Diet for cystitis

Diet for cystitis – This is a specially selected nutrition scheme, which is based on the elimination of inflammation from damaged bladder tissues. It is based on the introduction of light foods and adherence to a certain drinking regimen.

Diet principles for cystitis

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is important when drawing up dietary nutrition, be guided by the following principles:

  • Foods and drinks should have a diuretic effect;

  • Salt should be removed from the diet to the maximum;

  • Any spicy food will be banned;

  • The content of protein products should be minimized;

  • Fats should be excluded;

  • Sugar and any substitutes for it must be removed from the menu;

  • Diet should not cause constipation;

  • Processing of all products should be minimal, frying, smoking, canning is prohibited.

Diet during the acute phase of cystitis

Diet for cystitis

The exacerbation of the disease in any of its forms is accompanied by severe pain and frequent urge to empty the inflamed organ. Most often, it lasts no more than a week, so at this time the diet should be especially strict. It is important to ensure maximum lavage of the urinary tract, which will help eliminate any pathogen.

 Therefore, the power scheme should be built on the following rules:

  • Drinking liquid should not be less than 2000 ml. It is desirable to bring its daily volume to 2500 ml. It should be not only ordinary, but also calcium chloride mineral water. In addition, fruit compotes without added sugar, vegetable juices are useful. Pumpkin juice has an excellent diuretic effect. Berry fruit drinks based on lingonberries and cranberries help relieve inflammation.

  • Useful vegetables such as: cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, pumpkin, carrots. Of the fruits on the table, pomegranate and pear should be present. Depending on the season, watermelons can be consumed. All this food of plant origin has a diuretic, and, therefore, a healing effect.

  • Once a day, you can drink herbal tea with a spoonful of honey, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Lingonberry leaves, corn stigmas, green tea leaves can be used as the basis for tea.

  • The menu should not include dairy products. This is due to their high content of calcium and fat. It is allowed to use once a day a small portion of cottage cheese, natural yogurt, low-fat and unsalted cheese or milk of your choice.

  • During the manifestation of the disease, it is worth abandoning meat products and fish. followed by gradual introduction. Preference should be given to lean meats and river fish.

  • Constipation can be prevented by eating vegetables. Useful cabbage, and any of its varieties. You can introduce bran, cereals made from whole grain cereals into the diet.

  • It is allowed to season salads with vegetable or olive oil. Once a day, you can eat a handful of pine nuts.

What products are banned?

Diet for cystitis

In order not to provoke an aggravation of the disease, it is important to avoid certain foods and drinks. It is forbidden to use during illness:

  • Fruits, containing large amounts of fruit acids. They contribute to irritation of the inflamed mucosa and prevent its healing. Among these fruits, apples, lemons, oranges, pineapples, melons, avocados and peaches are especially dangerous.

  • Vinegar and all dishes containing it. Even with the subsidence of the disease, it can provoke its exacerbation. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it even after a complete cure, especially for people prone to relapses.

  • Various sauces, the most popular being mayonnaise, soy sauce and ketchup. They are contraindicated due to their high content of fat and salt. In addition, the composition of mayonnaise includes an egg, mustard and vinegar, which are prohibited during illness.

  • Sugar in its pure form and products containing it in large quantities. This is due to the fact that microbacteria begin to eat it in the body. Their reproduction intensifies, in parallel, the dose of toxins they secrete increases. They, in turn, exacerbate the symptoms of the disease and prevent recovery.

  • Any canned food should not be present on the table of a person with cystitis. The same applies to smoked meats, sausages, lard.

  • Alcoholic drinks. Any alcohol removes fluid from the body, which leads to dehydration. Urine becomes more concentrated and more irritates the inflamed organ.

  • Coffee and strong tea. The effect of these drinks is similar to the effect of alcohol. For a while, it is worth giving up brewing cocoa.

  • Any sweet and carbonated drinks, tomato juice, energy drinks.

  • Certain vegetables are banned. Avoid consumption of asparagus, tomatoes and beans. Do not add onion, radish, radish, sorrel, garlic, horseradish to food. All these vegetables contribute to additional irritation of the inflamed bladder.

Sample menu for the day

Given the basic recommendations of doctors, you can independently create a menu that does not harm the patient. In the morning it is allowed to eat any cereal porridge. For lunch, vegetable soups, salads with vegetable oil dressing and steamed meat dishes are prepared. Dinner should be light and consist mainly of vegetables allowed for consumption.

The menu for one day may consist of the following dishes:

  • For breakfast, you can cook porridge on the water, a sandwich with unsalted cheese. As a drink, herbal tea based on lingonberry leaves is suitable.

  • As a snack, you can use a baked pear.

  • For lunch, prepare beetroot soup, steamed zander cutlets. Broccoli can be used as a side dish. Drink – cranberry juice.

  • In the afternoon, you can eat a baked pumpkin, drink a glass of green tea.

  • Vinaigrette, pasta and boiled lean meat are prepared for dinner.

It is important not to forget about the proper drinking regime, using mineral water.

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