Diet for meat lovers. We present the secrets of the paleo diet
Diet for meat lovers. We present the secrets of the paleo dietDiet for meat lovers. We present the secrets of the paleo diet

It is also called the diet of primitive man, because it consists in the way of eating to which our bodies have been adapted by evolution. According to its assumptions, thanks to eating similarly to our ancestors from the Paleolithic period, we will achieve full health. However, the paleo diet does not mimic the way they eat, rather it eliminates the foods our ancestors did not eat. Learn the secrets of this unusual and completely unusual diet, which will surely appeal to lovers of meat dishes!

There are more and more scientific reports about the impact of this diet on diseases such as hypertension, type XNUMX diabetes and even cancer. Based on modern food, the paleo diet consists primarily of mushrooms, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts, while excluding dairy, potatoes, grains, sugar, refined oils and legumes. Its basic principle is to eliminate food not quantitatively, but qualitatively. Of course, by eating this way, we naturally lose weight and gain health because we eliminate large amounts of calories and salt.

Benefits of the paleo diet:

  1. Large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids,
  2. High fiber content,
  3. salt elimination,
  4. Consumption of lean meat
  5. Antioxidants, minerals and vitamins – in large quantities.

Cons of the paleo diet:

  1. Nowadays, it is difficult to have constant access to fully unprocessed food that is not contaminated with antibiotics and hormones.
  2. The consequences of long-term use have not yet been studied, because tests of its health effects are still pending.

How to use?

It is believed that the main food of Paleolithic man was foods rich in iodine, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, selenium, vitamin A and D. Of course, at that time there was practically no access to processed food, grain products, refined sugars, highly processed fats and alcohol. In addition, Paleolithic man was much more physically fit than modern man. Based on research, it is estimated that these people were at the level of today’s professional athletes.

The source of food when using the paleo diet should be primarily:

  • The fish,
  • Fruit,
  • Lean meat,
  • Leafy, root and brassica vegetables.

You can eat in limited amounts:

  • Potatoes (1-2 pieces per day),
  • Wine (a glass per day),
  • Eggs (1-2 pieces per day),
  • Dried fruits,
  • Italian nuts,
  • Olive or rapeseed oil (up to 1 tablespoon per day).

Must be absolutely rejected:

  • sugar, sweets,
  • Dairy,
  • Grain products,
  • Sweet drinks,
  • refined oils,
  • Legumes,
  • Beer,
  • Food with added salt.

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