Diet for dysbacteriosis

A diet for dysbacteriosis is the organization of therapeutic nutrition, which, as its main task, has the normalization of the disturbed balance of the intestinal microflora. Dietary dishes must necessarily form the basis of the patient’s diet, since they are the basis for the treatment of all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, along with drug treatment. Sometimes, simply by normalizing your menu and adjusting your lifestyle, you can achieve a complete recovery. Nevertheless, intestinal dysbacteriosis is a consequence of serious disorders in the human body, which must be eliminated together with the doctor.

It is the doctor who helps the patient to draw up the optimal menu in his case, to exclude products that disrupt the functioning of the intestines.

The tasks of dietary nutrition in dysbacteriosis:

  • Replenishment of the body’s need for nutrients, which are designed to compensate for energy costs.

  • Restore impaired intestinal motility.

  • Restore disturbed metabolism.

  • Restore the intestinal microflora.

What can you eat with dysbacteriosis?

If dysbacteriosis is accompanied by constipation, then patients are recommended to include in the diet dishes that enhance the motor function of the colon. Untreated vegetables and fruits, dried fruits have a pronounced laxative effect (special attention should be paid to dried apricots and prunes). Do not ignore boiled and stewed vegetables, as well as lactic acid products.

If dysbacteriosis is accompanied by diarrhea, then the patient will benefit from foods high in tannin. Among them: strong tea, cocoa without milk, blueberries, bird cherry, all dishes with a viscous consistency.

So, with dysbacteriosis, the following foods and dishes are allowed for consumption:


If diarrhea predominates

If constipation prevails

Flour products and bread

Rusks and dried bread. Roasted dark crust should be removed before use. Bad cookie.

Dried biscuit, yesterday’s bread, second grade flour bread. The cookies are bad.

Soup, broths

Fat-free broths cooked with meat or fish. It is possible to add boiled cereals, grated meat to the soup.

On vegetable broth, on meat broth, but not too strong and greasy.


Any fish, but not oily. Cooking method: quenelles, meatballs or meatballs, or whole, steamed and boiled.

Lean fish. Method of preparation: do not chop, whole. Fish can be boiled and baked. Seafood allowed.

Dairy produce

Only low-fat cottage cheese. Yogurt, kefir, sour cream, mild cheese – as the inflammation process fades.

Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, mild cheeses.


No more than 2 pieces per day. Method of preparation: steamed, boiled soft-boiled or added to soups.

No more than 2 pieces per day, you can cook them hard-boiled, steam omelettes are allowed.



Salads based on raw vegetables with dressing from vegetable oil, sour cream. Low-fat ham, soaked herring snacks, aspic.

Fruits, desserts

In raw form, only grated apples can be used. It is recommended to cook kissels and jelly for dessert. As a basis, you can take a pear, quince, bird cherry, dogwood and other fruits rich in tannin.

Any fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits. Marmalade, marshmallow, jam, honey.


A little butter can be added to dishes, dressing only based on fat-free broth.

Sauces with herbs, meat and fish broth sauces, tomato sauce, sour cream sauce.


Black and green tea. Cocoa and coffee on the water, decoctions of herbs, currants, bird cherry.

Tea with milk, rosehip broth, vegetable and fruit juices.


A small amount of butter.

Butter, vegetable oils.

A separate item in the permitted products for constipation are vegetable dishes. They need to be eaten as much as possible, as they contain indigestible fiber and contribute to the speedy progress of the food bolus through the intestines. Useful will be such boiled and fresh vegetables as: beets, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. You can stew white cabbage so that it does not contribute to increased gas formation.

What can not be eaten with dysbacteriosis?

Most of the products that are not recommended for use in dysbacteriosis are also prohibited in other diseases of the digestive system. When compiling the menu, it is necessary to take into account the type of disorder that dysbacteriosis occurs. Constipation or diarrhea predominate in the patient, as the list of dishes will vary.

So, with dysbacteriosis, the following products are prohibited:


If diarrhea predominates

If constipation prevails

Bread and flour products

All flour products, except dried bread.

Any product made from flour of the highest grade.

Soups and broths

Fatty broths, milk soups, with pasta.

All soups are allowed, except for those cooked in fatty broth.


All fatty and processed meat, lumpy sinewy meat, sausages, canned food, etc.

Fatty meat, goose, duck, canned meat products.


All oily fish, caviar, canned fish.

Smoked, salted fish, canned fish.

Dairy produce

Whole milk is prohibited.

Any dairy products are allowed.


Fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs, as well as raw.



Raw vegetables.

Garlic, raw onion, mushrooms, radish, radish, turnip.



With the addition of smoked meats or fatty and spicy foods.

Fruits, desserts

Fresh berries and fruits, all confectionery, including honey and jam.

Quince, dogwood, jelly, cream-based confectionery, blueberries.


Sharp, spicy, fatty. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard.

Mustard, hot sauces, fatty sauces.



Rice, semolina, legumes, pasta.

Menu for a week with dysbacteriosis

The menu also differs depending on whether you have constipation or diarrhea.

Menu for a week with dysbacteriosis with constipation




Main meal

Afternoon snack


1 day

Lazy dumplings. Green weak tea.

Carrot-apple soufflé.

Chicken sausages with crumbly buckwheat porridge. Cabbage salad. Borscht with beef. Dried fruits compote.

Chopped herring soaked in milk.

Chicken cutlets with sour cream sauce. Mashed potatoes with chicken yolk. Kvass.

2 day

Baked carrot-apple cutlets, cocoa in milk.

Stewed pumpkin with milk sauce with honey.

Egg-vegetable salad (carrots, potatoes, beets, apple, 2 leaves of lettuce, egg). Shchi with egg flakes, pearl barley with beef in sour cream sauce. Compote.

Rye bread with fish paste.

Chicken and vegetable casserole (carrots, cauliflower). Salad of eggs and green onions with sour cream dressing. Apple pastille. Rosehip decoction.

3 day

Cottage cheese and corn flakes casserole. Coffee with milk.

Croutons with vegetables.

The vinaigrette. Barley soup with beef. Steamed pumpkin. Compote.

Egg pate with rye bread.

Fish in milk sauce. Mashed potatoes. Compote.

4 day

Breadcrumbs porridge. Cocoa with milk.


Salad of cherries and clover leaves. Diet pickle. Soufflé from zander with butter. Tea.

Salad of fresh cucumbers, eggs and cauliflower, with sour cream.

Meat steamed beef pudding. Rosehip decoction.

5 day

Curd with apples. Black tea with milk.

Baked pear.

Soup with potatoes, stewed onions and sour cream. Meat stew with crumbly buckwheat.


Fish stuffed with apples. Pumpkin porridge. Rosehip decoction.

6 day

Egg omelet. Coffee with milk.

Carrot slices.

Meatball casserole. Berry soup with croutons. Tea.

Dried fruits compote.

Chicken bouillon. Homemade muesli. Compote.

7 day

Pumpkin casserole. Green tea.

Boiled egg.

Sweet and sour rabbit meat with buckwheat. Chicken bouillon. Juice.

Fruit compote. Rye cracker.

Green bits. Buckwheat boiled with butter. Pear and carrot soup. Compote.

Menu for a week with dysbacteriosis with diarrhea




Main meal

Afternoon snack


1 day

Lazy dumplings without sour cream with sugar. Green tea.

Apple Cake.

Borscht in vegetable broth with potatoes. Buckwheat with apples. Morse from currant.

Kissel from jealousy.

Meatballs. Rice with apples. Zucchini pate with cheese. Rosehip decoction.

2 day

Protein steam omelet. Black tea.

Wheat biscuit.

Shchi with apples. Meatballs with rice. Tea.

Berry or fruit jelly.

Fish soufflé. Oatmeal. Juice.

3 day

Semolina porridge. Green tea.

Baked quince.

Green cabbage soup from fireweed with carrots and potatoes. Barley groats grated with turkey steam cutlets. Black tea.

Oatmeal jelly.

Fish dumplings. Zucchini stuffed with rice. Rosehip decoction.

4 day

Oatmeal. Cocoa in rice water.

Baked apple.

Sweet soup with rice dumplings. Steam chicken meatballs. Black currant juice.

Galette cookies.

Steam sterlet. Grated buckwheat with butter. Fruit and berry jelly.

5 day

Steamed semolina. Coffee without milk.

Berry or fruit jelly.

Potato zrazy with boiled meat. Soup in vegetable broth with egg flakes. Juice.

Kissel from dried blueberries.

Rabbit cutlets. Hard boiled pasta or any permitted cereal. Curd soufflé. Green tea. 

6 day

Sweet rice with cottage cheese. Coffee without milk.

Toasted bread with chicken pate.

Chicken cutlets with grated buckwheat. Rice and vegetable broth with egg flakes. Juice.

Biscuits with jelly.

Turkey meatballs, boiled rice, toast with curd cream. Rosehip decoction.

7 day

Egg-curd casserole. Green tea.

Berry or fruit jelly.

Rice roll with fruits. Vegetable soup with rabbit meatballs. Black tea with milk.

Cracker, blackcurrant decoction.

Ground beef casserole with egg and mild cheese. Mashed potatoes. Fruit and berry jelly.

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