Losing weight up to 18 kg in 6 weeks.
The average daily calorie content is 920 Kcal.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease in which deposits of cholesterol and other harmful fats form on the walls of the arteries in the form of plaque and plaque. At the same time, the walls of blood vessels lose elasticity, which can lead to difficulty in the movement of blood due to the narrowed lumen of the arteries. This is fraught with many health problems. With atherosclerosis, a special diet must be followed to improve health.
Diet requirements for atherosclerosis
Before we learn how to eat with atherosclerosis, let’s find out why this disease occurs. According to scientific studies, this disease is most susceptible to men over 35 years old. Increase the risk of meeting with atherosclerosis gout, gallstone disease, various chronic diseases, unhealthy diet, as well as the presence of a significant amount of excess weight. Stress, low physical activity, excessive emotional stress, etc. are also of great importance.
In the presence of atherosclerosis, exclusion from the diet of food containing a large amount of cholesterol is indicated. This means that it is necessary to say goodbye to animals and hydrogenated fats. While dieting, you need to forget about fatty meat of any kind, you also do not need to eat fat. A little butter is acceptable (but no margarine and no spreads!).
It is forbidden to use pates. It is also worth minimizing the presence of by-products (liver, kidneys, lungs, brains) in the diet, and it is better to abandon them altogether.
Exceptions are also required for rich, fatty meat broths. But you do not need to completely exclude meat liquids from the diet. There are ways to make the broth correct and acceptable for use in atherosclerosis. For example, you can simply skim off the fat in the cooled broth with a spoon. Or do the following. Bring the broth to a boil and drain. Now fill the meat with water again and cook the soup in the secondary broth.
Observing a diet with atherosclerosis, it is necessary to say goodbye to sausages and other kinds of sausage products. Also, now you need to give up high-fat whole milk, sour cream (especially homemade), cream, condensed milk and other dairy and sour milk products, in which there was a place for a considerable amount of fat. They are your worst enemies now.
It is necessary to give up ice cream and, of course, fatty, high-calorie sweets during the diet. Taboo – fried potatoes as well as chips. There is nothing good for health in them, only a large amount of fat is present. Mayonnaise and various fatty sauces are strictly prohibited.
Now let’s talk about products that can be consumed, but in limited quantities. Vegetable oils (preferably olive) are recommended for fresh salad dressing. Honey can be allowed up to 2 tsp. in a day. Lean meat is allowed – low-fat beef, minced meat, ham without veins. As for cheeses, you can eat those whose fat content does not exceed 30%. It is allowed to use a little soy sauce to add flavor to the dishes. From alcoholic drinks the maximum that you can afford is a little red dry wine. The rest of the alcohol (especially strong) is dangerous for you.
In addition, the nutritional method for vascular atherosclerosis implies a decrease in the caloric content of the diet by 10-15% of the average norm. Now the daily nutritional value of the menu should be about 1500 kcal for women and 1800-2000 kcal for the stronger sex. It is recommended to lower the energy of the diet precisely by minimizing animal fats and simple carbohydrates in it.
It is recommended (especially for those who are overweight) to do unloading one or two days a week. A good choice in this case would be apple, kefir food. You can also eat low-fat cottage cheese all day. If you approach this wisely, for sure you can positively affect not only your health, but also improve your figure.
Sugar and jam should be limited in the diet. You can allow yourself quite a bit of them and preferably in the morning. You also need to control your salt intake. Do not eat it in a day for more than 8 g. But you cannot completely give up salt, this can provoke the occurrence of other kinds of health problems.
You can use the rest of the products, but do not overeat and do not forget about the principles of proper rational nutrition. Try to eat fractionally, distributing evenly meals so that there are 5-6 of them per day. But do not eat dinner in the next 2-3 hours before bedtime. At the same time, too long pauses between meals and before night rest are not recommended at all. Such deprivation will not lead to anything good.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that with atherosclerosis, you do not need to drink too much water. In this case, the daily allowance is 1,5 liters, including tea and coffee. But the main amount of fluid should come precisely through the use of ordinary pure water, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible.
Products that are especially popular with atherosclerosis and bring maximum benefit include the following:
– lean boiled and baked meat of animals and birds;
– lean fish, various seafood, seaweed;
– fruits and berries, raw and baked, compotes and mousses from them;
– vegetables and herbs (you should not eat only radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, and mushrooms);
– vegetable, fruit, berry, mixed juices;
– buckwheat, oatmeal, millet (you can eat crumbly cereals, cereals, casseroles and other dishes from them);
– flour products: uncooked dry biscuits, bread made from wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grade, rye, peeled, whole grain bread, unsalted pastries with cottage cheese, lean meat and fish (if you are overweight, monitor the amount of flour in the diet);
– eggs in the form of protein omelets or just boiled proteins (consumption of yolks is also allowed, but no more than 2-3 pieces per week);
– beetroot soup, cabbage soup, borscht, vegetable, vegetarian, dairy soups.
As a rule, adhere to a diet for atherosclerosis for a tangible result, you need at least 6 weeks. More detailed recommendations will be given by your attending doctor, consultation with whom is simply necessary.
Approximate diet for atherosclerosis for 3 days
Day 1
Breakfast: curd pudding; tea.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: pearl barley; a fresh vegetable salad; a piece of baked meat; a glass of compote or apple juice.
Afternoon snack: several apple slices; a glass of rosehip broth or herbal tea.
Dinner: mashed potatoes with a very small amount of butter; baked lean fish; weak tea, which is allowed to add a little milk.
Day 2
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with pieces of fruit; tea.
Snack: pear.
Lunch: cabbage soup cooked in water (it is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to it); steamed meatballs and a couple of fresh non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: chamomile tea with two or three uncomfortable cookies.
Dinner: baked fish fillet with lemon and herbs; a couple of small boiled or baked potatoes and other non-starchy stewed vegetables; tea.
Day 3
Breakfast: semolina porridge with a spoonful of honey; tea.
Snack: apple and pear.
Lunch: soup with vegetables and pearl barley; a piece of boiled lean meat; compote.
Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt.
Dinner: fish baked with low-fat sauce; non-starchy fresh vegetables, individually or as a salad.
Note… It is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night.
This example will help you compose your diet for the days ahead. The scope for imagination is wide. Try new flavor combinations and choose the most successful in your opinion.
Diet contraindications for atherosclerosis
- The appointment of this diet and possible adjustment of the menu should be carried out only by a cardiologist / neurologist, depending on the localization of atherosclerotic plaques.
- The obvious contraindications to this diet include only the presence of any diseases that require other special food, as well as individual intolerance to the proposed products.
Advantages of a diet for atherosclerosis
- The diet for atherosclerosis is a balanced diet.
- It has a completely beneficial effect on the body, supporting its normal functioning and improving health.
- Crushing the diet will help maintain a well-fed state and avoid bouts of hunger. As a result, there is no desire to pounce on forbidden products.
- In addition to solving health problems, you can also lose weight.
- Connecting sports will increase the chances of improving your physical performance.
Disadvantages of a diet for atherosclerosis
- The diet usually lasts a long time.
- You need to show willpower in order to withstand the entire period and be able not to violate its rules, without eating sweets and fried foods so beloved by many.
- But remember that you are sacrificing for your own health. So get used to living according to the described system.
Re-dieting for atherosclerosis
The decision to re-diet (if necessary) should be made after consulting your doctor.