Diet for pneumonia

diet for pneumonia it is better to observe not only during the course of the disease, but also after recovery – for prevention. Before starting a diet, it is necessary to cleanse the patient’s intestines with any laxative. It is useful to give the patient hot or just warm baked milk with the addition of melted butter – this is very useful for the lungs and replenishing the surfactant in them. In no case do not force the patient to eat by force, it will not benefit him. The diet should include broth and milk. To reduce the temperature, you need to give the patient to drink water with the addition of lemon juice or cranberry juice.

Elderly and very weak people can be given a little wine to raise their strength, but not more than 30 ml. at a time (the daily volume should not exceed the dosage of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight). You should also give the patient diaphoretics, for example, an infusion of lime blossom, sage or mint, so that harmful substances also come out of the body with sweat.

Diet for pneumonia during an exacerbation:

  • lean meat, chicken, meat and chicken broth;

  • lean fish;

  • milk and sour-milk products;

  • vegetables (cabbage, carrots, potatoes, herbs, onions, garlic);

  • fresh fruits (apples, pears, citrus fruits, grapes, watermelon), dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);

  • fruit, berry and vegetable juices, fruit drinks;

  • cereals and pasta;

  • tea, rosehip broth;

  • honey, jam.

Sample menu for one day in the acute period of pneumonia

1nd breakfast: one glass of semolina porridge in milk and milk itself.

2nd breakfast: one glass of fruit jelly from any of the presented fruits, as well as a glass of decoction of dried or fresh raspberries with the addition of one teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 200 ml barley soup in meat broth, about 70 grams of mashed potatoes with a small piece (no more than 100 grams) of fried fish. You can add a little oil for taste. For dessert – 250 grams of watermelon.

Afternoon snack: 200 grams of applesauce and one glass of yeast drink with honey.

Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese with raisins, one glass of rosehip broth and a little chocolate.

At night – a glass of milk.

All day – 150-200 grams of bread; sugar and butter – as little as possible.

Between meals, you can drink small amounts of freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits, as well as warmed mineral alkaline water.

Diet after pneumonia and during the recovery period:

  • lean meat, chicken, fish and broths from them:

  • eggs;

  • milk and dairy products, cheese;

  • fresh vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut juice, greens;

  • bakery products, cereals, pasta;

  • honey, jam, jam, chocolate;

  • vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks, mineral water;

  • tea, infusions and decoctions of wild rose, blackcurrant, medicinal herbs.

Approximate meals for one day during the recovery period

1nd breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, 100 grams of vegetable salad with mayonnaise and a slice of black bread. A glass of milk with a bun.

2nd breakfast: a glass of rosehip broth with a slice of lemon and one teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 250 grams of vegetable soup in meat broth. For the second – 120 grams of steamed fish soufflé with mashed potatoes. A glass of plum juice with pulp.

Afternoon snack: a glass of apple compote and one tangerine.

Dinner: 250 grams of cottage cheese casserole, about a glass of cabbage rolls with meat and rice. Fresh berries or jam and half a glass of yeast drink.

At night – half a glass of cranberry juice with sugar.

All day – 250 grams of rye and wheat bread and 25 grams of butter.

Diet Features

The presented nutritional diet is designed to support the body’s defenses by reducing the burden on the digestive tract and the immune system. With this diet, the consumption of carbohydrates and fats is several times reduced. Salt intake is reduced to 6-7 grams, calcium intake is increased by dairy products. Increased intake of vitamins A, C and B.

Nutrition should be fractional, i.e., food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is recommended to cook food for a couple or boil vegetables and meat, it is better to take food in finely chopped or mushy form. Any drink taken by the sick person should be warm and plentiful.

When the disease begins to recede, the condition improves, the patient is on the mend, the set of foods consumed becomes more diverse: the consumption of fats, protein and carbohydrates increases.

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