Diet for healthy joints
Diet for healthy joints

Contrary to what it seems, it is the diet plus moderate exercise adapted to the bone disease that can ensure a very good shape. You can even avoid swallowing medicines from the pharmacy shelf and sometimes painful treatments. Why is healthy joints affected by what we eat? Well, in food we find substances that form our bones in a natural, pure and unprocessed form. Therefore, knowing the important ingredients in food for joint health is essential.


A basic food ingredient for everyone, even without bone problems. It builds tissues, joints. Dairy products are the best source of calcium, which together with phosphorus build cartilage. Source of protein:

  • Kefir,
  • Yogurt,
  • To be,
  • milk,

Legumes and cereals

They contain substances that cause better production of the synovial substance in the joints, which surrounds each joint and prevents inflammation, joint rubbing and destruction.

Legumes and grain products:

  • Bran,
  • paddy rice,
  • wholemeal pasta,
  • groats,
  • legumes,


It is one of the best ingredients in our menu for healthy joints. It ensures the correct concentration of omega 3 fatty acids in the body. Their correct values ​​in the body ensure that the joints are fully protected against inflammation. Fish and the acids contained in them improve joint mobility. The best fish are:

  • Flounder,
  • Tuna,
  • Herring,
  • sardines,


The vitamin E contained in them also prevents the occurrence of inflammations that result from overload and excessive physical exertion. The best sources of the oil are:

  • Italian nuts,
  • Linseed,
  • Rapeseed oil,

Garlic and onion

These are not only great substances for immunity. Well, these two food ingredients contain specific substances that limit the production of hormones that sustain very painful inflammation in the joints. Diet for joints must contain them.

Raw Turmeric

The exotic spice also contains substances that inhibit the development of inflammation in the joints. It is very important to remember about it and add it to dishes such as meat.

Drinks recommended for joint health

Just as food is important, drinks also play a big role in bone health. It is recommended to consume drinks containing a high concentration of bioflavonoids that have a protective effect on the joints. Such drinks include: green tea, grape juice, currant juice, and even a glass of dry red wine from time to time will not hurt. Just as important are the dishes and ingredients that heal and support joints, there are also ingredients on the menu that should be limited.

Reduce or even eliminate:

  • Cocoa,
  • cranberry,
  • Spinach,
  • Rhubarb,
  • Cocoa,
  • Sun,
  • white sugar,
  • Alcohol, coffee and other drugs

Recently, scientists have also proven that rheumatism and bone problems often have an allergic background. It is important to diagnose whether our ailments are not caused by certain foods and ingredients in the diet. This should be checked to have a complete picture of your condition. Diet for joints must be composed carefully

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