Diet for acne, 3 weeks, -9 kg

Losing weight up to 9 kg in 3 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 1200 Kcal.

Acne or blackheads is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Acne occurs due to blockage and increased sebum production. Unfortunately, no matter how much one wants, it is rarely possible to get rid of this nuisance with cosmetics and procedures. For a complete cure, it is worth changing your diet. It is about the acne diet that we suggest you find out now.

Diet requirements for acne

There are two main types of acne causes: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Very often, acne is an external manifestation of hormonal disruptions in the body and endocrine disorders. With such deviations, as a rule, the number of bacteria in the body increases, which is manifested by skin problems.

If we talk about non-hormonal causes, the following are the main factors that trigger the onset of acne.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of kidney stones, dysbiosis, liver disease.
  • Depressive states and frequent stress. All this disrupts the work of the endocrine glands and leads to the appearance of acne and acne on the human skin.
  • The predisposition is genetic. Acne syndrome is often inherited. If someone in your family does not have sebaceous glands working properly, then there is a good chance that this problem will affect you too. By the way, it is men who are most often affected by acne.
  • Strong passion for tanning. Often, ultraviolet rays, forcing sebum to be secreted in a large dosage, provoke acne. So be sure to use sunscreen before soaking up the sun.
  • Improper nutrition. Acne often manifests itself with a large presence in the diet of sweet and flour products, fatty dairy products, nuts, fast food, coffee and alcohol.

Now let’s talk directly about the diet that experts suggest adhering to for acne. First of all, it is worth giving up (or significantly minimizing) food that increases the level of cholesterol in the blood: hot spices and spices, mayonnaise, ketchup, various kinds of fatty sauces, fatty meats, lard, smoked meats, fried foods, various fast food, sweets (except honey ). A large number of these products on the menu can oversaturate the body with toxins.

Excessive amounts of coffee and drinks containing caffeine in large quantities can also lead to a loss of skin attractiveness. The ingestion of this substance into the body stimulates the production of a hormone such as cortisol. And an increased level of cortisol provokes acne. This hormone jumps, by the way, and in connection with stressful situations. This is why frequent mood swings can also brighten our epidermis.

You should not get carried away with meat and fatty milk, since these products contain a lot of protein, which provokes too active production of steroid hormones. They also cause skin problems.

It is also recommended to give up sugar. It is advisable not to consume more than 5-6 teaspoons of it daily (and even then, in the absence of problems with excess weight). Better to replace it with fructose or brown sugar (of course, also in moderation).

If acne manifests itself acutely, a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages is necessary, since the components present in alcohol can worsen the protective (barrier) properties of the liver. Because of this, the body accumulates more and more harmful substances, and the appearance of the skin suffers significantly.

Try to diversify your menu as much as possible by using healthy foods. During the acne diet, you should focus on the following foods:

– lean meat;

– lean fish and seafood;

– dairy, fermented milk products (fat-free or fat content not higher than 5%);

– whole grain cereals: buckwheat, rice (preferably brown), barley, oatmeal;

– non-starchy fruits and vegetables.

As for drinks, it is recommended to give preference to various types of tea, freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices and, of course, pure water without gas.

Fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, but they should not be saturated. This means that lard, margarine and other types of these products of animal origin should be said goodbye. Use vegetable oils, but try not to heat them, but eat them fresh (for example, dressing vegetable salads).

For acne, it is recommended to eat 5 times a day. If you want to lose weight, just cut back on your portion sizes a bit and try to eat low-calorie foods. In this case, for a faster effect, you can refuse to eat after 18 pm. In a situation where your goal is purely to improve the condition of the skin, you can eat at any time of the day, but limit the dinner time to three hours before lights out (so as not to harm digestion and fall asleep comfortably). And if you also include sports (which, in general, will not hurt in any case), you will probably very soon notice positive changes that are reflected not only on the skin, but also on the figure.

In parallel with the diet for this disease, an additional intake of multivitamins is recommended. Vitamins of group B are especially needed. The use of vitamins of groups A, E, C, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron can also help the body to cope with the problem more quickly. They can be obtained not only from food, but also from special preparations. Of course, you need to constantly take care of your skin, including with the help of cosmetics.

Diet menu for acne

Approximate weekly diet for acne


Breakfast: muesli without sugar, drenched in milk; tea.

Snack: a couple of biscuits and tea.

Lunch: pea soup, the ingredients of which are, in addition to the main product, lean beef, some potatoes, carrots and various greens; 1-2 slices of bread (preferably from coarse flour); pear and a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Dinner: baked fish fillet; salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and greens; tea.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits and chopped nuts; tea.

Snack: banana.

Lunch: borscht seasoned with a small amount of sour cream of minimum fat content; grain loaf; 2 small plums and pomegranate juice (200 ml).

Afternoon snack: a couple of small kiwis.

Dinner: a portion of lean beef goulash; buckwheat; a tomato; a glass of citrus juice.


Breakfast: oatmeal, which can be cooked in milk, with the addition of dried fruits; 2 whole wheat toast; tea.

Snack: 2 lean cookies.

Lunch: fish soup made from lean fish, carrots, potatoes, various greens; a couple of slices of rye bread; cucumber and a glass of tomato juice.

Afternoon snack: about 200 ml of homemade yogurt without additives.

Dinner: vegetable stew made from bell peppers, zucchini, green beans, carrots, herbs; a slice of coarse flour bread, an apple and tea.


Breakfast: 2 boiled chicken eggs; a few lettuce leaves; 2 whole wheat toast; tea.

Snack: toast or a couple of whole grain crisps; tea.

Lunch: boiled or baked chicken fillet; salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and greens; a slice of rye bread; peach.

Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.

Dinner: a portion of brown rice in the company of baked or boiled lean fish; cucumber and a glass of grapefruit juice.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge cooked in milk, to which you can add a little butter; whole grain bread and tea.

Snack: banana.

Lunch: cabbage soup cooked in low-fat chicken broth; a slice of rye bread; apple juice (200 ml).

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

Dinner: stew of vegetables and a small amount of lean beef; orange or 2-3 tangerines; tea.


Breakfast: steam omelet from two chicken eggs; 2 wholemeal toast and tea.

Snack: 2-3 biscuit biscuits; tea.

Lunch: chicken soup with hard pasta or cereals; cucumber and tomato salad; a slice of rye bread and orange juice (200 ml).

Afternoon snack: kefir or fermented baked milk (200 ml).

Dinner: 2 steamed beef cutlets; a few tablespoons of barley porridge; bell pepper and tea.


Breakfast: multi-cereal porridge covered with milk; toast and tea.

Snack: pear.

Lunch: fish soup from lean fish; 2 slices whole grain or rye bread cucumber and tomato salad; orange; plum juice (200 ml).

Safe, an apple.

Dinner: brown rice pilaf and lean chicken meat; a little vinaigrette; whole grain bread; tea.

Diet contraindications for acne

  • The acne diet is essentially a set of nutritional guidelines. So life according to this technique will be useful not only for people who are faced with a skin problem, but also for everyone who wants to preserve health and maintain (or gain) the attractiveness of the figure.
  • You should not adhere to the described diet if you have any health features or diseases that require specialized nutrition.

Benefits of a Acne Diet

  1. Diet for acne helps solve a problem that prevents a huge number of people from enjoying life to the fullest because of their appearance.
  2. This technique does not force you to starve, unlike many standard diets, it allows you to eat well and varied.
  3. The body is not stressed. On the contrary, as a rule, the state of health only improves.
  4. It is noteworthy that a diet for acne also helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and obesity, and with minor modifications it allows you to lose extra pounds.

Disadvantages of a diet for acne

  1. Since this diet provides an abundance of fruits in the diet, some people have stomach upset. If you encounter such a problem, it is worth reducing the amount of fruit food and introducing the gifts of nature into the menu more gradually (especially if you have eaten very little of them before).
  2. Also, not everyone may like the duration of the technique. The first noticeable results from adhering to it are usually visible after about 3-4 weeks.
  3. But, so that the problem does not return, the basic principles of the diet must be adhered to throughout life. So the previous diet will have to be fully revised. But beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice.
  4. And such infringements will only benefit your appearance and health. Try it!

Re-dieting for acne

Continue the acne diet, if you feel good, can be as long as you like. Just when the situation improves, you can occasionally allow yourself food retreats, but try not to get carried away and not drastically change such a diet, no matter how ideal your skin looks.

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