Diet for intestinal flu (how to eat properly with rotavirus infection)

Diet for intestinal flu (how to eat properly with rotavirus infection)

Intestinal flu is an insidious and highly unpredictable disease. Since its main target is the gastrointestinal system, the issue of nutrition during and after illness is most acute. What should be the diet for intestinal flu in adults?

The first rule of the diet for intestinal flu (or, as it is also called, stomach flu, rotavirus infection, abdominal flu) is to constantly supply the body with water. Since the main symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and often fever, it is quite understandable why the body is threatened with severe dehydration: all of the listed manifestations of the disease dramatically remove a large amount of water from the body.

It is best to drink slightly salted water.

What to eat to get better?

Since with intestinal flu, the production of almost all digestive enzymes is disrupted, the diet should be extremely gentle, soft and helps the body survive the infection. Also, at first, enzymes must be introduced into the body in the form of drugs, for example, mezym. Will help alleviate the patient’s condition and adsorbent drugs, such as activated carbon. It will remove toxins, poisons and some harmful microorganisms, which will immediately improve the patient’s well-being.

Don’t forget to consult your doctor!

The diet for intestinal flu primarily welcomes the use of probiotics – that is, drugs that contain beneficial bacteria related to the human microflora. Most often, probiotics are included in fortified dairy products (but choose those that have the lowest fat content). Also, the daily food, the principles of which are similar to the therapeutic diet 4, should include steamed vegetables, cereals (on the water), omelets. Since with intestinal flu, most of the beneficial micronutrients are removed from the body, the diet is also designed to help replenish them.

The diet for intestinal flu has its own prohibitions

First, there is a categorical taboo on any products that have a laxative effect (dried apricots, apricots, plums, figs), as well as those that contribute to the elimination of liquid – coffee, tea with milk, carrots, beets. Secondly, foods that can cause fermentation in the stomach are prohibited. Among them:

  • Meat, fish, poultry (especially fatty ones);

  • Cow’s milk (it can be temporarily replaced with soy milk);

  • Legumes, nuts, mushrooms;

  • Pickles and marinades;

  • Any sweets and carbonated drinks;

It is especially important to follow a diet for intestinal flu at the first, most acute stage of the disease. As you recover, you can gradually introduce lean meat, broths, and dairy products into the diet. Last but not least, sweet and fresh bread is allowed in the diet – but not earlier than two weeks after the symptoms of intestinal flu have completely disappeared.

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