Diet for kidney stones

Nephrolithiasis is often chronic and the patient struggles with it for years. That is why a healthy lifestyle is so important in its course, and especially a diet tailored to the specific type of disease. What should people prone to kidney stones watch out for?

Nephrolithiasis is a unit characterized by the formation of deposits made of various substances in these organs and in the urinary tract. This happens when urine is oversaturated with any of the ingredients. Various types of metabolic disorders are very often responsible for it, but it is additionally affected by an incorrect diet. Therefore, people in whose families have kidney stones or those who have already been diagnosed with it, must pay special attention to what they eat.

The basic rule for all types of urolithiasis is to drink plenty of fluids. As a result, the urine is thinned, which hinders the formation of deposits. Moreover, frequent urination in large amounts simply ‘flushes’ the kidneys. In some situations, it allows you to get rid of kidney sand and small stones not exceeding 5-7 mm in diameter.

Usually, it is recommended to consume about two liters of fluid a day, but when diagnosed with urolithiasis, it is worth increasing this amount to about three liters. You should be careful with mineral waters – before buying them, carefully check if they are not saturated with elements that make up the stones. It is especially important to drink before going to bed, as stones can easily form in the thick urine in the bladder at night. Give up sparkling water that is saturated with elements.

It is also worth helping with diuretics. You can reach for linden or yarrow tea. If you do not like infusions or sour fruit, use ready-made preparations available at any pharmacy. You can try freeze-dried organic nettle tea. One package contains 10 bundles, which are infused for 10-15 minutes. Organic tea with birch and juniper also improves the excretory functions of the kidneys.

Regardless of the type of urolithiasis, you should also reduce sodium intake, i.e., first of all, limit the amount of salt in your diet. This applies to both the added food and the one already contained in processed products. So avoid any salty meats, canned food or snacks. Sodium is also found in large amounts in ready-made spice mixes and all kinds of “flavor enhancers”, as well as in instant foods.

As a supplement to the diet, you can reach for supplements such as NefroTabs capsules recommended for the prevention of all types of kidney stones or NefroTabs BIO infusion with a similar effect.

With different types of kidney stones, you should be careful about slightly different foods. Below you will find the rules of the diet for different types of disease.

  1. Check: Vitamin C may increase the risk of painful kidney disease

Calcium phosphate stones

This type of urolithiasis develops with alkaline urine, so to neutralize its pH, it is worth consuming products that will additionally acidify it. Meat and cereal products will be perfect. Products containing phosphates should be avoided. You cannot completely eliminate calcium from your diet, but you should avoid taking calcium supplements and mineral water with a lot of calcium. Recommended: meat, fish, grain products, citrus fruits. Avoid: alkaline mineral water, milk products, eggs, legume seeds, sorrel, rhubarb.

In the case of this type of urolithiasis, we recommend phosphate and carbonate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs available on Medonet Market.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. poor in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and monodietes can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Calcium oxalate stones

With this type of urolithiasis, unlike in the case of calcium phosphate, the amount of phosphate in the diet should be increased. In addition, citrates and magnesium have a beneficial effect. There is one more important difference in choosing meals – the amount of meat products should be reduced. Recommended: cereal products, citrus fruits, butter. Avoid: meat, canned food, spices with monosodium glutamate, sorrel, spinach, and rhubarb.

For this type of urolithiasis, you can use oxalate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs.


Gout is often the result of excessively concentrated urine, so you should pay special attention to drinking the right amount of fluids. Too much urea can be caused by a diet in which purine-containing products (especially meat) play an important role. With this type of urolithiasis, the urine is excessively acidic, so you should eat alkaline products. Recommended: milk and its products, potatoes, honey. Avoid: meat, cocoa, legume seeds.

For this type of urolithiasis, try Gout, a herbal blend with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

Cystine urolithiasis

This type of urolithiasis occurs quite rarely. Unfortunately, it is the result of a genetic disease – cystinuria – in which increased amounts of cystine appear in the urine. Therefore, in this type of urolithiasis, a proper diet is the main way to inhibit stone formation. Salt intake and protein intake in various forms should be significantly reduced.

If you suspect you may have a kidney problem, make an appointment. You can buy the “Kidney Disease” diagnostic test package at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to emotions.

Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

Worth reading:

  1. The causes of the formation of kidney stones
  2. Nephrolithiasis – types, symptoms, treatment
  3. How to avoid kidney stones

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