Diet for cholecystitis. Video
Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder that can appear and worsen with improper diet. A lack of food rich in plant fibers, as well as an excess of animal fats and sweets, contribute to the stagnation of bile and cause the onset of inflammatory processes in the biliary tract. Compliance with a therapeutic diet avoids the unpleasant symptoms of cholecystitis and promotes a quick recovery.
Features of a therapeutic diet for cholecystitis
Diet with cholecystitis helps to remove bile from the gallbladder, as well as eliminate inflammation. It is necessary to use only easily digestible fats, for example, vegetable oil, which stimulates the secretion of bile. The diet should include foods that contain a large amount of magnesium salts: vegetables, fruits and buckwheat. Such products improve bile secretion, reduce pain and gallbladder spasms.
You need to eat more dairy and plant products. Milk helps prevent inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, improves acid-base balance.
Fiber, which is found in plant foods, binds and removes cholesterol from the body, reduces the level of bile produced, and also normalizes stool
A therapeutic diet involves eating small meals 4-5 times a day. This improves the absorption of fats, and also promotes the release of bile with microorganisms that exacerbate the inflammatory process. If a person suffering from cholecystitis begins to eat 3 times a day, bile will stagnate in the gallbladder during long breaks between meals. This can lead to stones or infection. With frequent meals, the process of removing bile from the biliary tract occurs, which is necessary for the patient.
The total weight of the daily diet is 3,5 kg. This is slightly above normal due to the increase in fluid intake. However, you cannot overeat: this increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, which adversely affects the state of the gallbladder.
Dishes for a therapeutic diet should be predominantly steam or boiled
Baked and stewed foods are sometimes acceptable. Fried foods are completely excluded, since during the frying process, substances are formed that irritate the intestinal mucosa, stomach and liver. Dishes should not be hot or cold, as this can provoke stomach cramps. Therefore, you should eat warm food, medium temperature. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.
You should refuse to eat foods that contain a large amount of cholesterol: egg yolk, brains, liver, caviar, etc. Eggs can be eaten no more than 2–3 times a week. In this case, it is preferable to eat only protein. Also, you should not get carried away with flour products and sweets. Bread is best eaten from bran. Coffee and black tea should be kept to a minimum.
It is advisable to eat several pears daily. Due to their chemical composition, they have a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. An excellent remedy that helps to avoid liver and gallbladder disorders, – chicory. You should regularly drink a decoction from the roots, flowers or seeds of this plant. Fresh chicory juice stimulates the secretion of bile.
Diet for cholecystitis: recommended and prohibited foods
Recommended products:
- low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.)
- lean poultry and meat
- viscous, slimy soups without frying
- sweet berries and fruits
- vegetables, especially carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, tomatoes and beets
- you can eat 2 eggs a week in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled
- vegetable oil when added to ready-made dishes
- butter in a small amount
- lightly dried or stale bread
- porridge, except millet
- croquet biscuits soaked in milk or boiled water
- purified spring and mineral water, such as “Essentuki” and “Borjomi” – at least 3 liters of water per day
- tea, coffee with milk, jelly, compote, sweet fruit juices
With a diet, the daily rate of vegetable oil is 20-30 ml, butter – 15 g
Therapeutic nutrition for cholecystitis
Products should be excluded:
- fatty meat – lamb, pork, goose, duck
- fatty fish
- spicy food
- hot spices – mustard, vinegar, pepper, etc.
- sausages, smoked meats, fish and meat broths, liver and kidneys
- pickles and canned food
- spices
- tomato paste
- strong coffee and strong tea
- legumes, beans, sorrel, spinach
- in the presence of gastritis – garlic, onions and radishes, irritating to the intestines and stomach
- cocoa, chocolate, muffins and sour fruits
- sweet carbonated drinks
- alcohol
On an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of rosehip broth
- Breakfast: vegetable salad 150 g, buckwheat porridge with butter, milk sausages 60 g, 1 cup of tea with milk.
- For lunch, you can eat 100 g of cottage cheese with chopped banana or 2 peaches and a glass of milk.
- Lunch: milk soup with semolina dumplings, steamed meat cutlets, boiled vegetables or noodles, sweet jelly.
- Dinner: vegetable soup and fruit juice or cheese pudding with low-fat fresh cheese, dried fruit compote.
- Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.
The daily salt intake for a diet is not more than 10 g
For the whole day: butter 15 g, bread 400 g, sugar 50 g.
Also interesting to read: the benefits of red vegetables.