Diet for gaining weight, or how to gain weight?

Diets are usually associated with ways to lose kilograms – no wonder, after all, today many people have too much opportunity to eat hearty, fatty meals with low nutritional value. Nevertheless, sometimes there is a need to gain some weight, for example after suffering from a serious illness or simply to achieve the desired figure. This does not mean, however, that it is enough to just eat a lot – in this way we will sooner ruin our health. We advise you on how to easily create a healthy diet to gain weight.

Who is the weight loss diet for?

Sometimes it happens that, due to various factors, we do not provide our body with as much nutrients as we should. Many diseases are manifested by reduced appetite, sometimes stress or overwork also disturbs us in regular eating of nutritious meals. The result is then emaciation, which many people find unattractive, but most of all it is associated with deficiencies and other negative health consequences. In such a situation, it is worth implementing even a simple diet for gaining weight in order to obtain the correct body weight.

In this situation, the diet for gaining weight for men does not differ much from the diet for women. Gentlemen should only take care of a slightly larger supply of calories, but of course adapted to the lifestyle and type of work. Weight loss diets for teenagers are a slightly more delicate issue. Many teenagers dream of a fuller shape, and a teenager with an impressive musculature, but in adolescence, the metabolic rate can be so fast that it is impossible to make the calories taken in accumulate in the body weight. Opting for radical gaining diets with very high caloric intake can be such a bad idea that it can introduce eating habits that will also persist after your metabolism slows down. Weight gain may then exceed the assumptions, and developing new habits will be associated with heavy sacrifices.

  1. Also read: Ectomorphs – body type, temperament, ectomorph-appropriate diet

How should the best weight gain diet work?

The basic premise of any diet is child’s play: if you take in fewer calories than you consume, you lose weight, and if more than your body “burns”, then you gain weight. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do the whole thing. Especially in the case of weight gain, it makes a big difference whether the increase in body weight is associated with the increase in muscle or fat tissue, because it affects our figure. It is also worth being aware that gaining weight on the basis of “the fatter the meal the better” is the way to problems with too high cholesterol, not to mention the carcinogenic effect of deep-fried and heavily processed foods, such as fast food.

That is why it is worth composing varied, wholesome meals with the so-called healthy caloric bombs. The number of meals is also important – it is suggested that there should be as many as five of them a day, but slightly smaller, in order to constantly add energy and nutrients to the body. Physical activity is also of key importance, because thanks to it we will gain muscle tissue, which is the foundation of a beautiful, elastic figure. As the weight gain diet progresses, it is worth gradually increasing both the caloric intake and the level of physical activity.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

What is worth eating in a diet to gain weight?

As already mentioned, fast food, sweets and salty snacks are not good building blocks for weight gain. When implementing a diet to gain weight, it is worth paying attention to the following products:

  1. Dairy products such as milk, kefir, buttermilk, yogurt or cheese. As with any other type of food, it is worth ensuring that they are as least processed as possible.
  2. Lean meat, poultry, fish, preferably the more fatty ones.
  3. Legumes in particular are high in calories: chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas and broad beans. In a properly composed meal, they will give you the same strength as a meat meal, but they are easier to digest, thus avoiding the feeling of heaviness after a meal.
  4. A simple way to get extra calories and nutrients is to add fat to your food. It should always be fat that is added cold at the end of cooking, and it must also be of high quality. Olive oil, linseed oil, pumpkin seed oil and many other vegetable oils are recommended.
  5. Nuts, dried fruit, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are a great snack and a healthy caloric bomb at the same time. They provide many nutrients and calories, taste great, and at the same time do not stretch the stomach walls due to the small volume.

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