Diet for arthrosis

power Principles

The balance of nutrients in the daily menu is the main principle of proper nutrition for arthrosis.

This can also include:

  • regularity of reception;

  • variety;

  • energy value adequate to the consumption;

  • easy digestibility and assimilation;

  • a large amount of fluid consumed;

  • freshness of preparation.

Diet for arthrosis

The number of receptions should be 4-5 times, at a strictly defined time. Dinner should be taken 3.5 hours before bedtime. A variety of food should provide the musculoskeletal system with useful substances to the fullest. If there is excess weight, it must be dealt with, since each extra kilogram is a negative burden for diseased joints.

To solve this problem, you should replace cottage cheese and medium-fat cheese with low-fat. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of bread consumption. For ease of control, you need to know the body mass index. Weight should be divided by height in meters squared.

Normal body mass index = 20-25. With obesity I degree – 25-30, II degree – 30-40, III degree – more than 40.

Proteins and carbohydrates cannot be combined in one dish. Moreover, you can not eat fruit after meat. The speed of digestion of fruits is 15-20 minutes. The rate of digestion of animal proteins is about 2 hours. Therefore, digested fruits are not evacuated from the stomach until the meat is digested. As a result, fermentation occurs, which leads to indigestion. Fruits are best eaten 30 minutes before meals. Proteins of animal and vegetable origin should also not be combined in one dish.

Features of nutrition in arthrosis

Diet for arthrosis

Remove from the menu:

  • spicy and very spicy dishes;

  • yeast dough products, fresh bread, peas and dishes from it, carbonated drinks;

  • fatty meats;

  • strong, rich broths;

  • dried meat and sausage products;

  • dried and salted fish;

  • fried foods;

  • strong tea and coffee without milk (no more than 1 cup per day).

You need to limit:

  • pickles;

  • the amount of table salt in dishes (it is better to use sea salt);

  • offal (tongue, kidneys, lungs).

Be sure to include in your diet:

  • various types of jelly, without flavors and dyes;

  • jellied fish and lean meat in gelatin, and not in concentrated broth;

  • a large amount of clean water;

  • vitamins and minerals.

Products that contain vitamins and minerals necessary for arthrosis:

  • calcium – fresh eggs, cheese, medium-fat cottage cheese, liver, milk, heart, nuts, wholemeal flour, artichokes;

  • phosphorus – bran, salads, soy pods, natural cheeses, fish, seafood;

  • magnesium – sunflower seeds, nuts, avocados, spinach, bean pods, buckwheat;

  • manganese – natural cheeses, liver, heart, poultry, egg yolk, seaweed, beans, bananas, almonds, walnuts;

  • B vitamins – beef liver, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, barley grains, oats, buckwheat, heart, oranges, bananas, avocados;

  • vitamins of group C – apples, pears, plums, sweet peppers, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, citrus fruits, black currants, greens;

  • sulfur, zinc – seafood, broccoli.

Sample menu for a week with arthrosis

Days of the week


2 breakfast


Afternoon snack



3-4 tablespoons of medium fat cottage cheese.

2 toasts with natural butter, tea with milk

Fruits, nuts. Ginger tea.

Soup with vegetable broth. Cabbage salad with herbs.

Buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken.

Fruit jelly, biscuit cookies.

Baked fish, rice.


Oatmeal with raisins. Biscuits, coffee with milk.

Medium fat yogurt. Fruit.

Chicken broth (not rich) with herbs. Broccoli with butter and a little garlic. Beef baked with tomato sauce.

Dried fruit compote, banana.

Stewed rabbit or chicken, seasonal vegetable salad.


Omelette. Toast with butter. Cocoa.

Jelly from natural fruits. Nuts.

Tea with ginger.

Soup with vegetables, fish broth. Seasonal salad. Macaroni (only hard varieties). Boiled chicken.

Medium fat yogurt. Cookie.

Filled fish. The vinaigrette. Juice or fruit drink.


Baked chicken breast, soft-boiled eggs. Coffee with milk. Toast.

Sandwiches with butter and cheese. Dried fruits compote.

Beetroot. Steam meatballs. Rice porrige. Vegetable seasonal salad.

Fruit and milk jelly, mint drink.

Beef or chicken soufflé. Carrot slices. Juice.


Cottage cheese with medium fat sour cream. Sandwich with butter and cheese. Ginger tea.

Scrambled eggs. Fruit salad with nuts. Medium fat yogurt.

Soup with vermicelli. Meat zrazy with Polish minced meat. Seasonal vegetables. Fruit compote.

Fruit jelly. Biscuits, jelly.

Semolina with butter. juice


Creative grandmother. Green tea with toast.

Baked apples. Green tea with mint and ginger.

Vegetable soup with chicken broth. Buckwheat. Beefsteak baked with cheese. Seasonal salad. Dried fruits compote.

Fruit salad. Kissel.

Baked fish with vegetables. Mint drink.


Buckwheat porridge with milk. Cocoa. Toast with butter and cheese.

Omelette. Tea with ginger.

Fish soup. Porridge “Artek”. Boiled ham baked in the oven. Kissel.

Seasonal vegetables.

Baked apples. Jelly.

Vegetable cuts. Kefir medium fat.

Between meals, do not forget about the sufficient amount of water you drink.

Spices: pros and cons

Diet for arthrosis

All diets are based on sparing food, one that contains a minimum of hot spices. But at the same time, useful and necessary herbs are often forgotten. These include:

  • coriander;

  • basil;

  • turmeric;

  • ginger;

  • cinnamon

  • oregano;

  • parsley;

  • dill;

  • a mixture of different peppers.

All of these seasonings can be combined to taste and used with apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil as marinades, replacing mayonnaise. Some of them (cinnamon, ginger) can be added to sweet dishes. All of them are suitable for adding to soups and cereals. Separately, it should be said about drinks with ginger. Tea or decoction should be drunk at least every other day. Try to use ginger drinks in the morning, as they invigorate and have a diuretic effect.

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