxatives such as fruits and vegetables help improve digestion. For regular stools, you can drink a teaspoon of olive oil daily.
A good mood is also important in the treatment of psoriasis. Physical activity allows you to feel a new surge of strength. You don’t have to train to the point of exhaustion. It is enough to take a half-hour walk in the fresh air every day and do exercises in the morning from the exercises you like. Movement should be fun.
Diet Fire
Dr. Ogneva developed her own nutrition system, different from the Pegano diet. In accordance with her recommendations, it is necessary to do a fasting day once a week to cleanse the body. She also considers the creation of an acid-base balance in the body to be the main goal of nutrition for patients with psoriasis. Fasting day involves the use of certain products. So, it can only be vegetables or apples, cottage cheese with kefir.
The classification of products into acid-forming and alkali-forming according to Ognevoy coincides with their division into the same groups by Dr. Pegano. You need to compose your diet so that it is simple, but at the same time varied. Products should be for the most part alkaline-forming, rich in vitamins and nutrients. In combination with other psoriasis remedies, the diet enhances their medicinal effect. External manifestations will appear again and again if their internal cause is not eliminated. A healthy lifestyle, including sports, proper nutrition, alternating types of stress, allows you to cope with psoriasis in a short time.
General recommendations
Many external factors influence the development of the disease. At first glance, it seems that stress is not the cause of psoriasis, but it is not. Any external irritants cause the formation of crusts on the skin.
You need to know what is unacceptable for psoriasis:
Sunbathe a lot. Ultraviolet in large quantities is harmful to any person, and especially to the patient. Therefore, you should limit the time spent in the sun and sunbathe for a short time after the prevention of psoriasis.
Get sick often. Any infection is a blow to the body. Diseases weaken the immune system and exacerbate psoriasis.
Actively cleanse the body and starve. Refusal of food causes a lack of important substances and vitamins in the body. This should not be allowed with psoriasis.
Indulge in alcohol and smoking. Under the influence of alcohol-containing liquids and tobacco, it is likely that psoriasis will worsen. It will become even more difficult to cure him in this case.
Overeat. Eating any food in large volumes is an extra burden on the digestive organs. In addition, you can get carried away and eat forbidden foods. Therefore, you should carefully control your diet, eat several times a day in small portions.
The diet for each patient is selected individually, but the general rules are suitable for everyone who suffers from psoriasis. For some, certain foods cause allergies, which means that they should be completely excluded from the diet, no matter how useful they are. Salty, spicy and smoked foods should be abandoned. Fried foods cannot be eaten. Everything needs to be steamed, boiled, baked or stewed.
Useful substances necessary for the body with psoriasis:
Calcium. It helps to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. Its deficiency negatively affects the general condition of the patient with psoriasis. You should eat foods rich in calcium. It can be sour-milk products allowed by the diet. They contain the highest amount of calcium.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances are part of cell membranes, having a great impact on the condition of the skin. Therefore, the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids can contribute to the development of psoriasis. Their source is vegetable oils. They must be included in the diet.
Vitamins. The most important vitamin for psoriasis is vitamin D (when choosing a drug, choose one with a dosage of 10 IU), along with vitamin K000.
Cellulose. In the body, it takes part in lipid metabolism. In addition, fiber affects the protective function of the liver. Foods rich in it help stabilize stools. Therefore, you need to eat vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable oil.
Zinc. This element has a restorative and healing function. With psoriasis, zinc helps reduce inflammation and get rid of flaking. It is found in poultry meat and dairy products. No wonder zinc ointment is used to treat skin diseases. With its help, damaged areas are easily restored.