Diet for planning pregnancy: recommendations from the East

In the modern world, women are preparing not only for childbirth, but also for pregnancy itself. After all, it is really possible to create favorable conditions for the formation of a child in advance. How to give the future baby maximum strength and health, says a specialist in Chinese medicine.

In the Taoist tradition, it is believed that the expectant mother should have “strong blood.” What does this mean? Chinese doctors secrete blood as a separate organ, which, like all others, requires care and attention. After all, it is he who carries qi, the life energy, through the body.

If the blood is “weak”, then the woman’s tissues do not receive enough energy, which means that the future baby will grow in a shortage of resources. By the way, it is for this reason, according to Eastern doctors, that the so-called infertility of unknown origin develops: the body “knows” that the child will not have enough energy, and refuses to start a new life.

How to restore the “strength” of blood? This will help adjust the power supply.

Red meat

There is a lot of controversy in the East about whether or not to eat meat. But if we turn not to the religious component of local traditions, but only to the issue of health, we can see that many agree that the expectant mother needs it.

In Taoism, for example, they insist that in order for the blood to be “strong”, a woman must eat beef, lamb or other types of red meat at least twice a week.

What to do if you refused animal food for ethical reasons? When students in my health school approach me with this question, I encourage them to focus on their priorities. What is more important: energy supply or principles? The correct answer will be strictly individual.

I recommend trying beef liver in a good restaurant – then you will understand what dishes from it are like.

Separately, beef liver should be mentioned – this is one of the best products for the “strength” of blood. For many, at the mention of her, the cheekbones are reduced, and a cry escapes from the chest: “Never in my life!”

The reason for this is usually our childhood memories. Indeed, in childhood, this product was perceived with difficulty. In addition, not all parents knew how to cook it correctly: often the liver was overcooked or overcooked, it turned into a “sole” and acquired a disgusting smell.

To cope with such a phobia, I recommend trying beef liver in a good restaurant – then you will understand how delicious dishes from it are. And if you like it, you can learn how to cook this product at home – your family members will be sincerely grateful.

Pay attention to the color

Red foods are said to be especially good for the blood. Of course, not all of them are capable of being useful, but I would like to point out a few:

  • Beet. In Taoist medicine, it is considered a product that improves blood quality. It can be used in any form – to make salads, bake or cook soups based on it.
  • Red seasonal berries. They can be completely different: from sweet raspberries to sour cranberries. You can add berries to smoothies, juices or teas. In addition, they are tasty and pure. By the way, tomatoes are also red berries!
  • Garnet. It is highly recommended for the prevention of anemia. And although there is not much iron in it, pomegranate includes a valuable set of vitamins and trace elements that really contribute to its absorption.

Benefit Champions

According to the Taoist tradition, the diet should be balanced and varied, therefore, in addition to meat and fish, seeds should be in the diet. They are given a special place in Chinese medicine, as they contain a powerful charge of energy – a force that must “escape” from the seed, become a sprout, and then a full-fledged plant.

Thus, by eating dishes with seeds, you take away their growth potential for yourself.

By seeds, I mean both the commonplace millet and the trendy quinoa. Buckwheat, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds can also be on the list – a real medicine that, among other things, regulates sugar cravings.

At the same time, it is worth noting legumes, especially red lentils (again, red, it is quite possible to focus on it). It can simply be boiled with salt, included in vegetable stew or soup.

What to avoid

There are also products that Chinese doctors advise those who are planning a pregnancy to avoid.

For example, white refined sugar they consider one of the most harmful inventions of mankind. It dehydrates the body, leaches calcium from the bones and negatively affects the quality of the blood. Instead, I advise you to use high-quality honey, maple syrup or agave juice.

Another enemy of women’s health is thermophilic yeast and products containing them.

In second place in terms of harmfulness are dairy products: they slow down metabolism, impair the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract into the blood, and thereby impoverish it.

Another enemy of women’s health is thermophilic yeast and products containing them: from beer to ordinary bread. Therefore, if you love bread, give preference to yeast-free varieties.

Finally, it is important to reduce the amount of diuretic foods in the diet. These include coffee, tea, all sweet carbonated drinks, and even regular sparkling water.

As you can see, there are no strict restrictions in a blood-healing diet. You can sometimes arrange “useful” weeks or stick to such a diet always, the main thing is to listen to your body, it is it that knows best what you need.

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