Diet for pancreatic disease
A diet for pancreatic disease or pancreatitis is aimed at reducing gastric secretion during exacerbation of a chronic disease or acute pancreatitis and at preventing the development of complications and stabilizing the disease in chronic pancreatitis.
A diet for pancreatic disease excludes foods containing coarse fiber that stimulate the digestive glands. In addition, drinking enough water every day is a prerequisite for a therapeutic diet.
Diet for pancreatic disease – with exacerbation
Of course, what to say, diet for pancreatic disease can not completely cure. But during the course of such an illness, the most important thing is not to let the situation get worse. Of course, in case of acute pancreatitis, it is best to immediately call a doctor, and sometimes an ambulance, but after medical help a special diet should be followed.
In no case should you follow only a diet for pancreatic disease, forgetting about drug therapy and bed rest. The diet itself begins with a three-day fast. During these three days, you can drink 1-1,5 liters (but strictly 200 ml, that is, 4 or 5 times) of Borjomi mineral water (warm and without gas) and a maximum of 2 glasses of rosehip broth.
After two to three days, a special diet is prescribed for 5-7 days, containing very few calories, a protein norm and sharply restricting fats (refractory) and carbohydrates (easily digestible – sugar, honey, jam, baked goods). Also excluded are foods containing coarse fiber that stimulate the digestive glands. You need to eat fractionally, little by little – 5-6 days. It is better to cook or stew food, in no case fry it, it should be a liquid or semi-liquid consistency.
What can you eat? Diet table for pancreatic disease:
slimy soups from various cereals (except millet) in water or weak vegetable broth;
dishes from lean meat or poultry without tendons and fat, always in the form of soufflé or steam cutlets;
dishes from low-fat varieties of fish are also in the form of soufflé or dumplings;
soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelet (you can eat only 1-2 eggs per day);
milk can only be contained in dishes, you cannot drink pure milk;
cottage cheese can only be fresh or steamed puddings;
vegetable dishes and side dishes in the form of mashed potatoes or puddings;
baked apples (but not Antonov ones!);
from sweet you can only pureed compotes, jelly, jelly on xylitol and sorbitol;
tea – only weak, “Borjomi”, rosehip decoction.
Not that strictly prohibited, but completely excluded are strong vegetable broths, fatty meats, poultry and fish, fried or fried foods, raw vegetables and fruits, cabbage, radishes, onions, turnips, sorrel, lettuce, spinach, radish, rutabagas, smoked , canned food, rye bread, ice cream, alcohol, soda, spices and spices. This is not a matter of taste or aesthetics, it is a matter of health. It is better to follow the diet.
Diet for pancreatic disease – chronic course of the disease
Diet for chronic diseases of the pancreas is a permanent curative factor that can prevent complications, exacerbations, and progression of inflammation. Highly digestible carbohydrates – honey, sugar, jams, sweets, soda and fatty foods – are strictly excluded, since fat absorption is impaired in diseases of the pancreas. All food is prepared pureed, steamed or baked. No plentiful meals – meals are fractional and frequent.
What you can eat or drink:
bread and baked goods, yesterday’s baked goods or dried, uncooked biscuits;
vegetarian soups (excluding cabbage), cereal soups (excluding millet) with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream;
meat, poultry and fish of low-fat varieties – boiled, baked, steam;
steam omelet or 2 soft-boiled eggs;
non-acidic cottage cheese, homemade, non-acidic kefir;
cheese – varieties “Russian” or “Dutch”;
butter, unsalted, refined vegetable oils;
cereal porridge (except millet), semi-viscous;
homemade noodles, noodles – cook in water or in water in half with milk;
baked or grated non-acidic apples;
vegetables in pureed or vegetable form (carrots, pumpkin, beets, cauliflower, green peas, young beans);
compotes or jelly without sugar – on xylenes and sorbets;
weak tea with lemon, fruit and berry juices without sugar, and it is better to dilute the juices with water, decoctions of rose hips and black currants.
In no case should you eat broths, pork, lamb, fried foods, smoked meats, fatty foods, canned foods, sausages, caviar, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, pickles and marinades, spices and spices, mushrooms, cabbage, sorrel , spinach, lettuce, radishes, turnips, legumes, raw vegetables or fruits, cranberries, pastries, cold or hot dishes, ice cream, soda or alcohol.
All food should be at room temperature. The diet does not need to be followed all your life, but it is necessary to follow it periodically and for a long time.