Diet for hemorrhoids – how to eat?

Hemorrhoids is a disease that gives a person a lot of discomfort and occurs due to the expansion of the veins of the lower segment of the rectum. Pain, discomfort, difficulties during the act of defecation, bleeding nodes – all this violates the quality of life of the patient, causing suffering both morally and physiologically.

There is a theory that hemorrhoids develop due to the use of spicy and spicy foods. This theory has not been proven, however, it is difficult to disagree that the nature of food affects the course of the disease. Compliance with a diet for hemorrhoids is a guarantee that an exacerbation of the disease will occur with a lesser degree of probability. Therefore, the correct diet is the prevention of hemorrhoids.

How does nutrition affect the course of the disease?

Incorrectly selected menu, non-compliance with the diet become additional triggers that affect the exacerbation of the disease. Often, patients begin to adhere to dietary nutrition only at the time when an exacerbation of the disease occurs. Although the correct menu can prevent the very development of the pathological process.

A certain food set, for example, smoked, spicy, spicy dishes, alcohol-containing drinks, will increase venous blood flow to the pelvic vessels. Their systematic overflow naturally overloads the vessels, eventually leading to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Also, exacerbation of hemorrhoids can occur due to the predominance of heavy, fatty foods in the menu. Such a diet contributes to a regular delay in bowel movements, and constipation has a negative impact on the course of the disease. The situation is aggravated by insufficient drinking regimen.

The basic principles of the diet for hemorrhoids, constipation

  • The smooth functioning of the intestines. In order for the intestines to work in the system and not fail, it needs products that are of plant origin. They contain coarse, indigestible fiber, which helps soften feces and works like a brush, naturally freeing the intestines. The emptying process takes place in a timely manner and without any difficulties. At the same time, if the nodes are already present, they will not be severely injured and cause pain during the act of defecation. In addition, fiber contributes to the maintenance of normal intestinal microflora.

  • Compliance with the drinking regime. Normal fluid intake in the body ensures softening of hard stools. Dense feces remain in the intestines longer, and in order to get rid of it, a person will need to make an effort. In the presence of hemorrhoids, this is strictly prohibited. The stronger the patient pushes, the higher the load on the intestinal walls, which means the higher the risk of traumatizing hemorrhoids. Often it is straining that leads to such a complication of the disease as an anal fissure. This slows down the healing process and makes therapy more difficult.

  • The principle of fractional nutrition. If a person eats at certain hours, then his intestines will eventually get used to the routine and adjust to a given time regime.

  • Refusal of wheat bran. Wheat bran is a useful product, however, with hemorrhoids, their intake should be limited if they contribute to the occurrence of adverse symptoms. Bran can be replaced with dried fruits, but they should be soaked in advance.

  • Lactulose preparations can have a positive effect on bowel function. They are taken as prescribed by a doctor and are often a dietary supplement.

  • With hemorrhoids, it is important to control the level of hemoglobin, since due to the restriction of meat products, the development of iron deficiency anemia is possible. In this case, you need to take iron supplements.

Allowed products for hemorrhoids

  • It is advisable to eat bread in a slightly dried form. It is good if it is made from wholemeal flour or with the inclusion of bran.

  • Cereal dishes are all kinds of cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley). It is possible to include bran in the menu, but in a volume not exceeding 60 g in one day.

  • Pasta on the menu should not be present often, in addition, it is worth choosing those products that are made from hard grains.

  • You should enrich your diet with seaweed, which can be added to salads or used as a side dish.

  • Vegetable dishes should be gently processed, i.e. steamed, baked or stewed. Preference should be given to such vegetables as: beets, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, tomatoes and cucumbers.

  • Useful dried fruits – dried apricots and raisins. It is worth eating fresh fruits: bananas, plums, apples, apricots, citrus fruits.

  • All meat and fish dishes must be subjected to gentle processing, and animal products themselves must be of low-fat varieties.

  • Dairy products should be included daily in the menu.

  • Useful all vegetable oils (linseed, sunflower, olive).

  • In the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water. Other drinks that the patient can quench his thirst during the day are teas, juices, fruit drinks.

Prohibited foods for constipation

With hemorrhoids, there is no threat to the life of the patient, however, periods of exacerbation suggest the exclusion of the following products from the menu:

  • Spicy dishes.

  • Fatty foods.

  • Canned foods.

  • Pickled foods.

  • Kissels, cocoa and chocolate.

  • Strong tea, strong coffee.

  • Fresh pastries, confectionery.

  • All beans.

  • Alcohol.

  • White cabbage, turnip, radish, radish.

  • Rice, semolina, potatoes should be limited.

How to eat after surgery with exacerbation of hemorrhoids and fissures?

Compliance with the correct diet for hemorrhoids is a prerequisite, especially after undergoing surgery to remove hemorrhoids. This will minimize the risk of complications and is the prevention of exacerbation of the disease. Its tasks are to normalize the process of digestion and achieve regular bowel movements.

On the first day after the operation, the patient should only drink, completely refusing to eat.

The second day after the operation involves the following rules:

  • Separation of food intake by 5-6 times.

  • The exclusion of products that cause excessive gas formation and the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines. These are cabbage, turnips, legumes, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, whole milk drinks, confectionery, black bread.

  • Alcohol, marinades, spicy and spicy dishes, smoked products are under an absolute ban.

It is useful to eat crumbly cereals; for the second, you can cook meat dishes from lean meats. The method of cooking is important, so foods should be baked, boiled, stewed or steamed. The meat should not contain coarse fibers. It should be ground into minced meat and cooked in the form of meatballs, soufflés, etc.

It is forbidden to fry food until the patient has fully recovered from the operation.

Menu options for hemorrhoids

During an exacerbation of the disease, one should adhere to such a menu that would contribute to the delay of the stool, since for several days the inflamed areas must be protected from mechanical irritation. Diet table number 3 is the base for patients suffering from constipation.

Menu for 1 day

  • Stewed vegetables, soft-boiled egg, dressing from any vegetable oil.

  • Lightly brewed tea (up to 4 glasses per day).

  • Boiled potatoes with herbs and butter.

  • Lenten borscht, baked meatloaf.

  • Buckwheat grain.

  • Steamed fish, vegetables.

  • Kefir before bed.

Menu for 2 day

  • Oatmeal with butter.

  • Compote and fruit drink (up to 4 glasses per day)

  • Fish soufflé.

  • Vegetable soup, boiled chicken or turkey.

  • Beet-carrot stew.

  • Broccoli.

  • Chicken liver pate.

  • Yogurt before bed.

Menu for 3 day

  • Cucumber salad with herbs.

  • Steamed egg omelet with cheese.

  • Tea (up to 4 glasses a day).

  • Fruits are fresh.

  • Shchi with sour cream without meat.

  • Vegetable stew, cottage cheese.

  • Ryazhenka before going to bed.

Indicative menu for one day

  • Omelet without yolk.

  • Meat based broth. The meat itself should be ground.

  • Boiled rice with butter.

  • White bread crackers.

  • Sufficient fluid intake throughout the day.

  • Before going to bed, herbal decoctions (licorice, coriander, yarrow, senna, etc.).

The menu is not essential. You can add certain dishes to it that are suitable for a particular patient.

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